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Free Transportation for Seniors in Alabama

By Maurice

If you’re looking for free transportation for seniors in Alabama, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of Alabama.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Transportation in Alabama

List of Free Transportation in Alabama

Travelers Aid of Greater Birmingham – Senior Ride

Program Description:

Birmingham’s roadways accommodate a steady flow of traffic in and out of town on a daily basis.

The people who pass through the city may be miles away from home by the time they arrive here, and miles away from where they need to be. Not everyone who passes through our city is able to reach their destination on their own. Sometimes, things take a turn for the worse, leaving travelers stranded and often times desperate. 

This is when Travelers Aid is able to intervene, helping to make a plan to resolve the crisis and get the traveler on their way again. People get stuck in town with no way out. They may be elderly or disabled, have gotten sick or been injured, or lost their wallet or ticket.  Victims of domestic violence, exploitation, or abandonment often need assistance in getting to a safe place.At Travelers Aid we consider each case a unique situation and respond to meet the particular needs of the individual. This can mean one or more of many different methods of responding; a listening ear and encouraging words, a referral for special services, assistance connecting with family or friends, and when needed most a bus ticket or tank of gas to continue safely to their destination.The Travelers Aid movement in America began over 150 years ago during the westward expansion, when the mayor of St. Louis sent food, water and other supplies to travelers stranded on the outskirts of that city.Today a network of Travelers Aid programs around the country provide assistance to thousands of people who find themselves in difficulty while traveling away from home. Our organization has also expanded to provide the necessary medical transportation to those low income elderly and disabled individuals.For many senior citizens and disabled individuals on fixed incomes, lack of transportation is a huge barrier to accessing health care. The Travelers Aid Medical Transportation Program makes available free transportation to medical-related appointments for people in these situations.

Without available transportation many seniors are at risk of:

  • Having to choose between paying for food, medicine or a ride to the doctor.
  • A medical crisis resulting in emergency treatment or hospitalization.
  • A diminished quality of health and life.
  • Isolation.
  • Service Area: Birmingham, AL
  • Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation: Low-income senior citizens and adults with disabilities.
  • Application Details: 
  • Other Details: 1- There are no fees for transportation services.

City of Madison, Madison Senior Center

Program Description:

The Madison Senior Center strives to promote independence, emotional, social, physical, mental well-being and life enjoyment by providing access to community resources, social events and activities to keep our actively aging adults engaged in our community.

  • Service Area:Huntsville, Madison county
  • Transportation Services Provided:To and from the Senior Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation: 1- 60 years of age or older.
  • Application Details: Please call the center during during normal business hours. 
  • (256) 772-6242
  • Other Details: 1- There are no fees for transportation services.

City of Chickasaw Senior Adult Transportation – Senior Transportation

Program Description:

No transportation details available right now.

Senior Citizen events and programs are still on hold until further notice. Please feel free to call 452-6467 for concerns.

Senior Adult Services are being evaluated and hopefully beginning soon with safe guidelines. 

  • Service Area:Mobile, Mobile county
  • Other Details: Free (donations accepted) 

Dumas Wesley Senior Center – Senior Transportation

Program Description:

The mission of the Dumas Wesley Community Center (DWCC) of Mobile, Alabama is to EDUCATE, EMPOWER and ENRICH our local community through collaborative programs that provide for immediate human needs, strengthen family life, develop leadership and encourage personal responsibility.

The Dumas Wesley Community Center was founded in 1903 by the United Methodist Women and has been serving the community for over a century. Dumas Wesley was originally tasked with providing childcare to the disadvantaged families working in the cotton mills of Crichton, Alabama. Today, Dumas Wesley offers over a dozen programs and services for the working poor and the homeless.DWCC is a neighborhood based non-profit organization located in the Crichton community. The majority of households in Crichton are headed by single mothers with an average family income of less than $20,000 annually. 99% of the clients served directly by DWCC are low-income and approximately 95% are minority.In 2020, Dumas Wesley Community Center provided 220,010 direct services for low-income families, at-risk youth, disadvantaged seniors and homeless families.Since 1994 Dumas Wesley’s Transportation Program has been providing seniors 60 and older dependable transportation to medical appointments.

  • Service Area:Crichton, Toulminville 36607 36617
  • Transportation Services Provided:Medical appointments.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Seniors 60 and older.
  • Seniors must live in Crichton or Toulminville (36607 and 36617 zip codes)
  • Application Details: New applicants must call 251.479.0649 for pre-screening prior to scheduling an appointment. For more information about this program please contact Kate Carver.
  • Other Details
  1. 1Monday and Wednesday 9:00-2:00 pm (the last appointment is at 1:00 pm).
  2. 2Six clients per day, on a first, come first served basis.
  3. 3Maximum of 2 clients per hour/half hour.
  4. 4Approved participants must give a 24-hour advance notice of all appointments.
  5. 5Dumas Wesley’s Transportation Program is a free service provided to the Crichton and Toulminville community.
  6. 6We gladly accept and appreciate donations of any amount for each fare.

Mobile Senior Citizens Center – Senior Center Transportation

Program Description:

Senior Citizens Services (SCS) began providing services to older adults in 1970 with Ms. Mary Abbie Berg as the first Executive Director. In 1990, the nonprofit organization moved to its current location, formerly the Ahavas Chesed Synagogue.

