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Free Transportation for Seniors in Utah

By Maurice


If you’re looking for free transportation for seniors in Utah, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of Utah.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Transportation for Seniors in Utah

List of Free Transportation for Seniors in Utah

Columbus Senior Center

Program Description:

Columbus Senior Center is located in a historic school building designed by C.S. McDonald in 1916, in the Spanish Colonial Revival style.

The facility has played many different roles in the community but now houses the Columbus Senior Center, the Columbus Library and South Salt Lake City Parks & Recreation. Many of our participants grew up in the area and attended school here Columbus Senior Center is a center for active adults (60 + yrs.) who want to remain active and healthy as they age. Columbus Senior Center is a partnership between South Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County Aging & Adult Services. In January 2015, Columbus Senior Center became Nationally Accredited by the National Council on Aging and the National Institute of Senior Centers. This means we have met a high standard of excellence with our programs and activities for seniors who wish to remain active.

  • Service Area:Salt Lake City.
  • Transportation Services Provided: To/from Senior Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Active adults (60 + yrs.).
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please Contact: (385) 468-3340
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Donations encouraged.
  2. 2Monday – Friday.

Eddie P Mayne Kearns Senior Center

Program Description:

The citizens of the Kearns township pushed and pushed state representatives and Salt Lake County to build a Senior Center in Kearns. Senator Eddie P. Mayne, his wife Senator Karen Mayne, senior citizens of Kearns and Salt Lake County Aging and Adult Services collaborated

together and ground was broken in 1995 for the new building on 4851 West and 4715 South. The 10,000 square foot building opened it’s doors on July 23rd 1996 with rooms for fitness classes, arts classes, reading, music, dining and entertainment.

A few years later an extension was added for a library, computer lab, multipurpose room and more office space. In 2008 the Kearns Senior Center changed it’s name to the Eddie P. Mayne Kearns Senior Center in honor of the late State Senator Eddie P. Mayne who was a strong advocate to get the Center built.In 2014 the Center achieved National Accreditation. This prestigious national certificate puts the Eddie P. Mayne Kearns Senior Center on the list of more than 120 senior centers who meet the standards developed by National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC).

  • Service Area:Kearns, UT
  • Transportation Services Provided: To/from Senior Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Adults age 60 and over.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please Contact: (385) 468-3100Center ManagerTim Tomer 385.468.3097
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Donations encouraged.

Harman Senior Recreation Center

Program Description:

The David and Grace Harman Family Home was the boyhood home of Pete Harman, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, which he donated to the City for use as a senior recreation center.

The house was originally built in 1918 and remodeled in 1989 before Harman turned it over to the city.

Today, the Harman Senior Recreation Center provides West Valley City’s senior residents that are 60 plus, with access to community resources and programs that enhance dignity, support independence, encourage community involvement, and stimulate physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • Service Area:West Valley City.
  • Transportation Services Provided: To/from Harman Senior Recreation Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • West Valley City’s senior residents that are 60 plus.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please Contact: 801-965-5822.
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Donations encouraged.

Salt Lake County Aging and Adult Services – The Rides for Wellness Program

Program Description:

The Rides for Wellness Program provides rides for older adults, 60 years of age or older, with no other means of transportation to vital medical appointments such as dialysis, chemotherapy, and physical therapy.

The program utilizes Priuses and wheelchair accessible mini-vans for most transportation with larger vans available as needed.

  • Service Area:Salt Lake County.
  • Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments such as dialysis, chemotherapy, and physical therapy.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • You must be 60 years of age or older.
  • Be a resident of Salt Lake County.
  • Lack other transportation options.
  • Priority given to low income individuals.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • To enroll as a new client, call: 385.468.3200To cancel a ride, or for more information about the program call: 385.468.3400
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Eligibility screening is done over the phone.
  2. 2Rides are provided between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; and on Thursday between 9:30 am and 4:00 pm.
  3. 3Priority is given to those who schedule in advance.
  4. 4It is recommended that you call one week in advance to schedule a ride.
  5. 5The office sends out monthly donation statements where a $2.00 donation is suggested for each trip.

Mt. Olympus Senior Center

Program Description:

Mt. Olympus Senior Center is located directly west of the Lion’s Fitness and Recreation Center at 1635 E. Murray-Holladay Rd. Formerly known as East Side Senior Center, the center was initially operated out of the Christ United Methodist Church.

The present Mt. Olympus Senior Center building was completed in 1997. Since Mt. Olympus first opened their doors, the center has been an eventful, lively center offering a surplus of educational classes, lectures, fitness and well-being classes. Mt. Olympus has a very active and educated community that loves to give back. Many participants are active volunteers that teach classes at the center as well.

  • Service Area:Holladay, UT
  • Transportation Services Provided: To/from Senior Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Adults age 60 and over.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please Contact: (385) 468-3130.
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Donations encouraged.

Sandy Senior Center

Program Description:

The Sandy Center offers a comprehensive range of advancement programs to enlighten, educate and enrich the lives of mature adults who want a broad spectrum of life experiences.

Programs include classes, lectures, forums, seminars and services to maintain the body, mind and vital aging.

Sandy City Transportation For those adults age 60 and up, living in Sandy City or White City who do not have access to an automobile, the Sandy Parks and Recreation Department provides transportation Monday through Friday.

