Are you looking for free transportation for seniors in your area? You’re in the right place!
On this page you’ll find the most comprehensive listing of free transportation programs for the elderly, including programs that operate across the country.
We also have individual directories for each of the 50 US states. If you’d like to see free transportation programs that operate only in your city and/or state, please click your state below and you’ll be taken to the directory:
State-Level Free Transportation Programs for Seniors:
MissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahoma
OregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming
National Free Transportation Programs for Seniors:
American Cancer Society – Road to Recovery Volunteer Transportation
Program Description:
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem.
Their Global Headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, and they have more than 350 regional and local offices throughout the country to ensure we have a presence in every community.
The American Cancer Society Road To Recovery program provides transportation to and from treatment for people with cancer who do not have a ride or are unable to drive themselves.
- Service Area:Nationwide
- Transportation Services Provided: cancer-related medical appointments
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Clients must be traveling to a cancer-related medical appointment.
- Other eligibility requirements may apply. For example, a caregiver may need to accompany a patient who cannot walk without help, or is under age 18.
- Application Details:
- Applicants must call at 1-800-227-2345 well in advance of their appointment date because it can take several business days to coordinate their ride.
- Other Details:
- 1Due to public safety concerns related to COVID-19, your American Cancer Society is not currently setting up or coordinating patient rides to cancer-related appointments. We will update this message as conditions change. For other ACS support, please reach out to us via Live Chat, or call our Cancer Helpline at 1-800-227-2345.
United States Department of Veteran Affairs (DAV) – Veterans Transportation Service (VTS)
Program Description:
The Department of Veterans Affairs runs programs benefiting veterans and members of their families. It offers education opportunities and rehabilitation services and provides compensation
payments for disabilities or death related to military service, home loan guaranties, pensions, burials, and health care that includes the services of nursing homes, clinics, and medical centers.
VA recognizes Veterans who are visually impaired, elderly, or immobilized due to disease or disability, and particularly those living in remote and rural areas face challenges traveling to their VA health care appointments. Veterans Transportation Service (VTS) is working to establish Mobility Managers at each local VA facility to help Veterans meet their transportation needs.
- Service Area:see for each state: Veterans Transportation Service Locations
- Transportation Services Provided: rides to health care appointments
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- be veterans who are eligible for VA health care benefits;
- have a VA-authorized appointment;
- be eligible for transportation through the VTS program based on the availability and guidelines in place at their local facility.
- Application Details:
- Applicants should contact the VTS office near them for further details.
- Other Details:
- 1Participating VA medical centers (VAMCs) offer VTS to assist Veterans in accessing transportation to VA medical facilities or authorized non-VA appointments to receive the care they have earned. VTS provides qualifying Veterans with free transportation services to and/or from participating VA medical centers (VAMCs) in a multi-passenger van.
- 2Each local VA authorized facility has ridership guidelines based on their capabilities.
- 3A list with the VTS offices in the US: Veterans Transportation Service Locations
The Salvation Army, United States Central Territory – Nicor “Sharing” Program
Program Description:
No Transportation service available on the website
- Service Area:see for each state: communities in 11 Midwestern States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
- Transportation Services Provided:
- Eligibility Criteria:
- Application Details:
- Other Details:
American Cancer Society – Hope Lodge Transportation Services
Program Description:
Hope Lodge is a program of the American Cancer Society that offers cancer patients and their caregivers a free place to stay when their best hope for effective treatment may be in another city.
There are more than 30 Hope Lodge throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Transportation may be provided by the Hope Lodge community or nearby treatment facilities.:
- Service Area:Atlanta, GA; Baltimore, MD; Birmingham, AL; Boston, MA; Burlington, VT; Charleston, SC; Cleveland, OH; Dallas, TX; Greenville, NC; Honolulu, HI; Houston, TX; Iowa City, IA; Jackson, MS; Jacksonville, FL; Kansas City, MO; Lexington, KY; Lubbock, TX; Memphis, TN; Minneapolis, MN; Nashville, TN; New Orleans, LA; New York City, NY; Oklahoma City, OK; Omaha, NE; Philadelphia, PA; Rochester, MN; Rochester, NY; Salt Lake City, UT; San Juan, PR; St. Louis, MO; Tampa, FL.