 It became the Mary Abbie Berg Senior Center, providing older adults with meaningful activities and resources. Through many generous donations, SCS was able to add 15,000 square foot expansion dedicated the Herbert and Fanny Meisler Health and Fitness Building. This addition includes a fitness center, gymnasium and aerobics room. The enlarged facility became the Via Health, Fitness and Enrichment Center located on the Arlene F. Mitchell Campus.A history of excellence has proven Via Health, Fitness and Enrichment Center to have a far reaching impact on mature adults throughout the Mobile Community. Continual effort to provide exemplary services and programs assure the Via Health, Fitness and Enrichment Center will fulfill its mission for many years to come!

The Via Health, Fitness and Enrichment Center is located on the Arlene F. Mitchell Campus at 1717 Dauphin Street. The Via Center offers recreational programs, continuing education and training, and a premier gymnasium and fitness center.Via Services, located within the Center, provides adult day care, emergency food assistance, home care, transportation, information and referral, and outreach programs to local housing sites.

  • Service Area:Mobile, Alabama 
  • Transportation Services Provided:Senior Center Transportation.
  • Eligibility Criteria: No specific eligibility criteria available on the website.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES: 
  • Other Details
  1. 1Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  2. 2Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Early closure due to Covid cleaning.
  3. 3No pricing information available on the website, Donations encouraged.

South Alabama Regional Planning Commission, Area Agency on Aging

Program Description:

“The Area Agency on Aging is under the umbrella of the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission. We are among over 600 Area Agencies on Aging in the nation that serve every community in the United States, and we are one of 13 in Alabama. Each of us serves a geographic region, and our local region consists of Mobile, Baldwin and Escambia counties in southwest Alabama.

We are part of the aging network through the U.S. Administration on Community Living, the U.S. Administration on Aging, and our state office, the Alabama Department of Senior Services. Many of our federally funded programs are restricted to persons age 60 and older or their caregivers, while others serve adults with disabilities of any age.For more than 45 years the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission’s Area Agency on Aging has provided home and community based services to thousands of older persons that are primarily funded through the Older Americans Act, Medicaid, and state and local governments.

Our mission is to promote the dignity and independence of older persons through advocacy and by overseeing the development of a comprehensive and coordinated system of care that is responsive to the needs and preferences of older people and their family caregivers. We do this both by providing certain services through our office and by contracting with some fifty community agencies to provide services such as senior centers and home care.”

  • Service Area:Mobile, Baldwin and Escambia Counties.
  • Transportation Services Provided:To and from Senior Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation: No specific eligibility criteria available on the website.(Although services are provided Persons 60 years and older.)
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Other Details: No pricing information available on the website, Donations encouraged.
  • Area Agency on Aging

United Cerebral Palsy of West Alabama (UCPWA) – Rides No Limits

Program Description:

United Cerebral Palsy of West Alabama (UCPWA) is a nonprofit corporation that supports 16 counties throughout the West Alabama community. Since it began in 1962, UCPWA has been committed to advancing the independence and productivity of individuals with disabilities.

Over the last fifty years, UCPWA has expanded to include a full array of services for individuals with disabilities. At UCPWA, we serve adults, providing early intervention training, afternoon programs, therapeutic services, summer programs, respite support services and adult day habilitation.

UCPWA creates opportunities for people with disabilities by providing a full array of services designed to support independence, enhance the promotion and protection of individual rights, as well as, empower people to live a quality and productive life.

UCPWA envisions a community in which all people are empowered to advance their independence, productivity and inclusion in the community.

  • Service Area: Tuscaloosa and the immediate surrounding areas.
  • Transportation Services Provided:No specific destinations available on the website.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation: No specific eligibility criteria available on the website.(Although services are provided to people with disabilities.)
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES: Please contact:
  • Other Details
  1. 1The program operates on Monday – Friday from 5 pm to 9 pm; and every other weekend from 9 am to 6 pm.
  2. 2Six clients transportation services are Free.per day, on a first, come first served basis.

Baldwin Regional Area Transit System (BRATS) – Nutritional Centers Transportation

Program Description:

BRATS provides door-to-door public transit designed for everyone!

  • Service Area: Baldwin County
  • Transportation Services Provided:Public Transport.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation: General Public.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES: 
  1. 1Call the BRATS Scheduling Team
  • 251-972-6817 2
  1. 2Be prepared to tell the SCHEDULER:
  • Your name 
  • Your telephone number
  • Your physical address
  • Your appointment time
  • Your destination physical address
  • All additional stops
  • Number of passengers that will accompany you

If you need special assistance, if you use a mobility device or will need lift equipment to board (To ensure your vehicle is lift equipped). Download the app now at the Google or Apple stores or book a ride through your web browser.

  • Other Details
  1. 1Scheduling Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
  2. 2If You Must Cancel Your Trip, Please call one (1) hour in advance of pick up time. There is no charge for cancelling a trip, however; no shows may result in suspended service.
  3. 3BRATS Fares (Nutritional Centers Round Trip Free)
  • 0 – 5 ONE WAY $2.00
  • 5.1 – 10 ONE WAY $2.50
  • 10.1 – 15 ONE WAY $3.00
  • 15.1 – 20 ONE WAY $3.50
  • 20.1 – 25 ONE WAY $4.00
  • 25.1 – 30 ONE WAY $4.50
  • 30.1 – 35 ONE WAY $5.00

Free Transportation for Seniors in Alaska

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