  • Service Area:Sandy City, White City.
  • Transportation Services Provided: To/from Senior Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Age 60 and up, living in Sandy City or White City who do not have access to an automobile.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please Contact Scott: 801-230-5673.
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Pick-up begins at 7:30 a.m. from your residence.
  2. 2You will be leaving the Center at 1:00 p.m. for your return trip home.
  3. 3Donations encouraged.
  4. 4There are some areas in the City that are inaccessible to the bus due to narrow lanes or difficult driveways. Each request for transportation is evaluated and the decision is based on accessibility and safety conditions. A call to Scott will clarify any transportation issues. All van participants are required to wear seat belts. Whenever road conditions are unsafe, the morning pickup time will be delayed or canceled. The driver will call those on the transportation pickup list to advise them of the changes. If a major storm drops 7” to 12” of snow, transportation will be canceled and, in most cases, the Center will be closed as well. It is the responsibility of the transportation driver and Center staff to keep seniors as safe as possible.


Program Description:

South Jordan City provides a diverse collection of programs and services that enhance the lives of active older adults to congregate, exercise, learn and explore.

Our vibrant and affordable programming is focused on enriching the lives of seniors. Our warm and knowledgeable staff provides information, resources and referrals to individuals and families. Join an art class, volunteer your time, improve balance through Tai Chi or Yoga and make new friends over lunch, the possibilities are endless.

  • Service Area:South Jordan, UT
  • Transportation Services Provided: To/from Community Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Adults age 60 and over.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please call 801-302-1222 to schedule your reservation, or for more information.
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Trips and outings are available monthly.
  2. 2Reservations are required in advance.
  3. 3Please see the newsletter or call 801-302-1222 for upcoming trips.
  4. 4Transportation is provided free of charge.

Draper Senior Center – Senior Van

Program Description:

The state of the art facility offers a wealth of resources for older adults; we have an unparalleled combination of programs, workshops, classes, and services for independent, active and engaged seniors.

Draper Senior Center continues to distinguish itself as the new and innovative senior center of today. Around the city people are taking notice of the Center’s significant achievements and building design offering not only inside activities but outside sports areas as well. The Center features spectacular vistas from all areas of the Center, and a dining area extended to the outdoors where participants can enjoy their meals next to the beautiful pond, with views of the mountains and Draper City Park. The café style kitchen offers nutritious, freshly prepared meals by Chef Katrina Monday through Friday. Draper Senior Center has earned the status of National Accreditation by meeting established senior center standards of excellence developed by National Council of Aging and the National Institute of Senior Centers.

  • Service Area:Draper, UT
  • Transportation Services Provided: To/from Senior Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Adults age 60 and over.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please Contact: (385) 468-3330Center ManagerCyndi McCarty (385) 468-3322
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Monday – Friday.
  2. 2Donations encouraged.

Utah Valley Rides

Program Description:

Our mission is to assist senior citizens, people with disabilities, and individuals with low income to expand their independence and community access by providing safe, reliable rides within Provo and Orem.

Utah Valley Rides has been in the making for 20 years. Mountainlands Association of Governments (MAG), United Way of Utah County, and Utah Transit Authority (UTA) had the goal of developing a program to fill the gaps where current transportation services do not reach. We wanted to assist seniors and persons with disabilities to have complete access to their community. Through the hard work of these three organizations, we have finally secured sufficient funding to start Utah Valley Rides.

  • Service Area:Provo, Orem, Fork/Pleasant Grove area.
  • Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, shopping trips, hair appointments, and other important errands.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Seniors 65 years of age or older, low income or people with disabilities
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Scheduling: Rides may be scheduled by calling 801-471-0601Anyone who wants to use this service must have an approved Rider Application on file in the Utah Valley Rides office. All riders must read, understand and sign the information provided on back of the application.
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Monday thru Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
  2. 2To assure that resources are available, rides can be scheduled up to 30 days in advance on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  3. 3We provide service to residents in the Provo and Orem area on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Service to residents in American Fork/Pleasant Grove area on Thursday.
  4. 4Requests for rides will not be accepted after 3:30 PM the day before.
  5. 5Final trips for the day must be no later than 2:00 PM.
  6. 6Cancellations and no-shows: Cancellations require a minimum of four-hour notice. Less than four-hour notice will count as a no-show. After 3 no-shows, customers will be placed on a 30-day suspension of service.
  7. 7Rides may be denied if the driver determines that riders are unable to enter and exit the vehicle safely.
  8. 8Drivers are not allowed to carry any items for customers from stores or into places of residence. Under no circumstances may a driver enter a customer’s residence.
  9. 9Mobility Aids: Mobility aids such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs and power chairs are allowed. Wheelchairs and power chairs must be secured in the vehicle according to Utah Valley Rides safety guidelines. Walkers must also be secured.

Senior Companion Program

Program Description:

Senior Services hosts two programs — Foster Grandparents and Senior Companions. Both provide opportunities for healthy seniors to give back and be involved in their neighborhoods and communities.

Senior Companion Program

Provides older Americans with the opportunity to apply their life experiences to meeting community needs. Senior Companions serve one-on-one with the frail elderly and other homebound persons who have difficulty completing everyday tasks. They assist with grocery shopping, bill paying, and transportation to medical appointments and they alert doctors and family members to potential problems. Senior Companions also provide short periods of relief to primary caregivers.

  • Service Area:Provo, UT
  • Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, grocery shopping etc.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Elderly and other homebound persons who have difficulty completing everyday tasks.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please Contact Senior Companions:801-851-7767801-851-7766 (fax)
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays.

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Free Transportation for Seniors in Utah

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