If you're looking for free transportation for seniors in Louisiana, you’re in the right place!
This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of Louisiana.
Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!
Map of Free Transportation for Seniors in Louisiana
List of Free Transportation for Seniors in Louisiana
Program Description:
Southeastrans values our partnership with the medical community to ensure Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

(NEMT) is provided to members who require transportation assistance and understands our role as the critical link to covered healthcare services.
- 1Hours of Operation/Urgent Care: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm CST, M-F.
- 2Medicaid Paid.
Program Description:
The Gas Reimbursement Program allows friends or family to transport our members to and from appointments. For their service, the driver will reimbursed for their gas expense.

- 1Medicaid Paid.
Program Description:
This National Senior Corps Program offers volunteers age 55 and older the opportunity to use their skills and life

experiences to help meet critical needs across St. Tammany Parish. Volunteers are needed for tutoring, helping at the hospital or taking seniors to doctor’s appointments. Volunteers work at their own pace. Some volunteers put in countless hours at a daily volunteer job, while others work special events as their schedule allows.
This past year, our more than 400 RSVP volunteers provided St. Tammany Parish with 38,000+ hours of service.
- 1Medicaid Paid.
Program Description:
The Bossier Office of Community Services is a private, non-profit organization. The Board of Directors serves as the governing and administrative authority of the Agency.
The Board is comprised of one-third of the membership representing the private sector, one-third representing the poor, and the final third which represents public officials.
It is the mission of the Bossier Office of Community services to provide beneficial and essential program services to the residents of Bossier, Claiborne, Union, Morehouse and Webster Parishes.
- 1No fee.
Program Description:
JCOA is the designated Area Agency on Aging for Jefferson Parish. It is responsible for planning, organizing, and offering a

comprehensive set of programs and services for improving the quality of life of Jefferson Parish’s 60+ year old seniors. These seniors represented nearly one fourth of the parish’s population. JCOA’s mission is to assist the senior citizens of Jefferson Parish to age with dignity and independence in the place and manner of their choice.
- 1No pricing information available on the website, Donations encouraged.
Program Description:
Since 1973, the East Baton Rouge Council on Aging (EBRCOA) has served the aging population of East Baton Rouge Parish through a spectrum of nutritional and social services.

Additionally, the EBRCOA is charged with both meeting and discovering the growing needs of the ever-increasing aging population.
Central to the EBRCOA’s mission is service to seniors as well as the maintenance of their personal independence and the enhancement of their storied lives.
The East Baton Rouge Council on Aging (EBRCOA) has answered the requests from our senior community to add transportation services to the agency’s portfolio. Lotus Rides is available to our EBRCOA seniors that are 60 and older.
- 1All rides must be scheduled at least 2 business days in advance to assure confirmation and all calls are scheduled on a first – come, first – served basis according to availability.
- 2The Transportation service is provided Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- 3The transportation services is provided free of charge.
- 4Lotus Rides is a “demand response” transportation service that currently provides transportation to and from senior centers and will expand to different options in the future.
Program Description:
The Lafayette Council on Aging, Inc. is a non-profit (IRS 501, c3) organization which operates a broad range of

programs, under the provisions of a state charter which was issued in November 1965. The Lafayette Council on Aging, Inc. acts in an advocacy capacity on behalf of the elderly population of the Parish of Lafayette.
The Mission of the Council is to enhance the well-being of the elderly by providing an expanding and innovative range of services delivered with respect, care and compassion; upholding the dignity and independence of the individual.
The programs of the LCOA are aimed at reaching those most in need of services and who find themselves alone, isolated, lonely and in need. The main goal of the Council is to keep the elderly living at home as long as possible and to enrich the quality of life.
- 1The vehicles used are 8-10 passenger vans that are wheelchair accessible.
- 2Transportation services are furnished Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.