- Transportation Services Provided: cancer-related medical appointments
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- cancer patients and caregivers;
- traveling far from home for outpatient medical care related to the patient’s cancer diagnosis;
- be in active cancer treatment;
- permanently reside more than 40 miles or one hour away from their cancer treatment center. Each patient must be accompanied by a caregiver.
- Application Details:
- stay at Hope Lodge;
- ask the Hope Lodge staff about specific transportation options available at this location.
- Other Details:
- 1In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ACS suspended Hope Lodge operations on March 27, 2020, because we could no longer ensure the health and safety of our immune-compromised cancer patient residents, volunteers, and staff. Until we are able to safely host patients again, ACS is offering our Hope Lodge facilities as free temporary housing for health care workers who are unable to return home for fear of exposing their families to the coronavirus.
- 2All lodging requests must begin with a referral from the patient’s treatment facility located near the Hope Lodge community. Potential guests should coordinate a request through their treatment facility doctor or social worker. Rooms are available on a first-referred, first-served basis.
LogistiCare – Medicaid Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Program Description:
ModivCare Solutions, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of ModivCare Inc. (NASDAQ: MODV). As the nation’s largest manager of non-emergency medical
transportation, LogistiCare manages more than 63 million rides annually in 50 states and the District of Columbia.
- Service Area:50 states and the District of Columbia
- Transportation Services Provided: Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Every member plan, whether Medicaid or private insurance, has a different set of eligibility requirements.
- Application Details:
- Members, families, social workers, and health care professionals all book rides via the online reservation portals or call centers. LogistiCare ensures eligibility and schedules the most appropriate transportation provider to meet their needs.
- Other Details:
- 1Medicaid paid: States establish and administer their own Medicaid programs and determine the type, amount, duration, and scope of services within broad federal guidelines. Federal law requires states to provide certain mandatory benefits (inclcuding Transportation to medical care) and allows states the choice of covering other optional benefits. Mandatory benefits include services including inpatient and outpatient hospital services, physician services, laboratory and x-ray services, and home health services, among others. Optional benefits include services including prescription drugs, case management, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.Medicare Advantage covers some NEMT transportation.LogistiCare presence map in United States: Reservation Numbers & Location Map | LogistiCare Solutions
MTM – Medicaid Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Program Description:
As one of the nation’s most experienced and qualified non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) brokers, MTM was founded in 1995 by Peg and Lynn Griswold.
With headquarters in Lake St. Louis, Missouri, we operate in 31 states and the District of Columbia and maintain call centers and offices across the United States. MTM’s diverse client base includes healthcare and transit contracts with state and county governments, departments for aging, public transit agencies, community groups, and Managed Care Organizations.
- Service Area:31 states and the District of Columbia
- Transportation Services Provided: Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Medicaid members;
- in need of a ride to their health care provider for a covered Medicaid service if they have no other way to get there.
- Application Details:
- Applicants must call their MTM office to schedule transportation a few business days before their appointment (3 in Mississippi, 5 in Nevada,…), unless their trip is urgent.
- Other Details:
- 1Specific details available for each state.
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) – Veteran Transportation Program
Program Description:
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) is a leading nonprofit that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families. Annually, they provide over 700,000 free rides to veterans
seeking transportation to their scheduled VA medical appointments nationwide. In Wisconsin DAV gives more than 40,000 free rides to veterans each year.
- Service Area:nationwide (so far encountered in Maine, Wisconsin)
- Transportation Services Provided: getting to and from scheduled VA medical appointments (usually, best to check for each state)
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Other conditions might apply, so please check with the DAV organization in your state.
- Application Details:
- Applicants should check with the DAV organization in their state for specific details.
- Other Details:
- 1Applicants should check the website of the DAV organization in their state for further details. (eg. Wisconsin, Maine).
AmeriCorps Seniors – Senior Companion Program
Program Description:
AmeriCorps is a federal agency that funds organizations to make positive impact in communities. To support the placement of AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers in communities, we provide more than $800 million in financial and human resources grants every year.
These grants provide resources and people power in the form of members and volunteers for organizations across the country.
The Senior Companion program focuses on providing assistance and friendship to older adults who have difficulty with daily living tasks, such as shopping or paying bills. Through this program, AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers keep seniors independent longer and provide respite to family caregivers. AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers themselves report better health and longevity having served their community.
