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Free Wheelchairs, Scooters & Mobility Aids in North Carolina (2023): Complete Directory

By Maurice

If you’re looking for free wheelchairsfree mobility scooters, and other free mobility aids in North Carolina, we’ve got you covered!

This page is a complete resource for free assistive devices (wheelchairs, scooters, and more) and independent living resources in the state of North Carolina. 

Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Free Wheelchairs & Assistive Devices in North Carolina

1. Assist M.E. 

Assist M.E. logo

Assist M.E. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in Charlotte, North Carolina.  They take in gently used medical equipment and distribute them to low income, uninsured patients in the community.  Assist M.E. accepts donations of wheelchairs, bedside commodes, walkers, shower chairs and other medical equipment from individual donors and organizations. 

2. ALS Association North Carolina Chapter

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Association logo

The ALS Association North Carolina Chapter Equipment Loan Program accepts donations and houses six types of durable medical equipment. The purpose of the program is to benefit those with no insurance, those unable to order their power wheelchair, or those awaiting delivery of an ordered power wheelchair.

3. Assistive Technology Funding Resources

national disability institute logo

This guide is published by the NC Department of Health and Human Services and lists many programs that provide Assistive Technology Funding.

4. Better Health of Cumberland County 

Better Health of Cumberland County logo

Better Health is a nonprofit, charitable organization and relies upon local foundation, community and donor generosity for its funding. Medical Equipment Loans are available free of charge.  Loans are for 3- 6 months, depending on availability. Better Health currently has over 700 items on loan and assists over 500 clients per year through this program. Some of the equipment they loan include Walkers Canes and crutches, Wheelchairs, Bathroom assistance devices, Bedside commodes, and Hoya lifts.

5. Bank of America

Bank of America access loans are designed for customers with special vehicle needs. Whether you’re buying or refinancing, we want to help you afford that new or used accessible car, van or light-duty truck. Terms up to 72 months are available, so you have the flexibility to obtain financing that fits into your specific budget.

6. Christians United Outreach Center of Lee County 

Christians United Outreach Center of Lee County logo

The purpose of this organization is to provide basic needs of food, clothing or spiritual guidance as may be appropriate during crisis situations to residents of Lee County. They have a Medical Equipment program too where durable medical equipment is available for as long as client-need exists.

7. Chatham County Council on Aging

Chatham County Council on Aging logo

Chatham County Council on Aging works to promote independent living, and physical and mental wellness, through services, supports and activities for and with the population aged 60 and older.

They have an Assistive Equipment Loan Program that provides assistive devices, such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, shower transfer benches, bedside commodes, and hospital beds. The Council gladly accepts donations of equipment.

8. DisAbility Partners

DisAbility Partners logo

DisAbility Partners is a private, non-profit, consumer-controlled, community-based organization by and for people with all types of disabilities with the goals of maintaining civil rights options, controlling choices and the freedom to participate fully in our communities. They are a center for independent living that serves the seven western most counties of NC. Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, and Swain.

9. Eblen Charities 

Eblen Charities logo

The Eblen Charities is a non-profit organization whose outreach extends throughout the counties of western North Carolina and through its numerous programs has helped thousands upon thousands of families each year with medical and emergency assistance. They offer medical, medication, and equipment assistance for adults that are diagnosed with a chronic illness or disability.

10. Easter Seals–UCP

Easterseals logo

Easterseals UCP provides meaningful and exceptional services so that children, adults and families living with disabilities, behavioural health challenges and autism can live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Easterseals provide funding to individuals for DME, assistive, or smart technologies if and when grant monies are available. Application required with copies of clinical evaluations of the item requested. Permanent, long-term disabilities, developmental disabilities, and all ages. Co-payments are not eligible for funding. Waiting list requests.

11. Lyn’s Medical Loan Closet

The Medical Loan Closet of Henderson County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides durable medical equipment at minimal cost to residents of Henderson County and surrounding counties who are facing recovery from illness, surgery, accident or other medical crisis.

Volunteers and staff at the MLCHC work with clients and their caregivers to help ensure they are loaned medical equipment that suits their needs.

12. Muscular Dystrophy Association

Muscular Dystrophy Association logo

The Muscular Dystrophy Association, formed in 1950, combats muscular dystrophy and diseases of the nervous system and muscular system in general by funding research, providing medical and community services and educating health professionals and the general public. 

Some of the services they provide include funds for clinic visits at UNC, Duke; funds for the purchase of wheelchairs, leg braces, and communication devices and the repair of devices.

13. NC Assistive Technology Exchange Post 

NC Assistive Technology Exchange Post logo

The goal of the Assistive Technology Exchange Post hosted by NCATP is to put AT equipment that is not currently being used in the hands of someone who can benefit from it. Only residents of North Carolina may list assistive technology items for sale on the Assistive Technology Exchange Post. The program is designed to facilitate equipment exchange between individuals and is not for the use of vendors or distributors.

