If you're looking for free transportation for seniors in Iowa, you’re in the right place!
This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of Iowa.
Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!
Map of Free Transportation for Seniors in Iowa
List of Free Transportation for Seniors in Iowa
Program Description:
Access2Care is the innovation arm of Global Medical Response, developing services and technologies that are transforming the delivery of medical care.

These services include managed transportation, online medical-transport ordering, transfer center coordination, nurse navigation and ET3 partnerships. These solutions seamlessly integrate to help municipalities, health plans and hospital systems provide better patient care and outcomes.
Access2Care is one of the nation’s largest managers of Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) services. Our experience began in 1998, with a national ambulance management program under our parent company AMR.
Currently, we provide NEMT and managed transportation services to Medicaid and Medicare members through government and managed care organization (MCO) contracts, with customized programs for each client’s unique service area and diverse population.
- 1Rides are generally covered by Medicare or Medicaid via your health plan, so there is no charge to you.
- 2Please call at least three (3) business days before your healthcare appointment so we can make sure you get the ride you need.
- 3In one phone call, we can help you with rides to as many healthcare appointments as you have.
- 4At the time of your call, please let us know of any help that you will need. If you use a wheelchair, we will help you from your home to your healthcare appointment. If you do not use a wheelchair, we will help you from the curb at your home to the curb at your appointment. Please tell us when you call if you need to bring a caregiver or someone else with you. We want to know of any special needs you have when you call to set up your ride so that we can give you the right service.
- 5The driver that brings you to your healthcare appointment will give you a card with their phone number. When your appointment is over, please call the driver and tell them you’re ready. The driver will pick you up within one hour of your call.
Program Description:
Worth County Transit is operated through contract with North Iowa Area Council of Governments and dispatched through Worth County Public Health. The transit provides for all communities in Worth County.

The Worth County Public Health Office will schedule rides for the Worth County Transit. Rides are a means for those that are not able to drive to and from medical appointments, work or school.
- 1Veterans - Free; IowaCare Patients - $1 each way; General Public - $8 each way.
- 2Days of Service: Tuesday and Thursday.
- 3Please call by noon the day before you need to ride.
- 4Reservations can be made as soon as you have scheduled a medical appointment. You can make multiple reservations at one time.
- 5When you call to make a reservation, please discuss any special transportation needs with the dispatcher.
- 6To cancel a ride call 892-5170 (Linn County LIFTS) as soon as possible, but no later than 7 am the day of your ride. If you do not cancel a ride you will have to pay for the ride you missed before you can use the service again.
- 7Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis; so please call as soon as you know you'll need a ride.
- 8If the patient is ADA Eligible and can't get to the shuttle location they should call 892-5170 ([inn County LIFTS) as soon as possible to see if transportation assistance is available.
Program Description:
After the multi-year Iowa City Area Transit Study, the Transportation Department is presenting proposed changes to the area's transit system.

Changes include more frequent service, same routes days, nights, and weekends, more access to areas of high need, a two-year Sunday service pilot, and much more
- 1City Transit fares:
Adult Cash Fare: $1
Youth Cash Fare (Ages 5-18): $0.50 - new lower price
Children under the age of 5: No Fare
Senior (65+) Card Holders: No Fare – travel any time of day
Disabled Card Holders: No Fare – travel any time of day
ADA Paratransit (SEATS) Card Holders: No Fare – travel any time of day
Medicare Card Holders: No Fare - travel any time of day
Program Description:
Volunteer Iowa (The Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service) is part of a network of state service commissions throughout the

United States that exist to foster a bi-partisan state-level commitment to advancing service initiatives as well as developing, communicating, and promoting a statewide vision and ethic of service. This state agency is responsible for coordinating programs and activities formerly conducted by the Iowa Office on Volunteerism, which was launched in 1978 by Governor Robert D. Ray.
Volunteer Iowa, its commissioners, staff, and partner agencies work with organizations and individuals on three main fronts, by:
RSVP is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and older. Volunteers utilize the skills and talents they’ve learned over the years, or develop new ones, while serving in a variety of volunteer activities within their local communities.
Service opportunities are as diverse as the communities in which volunteers serve and may include:
Program Description:
SEIBUS (Southeast Iowa BUS) is the regional transit provider for Southeast Iowa, with service provided throughout Des Moines, Henry, Lee, and Louisa Counties, Monday through Friday.

Rides are also offered to medical appointments in Iowa City. It is operated by the Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission, with scheduling and management operated out of the SEIRPC office in West Burlington.
SEIBUS does not have fixed routes. Instead, rides are available to the general public on an on-demand basis, with different schedules for the cities in which buses are stationed. One-way and round-trip fares are offered, along with a monthly pass within individual counties. It also provides a service for major annual events like the Midwest Old Thresher’s Reunion and Tri-State Rodeo.
Our buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts and are driven by experienced and helpful employees. SEIBUS provides a safe, comfortable, economical way to take you to medical appointments or shop at the malls in Iowa City.
- 1The medical shuttle travels to Iowa City hospitals (University, Mercy, Veterans, Iowa River Landing, etc.) on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week, excluding holidays. Most medical shuttle pick ups are from your home, but alternate pick up sites can be arranged.
- 2Rides to the Cedar Rapids Airport are also available, arriving at the airport at approximately 9:30 AM. Departure from the airport is at 1:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday; 12:30PM on Wednesday.
- 3SEIBUS appointments must be made no later than 2:00 pm the day prior to departure.
Program Description:
Aging Services is a non-profit agency established in 1969 to identify and meet the needs of older adults. The agency was started by a group of volunteers. From there, Aging Services has grown to a paid staff of 44 with over 1100 volunteers.

The mission remains to enhance the lives of older adults by providing services and resources to help them remain independent.
Aging Services provides a continuum of services to over 5,000 older adults annually in order to help older adults remain in their homes throughout Linn, Benton, Johnson and Jones counties.
Our services include, but are not limited to:
- 1The transportation program runs Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- 2Due to Covid-19, only medical transportation is being offered at this time. Volunteer drivers will be provided with masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and wipes to ensure safety. We are also asking participants to sit in the backseat of the vehicle to encourage social distancing. Participants and drivers must be wearing masks while in the vehicle together.
Program Description:
The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) operates a family of transportation services that connects

thousands of people every day to jobs, school, medical appointments, entertainment and more. DART is the largest public transit agency in Iowa, serving Altoona, Ankeny, Bondurant, Clive, Des Moines, Grimes, Johnston, Pleasant Hill, Polk County, Urbandale, West Des Moines and Windsor Heights.
During this pandemic, transit continue to play an important role in connecting people to essential services. Thanks to some innovative community partners, DART is working to serve our community more than ever as we navigate COVID-19.
The DART has partnered with the Iowa Cancer Consortium (ICC), with guidance from the American Cancer Society (ACS), to provide reliable transportation options for cancer center patients who need transportation to reach their treatment appointments.