If you’re looking for free transportation for seniors in Hawaii, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of Hawaii.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!
Map of Free Transportation for Seniors in Hawaii
List of Free Transportation for Seniors in Hawaii
Project Dana
Program Description:
Project Dana is a Faith In Action program that provides a variety of services to the frail elderly and disabled to ensure their wellbeing, independence, and dignity in an environment of their choice.
Support comes from a corps of trained volunteers guided by the principle of “Dana,” which combines selfless giving and compassion without desire for recognition or reward.
Dāna is a Sanskrit and Pali term meaning “generosity” or “giving”. In Buddhism, it also refers to the practice of cultivating generosity. Ultimately, the practice culminates in one of the Perfections: the Perfection of Giving.
This can be characterized by unattached and unconditional generosity, giving and letting go. Our mission is to provide compassionate support and services to Hawaii’s Kupuna and their caregivers.
- Service Area:Honolulu, East Honolulu, Pearl City and Waipahu, Honolulu county
- Transportation Services Provided: medical appointments, grocery shopping, religious services, and legal services such as banking, federal, state, city and county offices.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Over the age of 60 and/or disabled.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- 808-945-3736
- info@projectdana.org
- Other Details: N/A
Alu Like, Inc. – Ke Ola Pono No Na Kupuna Program
Program Description:
ALU LIKE, Inc. is a private, non-profit service organization that has assisted Native Hawaiians in their efforts to achieve social and economic self-sufficiency since 1975.
Mary Kawena Pukui gave ALU LIKE its name in the spirit of working together, struggling together, and striving together. For more than twenty years, we have remained committed to our founders’ lasting vision and to the mission which we have been entrusted.
ALU LIKE, Inc. has a comprehensive range of services and activities to fill identified needs in the Native Hawaiian community, including community economic development, business assistance, employment preparation, training, library services, educational and childcare services for families with young children.
- Service Area:Hawai‘i, Kaua‘i, Maui, Moloka‘i and O‘ahu.
- Transportation Services Provided: Limited transportation and assisted transportation services
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- This program is available to independent individuals of Native Hawaiian ancestry 60 years or older and their spouses. A birth certificate is required for proof of age and ethnicity.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:Please Contact:
- 808.535.6700 Fax: 808.524.1344
- info@alulike.org
- Other Details:
- 1Voluntary donations are accepted.
Catholic Charities Hawai’I – Senior Transportation
Program Description:
Serving Hawai‘i since 1947, Catholic Charities Hawai’i provides a wide range of social services with dignity, compassion, social justice, and a commitment to excellence.
Through programs and advocacy efforts, Catholic Charities Hawai’i serves all people, especially those with the greatest need, regardless of their faith or culture.
As part of the largest private network of social service organizations in the United States, Catholic Charities Hawai‘i offers much needed programs and services statewide, serving 40,000 individuals each year.
Catholic Charities Hawai‘i, rooted in the gospel of Jesus, exists to carry out the social mission of the church by serving the people of Hawai‘i, regardless of their faith or culture.
We are a community of hope that promotes the dignity of each person by helping others empower themselves.
We provide a wide range of social services with compassion and a commitment to excellence.
Through our programs and our advocacy for social justice, we lovingly serve all people, especially those with the greatest need.
In the Hawaiian spirit of ‘ohana, we join with parishes, agencies, and community groups.
We welcome all people of goodwill to share our mission.
- Service Area:O‘ahu
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, benefit appointments, group dining sites, group excursions and group shopping.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Seniors ages 60 and older.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:Please Contact:
- (808) 521-HELP (4357)
- Senior Services Intake: (808) 527-4777
- Other Details:
- 1We provide island-wide, curb-to-curb, and door-to-door transportation.
Catholic Charities Hawai‘I – Premium Senior Services
Program Description:
Serving Hawai‘i since 1947, Catholic Charities Hawai’i provides a wide range of social services with dignity, compassion, social justice, and a commitment to excellence.
Through programs and advocacy efforts, Catholic Charities Hawai’i serves all people, especially those with the greatest need, regardless of their faith or culture.
As part of the largest private network of social service organizations in the United States, Catholic Charities Hawai‘i offers much needed programs and services statewide, serving 40,000 individuals each year.
Catholic Charities Hawai‘i, rooted in the gospel of Jesus, exists to carry out the social mission of the church by serving the people of Hawai‘i, regardless of their faith or culture.
We are a community of hope that promotes the dignity of each person by helping others empower themselves.
We provide a wide range of social services with compassion and a commitment to excellence.
Through our programs and our advocacy for social justice, we lovingly serve all people, especially those with the greatest need.
In the Hawaiian spirit of ‘ohana, we join with parishes, agencies, and community groups.
We welcome all people of goodwill to share our mission.
- Service Area: Kupuna
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, shopping and activities.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- No specific eligibility criteria available on the website.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:Please Contact:
- (808) 527-4777
- Other Details:
- 1We provide island-wide, curb-to-curb, and door-to-door transportation.
Brantley Center – Demand Response Transportation
Program Description:
Brantley Center Incorporated is a humble 501(c)(3) non-profit Community Rehabilitation Program in Honokaʻa.
We have been serving people with disabilities in the Hamakua, North and South Kohala and North Hilo districts for over fifty years. Our mission is to provide quality rehabilitation services that empower people with special needs to participate independently within their community whether it be through vocational skills education, job-readiness classes, or training in independent living skills.
Besides a range of rehabilitation needs provided at the Center, we also offer a variety of goods and services to the community. Brantley Center staff and clients offer yard maintenance, janitorial services, car detailing, small craft production and tend to two hydroponic green-houses filled with diversified agriculture.
- Service Area: Hilo, Hawaii county
- Transportation Services Provided: N/A
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- No specific eligibility criteria available on the website.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:Please Contact:
- 808-775-7245
- bcenter2@hawaiiantel.net
- Other Details:
- 1Bus service is totally free to the clients and their families.
Hawai’i County Economic Opportunity Council – Mass Transit
Program Description:
Established in 1965, Hawai‘i County Economic Opportunity Council (HCEOC) is a Community Action nonprofit organization that operates a variety of programs to mitigate symptoms of poverty.
Along with Maui Economic Opportunity Council, Honolulu Community Action Program, and Kaua‘i Economic Opportunity, Inc., HCEOC is a proud member of the Community Action Partnership (CAP), a national association that provides agencies like ours technical assistance, training, and other resources to tackle the complex issues surrounding poverty.
Community Action was part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty and informed by the activism of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 created the Community Action Network of national and local organizations connecting millions of Americans to greater opportunity.
- Service Area: Hawai‘i Island
- Transportation Services Provided: medical facilities, nutrition sites, shopping centers, banks, post offices, government buildings, and places of employment.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Hawai‘i Island residents who are elderly, low-income, or disabled.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:Please Contact:
- Complete the HCEOC application and submit along with the consent form and physician certification document in any of the below ways. Applications are reviewed in the order received.
- Consent Form
- Physician Certification Form
- mnerida@hceoc.net (please attach as .PDF or .DOC file)
- 47 Rainbow DriveHilo, HI 96720Fax: 808-935-9213Drop off HCEOC at 47 Rainbow DriveMass Transit Office, Building 3 (lower lot)
- To arrange transportation for current participants, call:East Hawai‘i Transportation Office – 808-935-5219
- West Hawai‘i Transportation Office808-322-3429
- Other Details: N/A
i need driver for a medical appointment. I live in Smyrna but my appointment is in atlanta how can i get this.