If you’re looking for free wheelchairs, free mobility scooters, and other free mobility aids in Rhode Island, we’ve got you covered!
This page is a complete resource for free assistive devices (wheelchairs, scooters, and more) and independent living resources in the state of Rhode Island.
Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!
Free Wheelchairs & Assistive Devices in Rhode Island
1. Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan
The Rhode Island Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan (ATEL) Program provides landline/home telephones and wireless devices on loan to qualified individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, have a speech disability, or have neuromuscular damage or disease that hinders them from using a standard telephone. You must be a RI Resident, have one of the above-mentioned disabilities, and meet one of the income qualifier criteria described on the application.
The ATEL Program now offers a Hearing and Speech Lab which will offer iPad/iPhone training and have the following devices available for FREE demonstrations, as well as, many devices available for short term loans.
- Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan
- 462-7857
2. East Bay Community Action Program
East Bay Community Action Program is a private, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. The services they offer help make sure everyone can reach their full potential. This may mean solving immediate challenges, like access to food or housing. Or, it may mean getting and staying healthy for life. There’s medical and dental care, behavioral health care, human services, and community programs. They have a senior services program that provides seniors with options and resources to help them remain in their community as well as avoid falls, hospitalizations and nursing home placement. This program includes Minor home modifications and assistive devices.
- East Bay Community Action Program
- 401-437-1000 ext 156
3. New England Regional Council of Carpenters
The North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters represents 28,000 carpenters, pile drivers, shop and millmen, and floorcoverers working throughout New England and New York state. Union carpenters and contractors are at the very heart of the community. You see them working in communities across New England and New York state every day. They have a wheelchair ramp program where volunteers build ramps for people who can’t afford them.
- New England Regional Council of Carpenters
- 1-800-275-6200-750
4. Ocean State Center for Independent Living
The Ocean State Center for Independent Living is a non-residential, consumer-driven, community-based, cross-disability, non-profit organization. A partner in the Assistive Technology Access Partnership (ATAP), OSCIL provides elders and persons with disabilities with information on how assistive devices may enhance their independence. OSCIL also maintains an inventory of various types of AT available to the public for a short or long-term loan. OSCIL assists individuals having a disability to address personal barriers to independence in the home. In many cases, people are unaware of the vast array of assistive devices that are available to facilitate access in all areas of the home. OSCIL will provide assistance in understanding and acquiring assistive devices to increase access and independence in the home.
- Ocean State Center for Independent Living
- 401-738-1013
5. Rhode Island Assistive Technology Access Partnership
The Rhode Island Assistive Technology Access Partnership (ATAP) is designed as a statewide partnership of organizations, each with a targeted assistive technology focus, working together to improve access to and acquisition of assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. some of their programs include device demonstration, device loan, device re-use, training, public awareness, collaboration, information & referral.
- Rhode Island Assistive Technology Access Partnership
- (401) 462.7917
6. Rhode Island Division of Veterans Affairs
The Rhode Island VA strives to thank US veterans for their service by providing the best care and support possible. For disabled veterans, this often means funding the acquisition of a vehicle with handicapped accessories, adaptive driving controls or other accessibility modifications.
- Rhode Island Division of Veterans Affairs
- (401) 254-8495
7. Rhode Island Statewide Independent Living Council
Federally mandated SILCs operated in every US state, and this is your go-to Council as a Rhode Island resident. While direct action on behalf of individuals is typically limited, they are an excellent source of information. A representative should be able to steer you toward state disability grants to apply toward a mobility assistance.
- Rhode Island Statewide Independent Living Council
- (401) 337-5888
8. Rhode Island Office of healthy aging
Are you age 55 or older, an adult living with a disability or a caregiver? Do you have a question about the opportunities available to you? Call or visit the Point to talk with a specialist today and get connected to resources in your area – for free. Explore options for healthcare, employment, and more; get help with applying to public and private programs.
- Rhode Island Office of healthy aging
- Contact
- 401-462-3000
9. Robert J. Allen Medical Equipment Distribution Center
Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organization. Freemasons live by an ethical and moral code that distinguishes them and creates an atmosphere where friendship and understanding can grow among men of every religion, race, and culture. Robert J. Allen Medical Equipment Distribution Center organizes an inventory of durable medical equipment. If you know of someone in need or has equipment they would like to donate, let them know and they will make the arrangements. They have available free of charge a wide variety of equipment such as walkers, canes, wheelchairs, commodes, shower chairs, electric hospital beds, lift chairs, transport chairs, and ramps.
- Robert J. Allen Medical Equipment Distribution Center
- (401) 435-4650
10. TechACCESS of Rhode Island
Founded in 1991, this organization is devoted to getting necessary assistive technology into the hands of Rhode Island’s disabled. They loan out devices for trials, provide usage instruction, share information and resources and help state residents locate and secure funding opportunities for assistive technology acquisition.
- TechACCESS of Rhode Island
- (800) 916- 8324
11. TriCounty Community Action
Tri-County’s Senior and Disabled Adult Case Managers are available to assist with a multitude of services including nutrition services, healthcare, and medical assistance, home health aides, home modifications, elder abuse prevention, and when necessary, nursing home referrals. Their goal is to identify the needs of the individual and their family and to prepare strategies to assist them in meeting those needs.
- TriCounty Community Action
- 401 349-5760
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Thank you for all the amazing info and work you put into helping so many navigate the confusion of where and how to get Theo for a senior…
My dad is 95 is a recent widow . He took care of his 94 year old wife who had dementia up until last December. He lives in Warwick RI. He walks very slow and not a block without becoming very tired. We live in Florida and are visiting on aug 11th for his 95 birthday And would like to take him to places he’s not able to go to and wondering how we can borrow or rent some kind of a portable scooter we can get in the car so that he can enjoy the sights and sounds without being totally exhausted. Thank you in advance for your answer!
Lynn McDonald
I’m looking for a mobility scooter I’m on oxygen 24/7 recently broke my leg I’m supposed to have a right shoulder reversal at the end of September which might not happen because of my leg. Any help out there for me??
Hello Sales ,
Greetings from KelvinJames Shop INC. We would like to purchase some items from your facility to Belize.
I would like to know if you accept credit card for payment or check and i would also like to know if you allow a private freight forwarder pick-up the items I intend to purchase ?
Thank you
Best Regards
Kelvin James
KelvinJames Shop INC
26 Regent St Belize City
Belize, Central America
Tel 6557398129