- Service Area: Nationwide
- Transportation Services Provided: any purpose
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Applicants must be adults who have difficulty with daily living tasks, such as shopping or paying bills.
- Application Details:
- Examples of Senior Companion Programs:a) befriending older adults and assisting with daily living tasks at a supportive housing program;b) providing supportive services such as transportation to appointments, assistance with grocery shopping, and cooking meals.
- AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteers must be 55 years and older. Volunteers are eligible to receive a stipend for their volunteering if they meet income eligibility requirements.
- The Senior Companion Program provides grants to organizations (national or local nonprofits, schools, government agencies, faith-based or community organizations) with a dual purpose: to engage persons 55 years and older, particularly those with limited incomes, in volunteer service to meet critical community needs; and to provide a high quality experience that will enrich the lives of the volunteers.
- Other Details:
- 1The program is delivered through local organizations, such as national or local nonprofits, schools, government agencies, faith-based or community organizations.
- AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion Program | AmeriCorps
- Our frequently asked questions | AmeriCorps
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
Program Description:
A PACE organization is a non-profit private or public entity that is primarily engaged in providing PACE health care services.
PACE providers receive monthly Medicare and Medicaid capitation payments for each enrollee. Medicare enrollees who are not eligible for Medicaid pay monthly premiums equal to the Medicaid capitation amount, but no deductibles, coinsurance, or any other type of Medicare or Medicaid cost-sharing.
The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) benefits include, but are not limited to, all Medicaid and Medicare covered services, including transportation. PACE also includes all other services determined necessary by the health professionals team to improve and maintain an individual’s health.
PACE programs provide services primarily in an adult day health center and are supplemented by in-home and referral services in accordance with the enrollee’s needs.
- Service Area: Nationwide
- Transportation Services Provided:
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Be 55 or older
- Live in the service area of a PACE organization
- Need a nursing home-level of care (as certified by your state)
- Be able to live safely in the community with help from PACE
- Application Details:
- TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES: To find out if you’re eligible and if there’s a PACE program near you, search for PACE plans in your area or
- call your Medicaid office Call us at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users can call 1-877-486-2048.
- Other Details:
- 1What you pay for PACE depends on your financial situation.If you have Medicaid, you won’t pay a monthly premium for the long-term care portion of the PACE benefit.If you don’t qualify for Medicaid but you have Medicare, you’ll be charged these:A monthly premium to cover the long-term care portion of the PACE benefitA premium for Medicare Part D drugsThere’s no deductible or copayment for any drug, service, or care approved by your health care team.If you don’t have Medicare or Medicaid, you can pay for PACE privately.
- Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly Benefits
- Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly for States
United Way USA
Program Description:
United Way is engaged in nearly 1,800 communities across more than 40 countries and territories worldwide. As the largest privately-funded nonprofit in the world, we create solutions that build stronger communities.
We’re improving education, strengthening financial stability and making communities healthier. But we don’t do it alone. Nearly 2.6 million volunteers and 9.6 million donors are engaged with us across the world to advance community-based and community-led solutions.
Launched in 2018, Ride United leverages the strengths of United Ways, the 211 network and partners to address unmet transportation needs for individuals and families across the U.S. In 2020, United Way expanded Ride United to connect clients with food and household good deliveries, in addition to providing essential transportation.
- Service Area: Nationwide
- Transportation Services Provided: Any purpose
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Clients must be individuals and families in communities across the country with unmet transportation needs.
- Application Details:
- Applicants must dial 211 or visit Free transportation and food deliveries are not available in every community, but 211 specialists will connect applicants with the best available services to meet your needs.
- Other Details:
- 1Help us get people where they need to go by supporting Ride United. Your generous contribution will provide someone with a free ride to a job interview or chemotherapy appointment, or help deliver groceries from a food bank to someone in need.
Angel Flight West – Free Medical Transportation
Program Description:
A small child, ravaged by cancer, needs specialized lifesaving treatment at a hospital 300 miles away. A father, separated from his family by a hurricane, wants desperately to be reunited.
A domestic-violence survivor longs to start a new life in another city, but cannot afford to leave. These are just a few of the people to whom we offer help and hope.