14. North Carolina 2.1.1 

North Carolina 2.1.1 logo

There are a lot of organizations in North Carolina that provide durable medical equipment on loan. North Carolina 2.1.1 maintains a directory of those organizations. And If you need additional assistance after reviewing the results, the North Carolina 2-1-1 call specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by dialing 2-1-1 or 888-892-1162 from any phone.

15. North Carolina Assistive Technology Program 

North Carolina Assistive Technology Program logo

he North Carolina Assistive Technology Program (NCATP) is a state and federally funded program that provides assistive technology services statewide to people of all ages and abilities. NCATP leads North Carolina’s efforts to carry out the federal Assistive Technology Act of 2004 by providing device demonstration, short-term device loans, and reutilization of assistive technology. We promote independence for people with disabilities through access to technology.

16. North Carolina Special Assistance In-Home (SA/IH) Program for Adults

NC Department of Health and Human Services logo

The Special Assistance In-Home (SA/IH) program provides low income, North Carolina residents who are eligible for Medicaid with a monthly cash benefit to help them remain living in their homes. This program is intended to prevent the unnecessary or premature placement of persons in residential care facilities if they have the desire and ability to live at home with assistance. This program is also open to individuals who currently reside in assisted living, adult foster care, or another form of residential care and wish to move back into their homes.

This program is under the direction of the NC Health and Human Services’ Division of Aging and Adult Services and is administered locally by each county’s Department of Social Services. It is also referred to as the State/County Special Assistance In-Home Program for Adults.

17. O’Berry Center Foundation

O'Berry Center Foundation logo

O’Berry Center Foundation funding for AT, durable medical goods, vehicle modifications, not to exceed $5,000. Application required with copies of evaluations and a list of other attempts to obtain funding. 

18. State-County Special Assistance, In Home

NC Department of Health and Human Services logo

The State/County Special Assistance In-Home Program for Adults (SA/IH) provides a cash supplement to low-income individuals who are at risk of entering a residential facility. SA/IH provides additional support services and income to individuals who would prefer to live at home.

The case managers work directly with the recipients, families and other caregivers to develop a care plan that enables the recipient to live at home. The case managers, working with the recipient, establish the amount of the SA/IH payment and determine how the payment will be used.

19. Senior Adults Association – Randolph County 

Senior Adults Association - Randolph County logo

Senior Adults Association organizes a lot of programs for seniors. Among those programs is a transportation program. Regional Coordinated Area Transit System (RCATS) vans provide transportation for various activities to all senior centers, medical appointments, human service agencies, grocery stores, employment, and other public transportation needs. There is no charge for those 60+ and a small fare for those underage. Those on Medicaid are not charged for rides for Medicaid-eligible services.

20. Shepherd’s Center of Kernersville 

Shepherd's Center of Kernersville logo

The Shepherd’s Center of Kernersville is an interfaith ministry of volunteers which champions and sustains adults who are aging or with disabilities.

They offer loans of medical equipment, including wheelchairs, portable toilets, walkers, and more. They are available for loan on a 3-month renewable basis for as long as needed.

21. North Carolina Aging and Disability Resource Centers 

North Carolina Aging and Disability Resource Centers logo

ADRCs are in place nationwide to supply disabled and senior citizens with reliable information about the services and benefits to which they are entitled. They are collaboratively run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the US Administration on Community Living.

22. North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities

North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities logo

The Council is governed by a majority-disabled, Governor-appointed board tasked with promoting systems change to allow individual with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families to participate in the design of and have access to culturally competent services and supports, as well as other assistance and opportunities, which promote inclusive communities. The Council doesn’t provide grant money to individuals for vehicles or vehicle modifications, but it’s a good contact for guidance.

23. Council on Aging in Union County

Council on Aging in Union County is an independent, non-profit agency supporting people 60 and over in their efforts to remain healthy, active, and in control of their own lives. They have a lending closet where Durable Medical Equipment and incontinence supplies are available to help older neighbors remain living safely in their homes. The equipment available includes Wheelchairs, Transfer Chairs, Walkers, Rollators, Shower Stools, Transfer benches, Bedside Commodes, Raised Toilet Seats, Canes, Adult Disposable Briefs, and Bed Pads.

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1 thought on “Free Wheelchairs, Scooters & Mobility Aids in North Carolina (2023): Complete Directory”

  1. We would like to donate our Mom’s lift. It is a sway away lift currently used with a Pride Go-Go Elite Traveller Scooter. It is a Pride Outlander, not made anymore. Currently installed on a 2011 Honda CRV with 20,400 miles so you know the lift was not used much. The lift is around 5-6 years old and in good condition. We no longer need the lift and would rather donate it than give it to the car dealership when we trade in the car. I live in Raleigh, NC and have searched for days for someone to take the lift. Lift is free but if you want the car with all the adaptations it is $15,000 (which is our CarMax Offer). Looking to donate the lift asap. If you know someone who needs the lift or an organization that can take the lift please email me asap.

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