There’s an angel in the cockpit. The ability to travel easily across the country is something that most of us take for granted. But for those whose lives are in turmoil, the financial, physical, and emotional burdens can make ordinary trips extraordinarily difficult. That’s when they turn to Angel Flight West. Our network of 1,400+ volunteer pilots fly their own planes and pay for all costs out of their own pockets, in order to make these critical journeys.
At our headquarters in Santa Monica, California, our ground team manages the complex system of matching pilots with passengers, coordinating the flights, spreading the word among referral agencies, and continually recruiting new volunteers.
What we do is much like running a small airline, further complicated by the extra care and expense of working with passengers who need our help, their families, as well as medical and hospital personnel. The beneficiaries of the flight – the passengers and their families, the healthcare organizations – pay nothing at all, ever.
- Service Area: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical Appointments.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Request must be verified by a medical provider involved in the passenger’s care (social worker, nurse, doctor, etc.)We will need a medical provider involved in the passenger’s care to fill out brief paperwork that we send directly to him or her.
- Medically stableWe will need to have a physician verify that the passenger is medically stable and able to fly commercially.
- Geographic criteriaAFW provides air transportation within the 13 Western states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Passengers will be referred to other organisations if the transportation would involve travel outside this service area.Note: We may be able to provide commercial air transportation if the flight originates in our territory but terminates outside of our territory if the destination is the only place a patient can receive potentially life saving treatment.
- Reason for travelAFW primarily provides air transportation for patients travelling to and from scheduled medical treatment. We also arrange “compassion” flights for individuals who need to visit or be a caregiver for a critically ill family member. Additionally, we will arrange flights to relocate victims of domestic violence, to transport children and adults to camps for a variety of special needs (such as burn survivors and families impacted by HIV or AIDS), and to fly support staff and supplies during natural disasters or other crises. “Compassion” requests are accepted on a case-by-case basis.
- Financial or compelling needAFW is a charitable service and Alaska Airlines is a generous donor, providing hundreds of tickets to help patients get to necessary treatment. We recognise that the costs of medical care, lost wages, and providing care can deplete a family’s resources. Passengers do not need to be desperate or destitute to qualify, we simply want to make the best use of our limited resources.
- 2 business days’ advance noticeWe generally require 2 business days’ advance notice to review the paperwork and book a flight. In some cases, we can accommodate shorter term requests.
- Application Details:
- Apply Online: Angel Flight West – Request a Flight
- or Please Contact: 888-4-AN-ANGEL (888-426-2643)
- Other Details:
- 1Because of the limited resources of our volunteer pilots, the distance traveled can be no more than 1,000 miles in each direction.
- 2There is never a charge of any kind for an Angel Flight.
- 3Your flight will be scheduled to accommodate your medical appointment.
- 4Your pilot will pick you up at an airport near your home and bring you to your treatment facility.
- 5Your flight is just for you, and will typically be in a small private plane.
- 6This means that we can pick you up at an airport near your home, even if you live in a rural area.
- 7After your appointment, another pilot will pick you up and bring you home.
- 8You can bring companions to travel with you.
- 9You can travel with Angel Flight on as many trips as you need.
Miracle Flights – Free Flights
Program Description:
Since 1985, we’ve provided more than 127,000 free flights to those in need of life-changing medical care not available in their local communities.
Almost all Miracle Flights patients suffer from medical conditions treated by only a handful of experts located across the country, which makes medical travel a necessity. While insurance may cover actual treatment, it rarely covers the cost of travel.
As a result, many patients go untreated or misdiagnosed, simply because they can’t get to the medical experts who can effectively treat their condition. That’s where Miracle Flights comes in. We alleviate the financial burden of travel so families can focus on treatment and recovery.
We fly everywhere, every time. Our team provides commercial plane tickets to all U.S.-based medical treatment facilities at no cost to families. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, we’re able to fly patients as many times as needed. We’ve been flying some for more than 18 years.
We fly everyone, of every age. We help treat all diseases for patients of every age. Simply put, we’ll fly anyone with a complex medical need who requires distant medical care. We believe in the healing power of family.
We’ll pay to fly both parents or legal guardians of patients under 18. We’ll pay to fly a caregiver or companion for adult patients.
- Service Area: United States.
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical Appointments.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Is the patient medically cleared to safely travel on a commercial plane?
- Do you have a confirmed medical appointment requiring air travel? Your treatment site will need to verify your medical appointment date.
- Is your requested departure date at least 14 days away from today’s date?
- Based on your household size, does your family’s gross income fall at or below our established financial thresholds (must be verifiable using IRS tax documentation)? Our financial thresholds are based on household size and are generally three times the listed annual Federal Poverty Guidelines listed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Online Flight Request Application
- or Please Contact: 800-359-1711
- Other Details:
- 1Miracle Flights provides free commercial airline tickets to those in need of life-changing medical care far from home.
- 2Our programming services are available to children and adults! Miracle Flights will provide free commercial flights for anyone that needs medical care far from home, regardless of their age.
- 3Miracle Flights will provide up to two round trip flights each month for eligible patients and family members for as long as it takes. Some families have received dozens of flights from us over the course of many years.
- 4We ask that you submit a new online flight request application for each requested medical travel journey.
- 5We ask that all flight request applications be submitted at least 14 days before your requested departure date. This allows us optimal time to search and coordinate the most accommodating flight for you at the most economical price for our organization.
- 6“For a Child Patient – Miracle Flights will provide flights to a qualifying child patient (age 17 and under at the time of medical appointment) and up to two adult parents/legal guardians/family members (up to 3 total passengers). For an Adult Patient – Miracle Flights will provide flights for an adult patient (age 18 and over) and one spouse/caregiver/family member (up to 2 total passengers) if it is medically necessary for the patient to travel with a chaperone.”
- 7We’ll provide flights to anywhere in the United States, as long as your treatment site verifies your medical appoint date. In cities with multiple airports, we’ll generally provide flights to the airport that is best for you and your family as long as it’s economically feasible for our organization.
- 8Passengers are responsible for all baggage fees and add-on fees as set forth by the airline they are traveling. Please visit your airline’s website for the latest details and processes.
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs – Highly Rural Transportation Grants program
Program Description:
VA’s Highly Rural Transportation Grants program provides money for free rides for Vets living in highly rural areas. Thousands of Veterans who live in highly rural and remote areas will now have free
transportation to their VA medical appointments to receive the health care they need and have earned through service to our country.
The program enables State Veterans Service Agencies and Veteran Service Organizations to use innovative approaches to provide transportation services that help to expand access to VA health care for Veterans.
A highly rural area is a county or counties with a population of less than seven persons per square mile. Twenty-five states have counties that are highly rural. Those states are found in the northern, western and southwestern parts of the United States.
- Service Area: United States.
- Transportation Services Provided: VA Medical Appointments.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Veterans who live in highly rural and remote areas.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Contact for more information: 1-800-273-8255
- Other Details:
- 1The free transportation is made possible through VA’s Highly Rural Transportation Grants program.
Community Transportation Association of America
Program Description:
The Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) and its members believe that mobility is a basic human right. From work and education to life-sustaining
health care and human services programs to shopping and visiting with family and friends, mobility directly impacts quality of life. National Volunteer Transportation Center is a program by CTAA who’s purpose is to promote and support the concept and practice of volunteer transportation, which includes volunteer driver programs, shared vehicle utilization, and ride sharing initiatives. The National Volunteer Transportation Center is pleased to present this map that provides a listing of volunteer transportation providers in each state.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: Each organisation has a different policy.
- Eligibility Criteria: Each organisation has a different policy.
- Application Details:
- Each organisation has a different policy. Find your place in the map and contact the organisation to see what kind of application they require.
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
Program Description:
A program of the Federal Transit Administration administered by Easterseals and USAging with guidance from the Administration for Community Living.
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) can help people with disabilities and older adults find out about their community’s available transportation services and connect individuals with transportation operators and mobility managers who can assist in finding transportation when they need it.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: NADTC helps with connecting seniors to organisations. Each organisation has a different policy, however, NADTC will work with you in finding what works for you.
U.S. Local and State Transit Links
Program Description:
Links to thousands of transit agencies for cities, towns and counties across the United States. Find your route. Some routes are free for the seniors, some have subsidized fares, while other routes are donation based as they may be covered by agencies like the Area Agency on Aging.
Check your route to find out more details.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: Almost all routes require you to show some proof, be it a medicaid card, disability proof, prescription form the doctor, or some other requirement. Contact your local route to find out more details.
Program Description:
ITNAmerica develops community-based transportation solutions designed to address the challenge of senior mobility. ITNAmerica is the only national non-profit senior transportation network.
ITN affiliates work in 11 communities across 10 states, from Maine to Florida to California. Their model is local, but the network is national, and with reach comes strength. As they aren’t yet everywhere, so to ensure older people in communities across America have access to quality transportation options they’ve developed Trusted Transportation Partners program.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: Contact your local ITN or TTP partner to find out more details.
Volunteer Driver Programs
Program Description:
This map will show the names of programs in your state. Users must contact the specific program to learn the details.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: Contact organisation in your area to find out the eligibility criteria.
Local Area Agency on Aging
Program Description:
Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) have long recognized the myriad challenges older adults face are at the forefront of community efforts to
expand the transportation options available for older adults and people with disabilities. AAAs develop and manage senior transportation programs; participate in, and often lead, local and regional efforts to coordinate transportation services; and advocate for transportation funding. Find your local Area agency on Aging here.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: Contact organisation in your area to find out the eligibility criteria.
Center for Independent Living
Program Description:
Center for Independent Living (CIL) play an important role in advocating for and developing transportation options for seniors and persons with disabilities.
Find your local CIL and see if they offer a free transportation program in your area.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: Contact organisation in your area to find out the eligibility criteria.
Program Description:
Many Easterseals chapter provide free transportation to seniors as well as the eligible members of the community.
For example, Easterseals Alabama, through a partnership with The Alabama Department of Transportation, The United Way, and the Department of Human Resources provides rides to and from work for eligible individuals in Tuscaloosa County ADRS. Check your local Easterseals to see if they provide such program.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: Contact your local Easterseals to find out the eligibility criteria.
Love in the name of Christ
Program Description:
Love INC (In the Name of Christ) is an organization made up of local church volunteers to help people in need. Volunteers provide communication, companionship, financial counseling, after school
child care, clothing, food, transportation and visitation to the home bound. Volunteers offer home services such as house cleaning, snow shoveling, yard work, moving heavy items, appliance repair, general home maintenance, home weatherization, plumbing, carpentry, electrical work and auto repair for the elderly or disabled.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: Contact your local Love INC to find out the eligibility criteria.
Program Description:
211 is committed to helping citizens connect with the services they need. Whether by phone or internet, their goal is to present accurate, well-organized and easy-to-find information from the community including state and local health and human services programs.
Contact your local 211 to find free transportation options in your area.
- Service Area: All 50 states
- Transportation Services Provided: All types.
- Eligibility Criteria: Contact your local 211 to find out the eligibility criteria.
Program Description:
Veyo is a proven, end-to-end solution to the logistics challenge of NEMT (non emergency medical transportation).
Veyo is a company that partners with insurance companies and health facilities to provide non-emergency medical transportation that’s covered as an insurance benefit.
- Service Area:Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Michigan, Virginia
- Transportation Services Provided: non-emergency medical transportation
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- have an insurance (Medicaid and Medicare);
- be beneficiaries who need to get to and from medical services, but have no means of transportation.
- Application Details:
- Applicants must ask their insurance company if Veyo is one of their transportation benefits – if yes, they’ll help them schedule rides.
- Seniors and caregivers can’t sign up for the service or arrange rides – only a health organization partner can arrange rides.
- Other Details:
- 1Best for: Seniors who need transportation to medical appointments and those who need a special vehicle to accommodate a wheelchair or stretcher.Price: Free, if their insurance company offers Veyo as a transportation benefit. Because we contract with health plans, our transportation costs are covered by insurance or Medicaid/Medicare Advantage benefits. There is no cost to the passenger to use Veyo® services.
Free Transportation for Seniors in Maryland
Free Transportation for Seniors in Tennessee
Free Transportation for Seniors in Illinois
Free Transportation for Senior Citizens (2022): Complete Guide to US Programs
I am looking for free senior/disabled transportation in the south Jersey area.
We have Atlantic county van but their hours of transport are extremely limited in time of transport during the day.
I am hoping you can help me find the transport services for seniors and disabled
I am 70 and have medical problems and need your help with this
Thank you
Maureen Patrice Went-Sceurman
609 385-5129