If you're looking for free transportation for seniors in Oklahoma, you’re in the right place!
This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of Oklahoma.
Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!
Map of Free Transportation for Seniors in Oklahoma
List of Free Transportation for Seniors in Oklahoma
Program Description:
Areawide Aging Agency is dedicated to advancing the dignity and independence of older adults in our community.
Areawide assess the needs of seniors, and coordinates programs to allow older adults to live safely in their own home for as long as possible.

We link seniors to resources through our information and assistance line and we also print a resource directory specifically for seniors in the counties we serve.
Our target population is older adults sixty years of age and older, plus their caregivers.
To provide these services, Areawide depends upon funding through private and foundation grants, with the majority of the funds coming from state and federal monies.
- 1Donations encouraged.
Program Description:
Utilizing a patient-centered, multidisciplinary, medical home approach, Indian Health Care Resource Center,

a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, offers a full range of health and wellness services tailored to the Indian community. The mission of the Indian Health Care Resource Center of Tulsa, Inc. (IHCRC) is to provide quality, comprehensive health care to Tulsa-area Indian people in a culturally sensitive manner that promotes good health, well being and harmony.
- 1Transportation is provided free of charge.
Program Description:
Tulsa Transit offers reduced fares to seniors, Medicare card holders, persons with disabilities, active duty military, and veterans.

Customers may obtain a Reduced Fare Card or Reduced Fare Card Application by visiting the Denver Avenue Station (DAS), 319 S. Denver from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Customers can also print the Reduced Fare Application here, and have it completed before arriving at the station. The first Reduced Fare Card photo identification card costs $1.00. Replacement cards are $5.
Customers must show the Reduced Fare Card to the bus operator each time upon boarding. Card holders pay $0.85 for a single trip on Tulsa Transit’s fixed-route buses, and get reduced fares on multi-ride passes.
- 1Super Seniors (75 and Older) ride free with Super Senior photo ID card.
- 2Lift Program Card Holders ride free with Lift Program card.
- 3Approved Escorts for Lift Card Holders ride free when accompanying lift program card holder.
- 4Children (4 and under) ride free with adult.
- 5Seniors
Persons 62 years of age or older may obtain a Reduced Fare photo ID card by showing proof of age with a photo identification card. - 6Medicare Card Holders
Medicare card holders may obtain a Reduced Fare photo ID card by showing a Medicare card and a photo identification card. - 7Persons With Disabilities
Persons with disabilities must complete a Reduced Fare Card Application in order to obtain a Reduced Fare Card. Applications are available at the Denver Avenue Station. The application must be completed by the applicant’s physician and returned to Tulsa Transit. If the applicant is approved for the Reduced Fare Card Program, an approval letter will be sent via mail. That letter and a photo identification card must be taken to the Denver Avenue Station where the Reduced Fare Card can be obtained. - 8Veterans
Individuals who currently serve or have previously served in the United States armed forces are eligible for the Reduced Fare Program. To obtain a Reduced Fare card, active duty personnel must present a government issued photo identification card. Veterans who were honorably discharged must present 1) an identification card from a veteran’s organization, 2) a state-issued driver’s license showing veteran status, or 3) a DD 214 form. If the documentation presented does not have a photo affixed, the applicant must present another form of identification that includes a photo.
Program Description:
The Area Agency on Aging is the pass through agency through which federal, state and local funds provide resources or referral for older persons, age 60 and older, in the designated planning service area of Adair, Cherokee, McIntosh, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Sequoyah, and Wagoner counties.
Funds are distributed under the Older American Act of 1965. The EODD Area Agency is the pass through agency for contracted projects: Caregiver Program, Legal Aid of Oklahoma, Project H.E.A.R.T., SAC Nutrition, SAC Outreach, and Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative. Other grants provide services for Community expansion of Nutritional Assistance, Masonic foundation for Seniors, and Farmers Market vouchers.
- 1Transportation through the local bus systems and/or vans for older seniors is available to nutrition centers where available.
Program Description:
Citylink Access Paratransit Service (CAPS) is a free curb-to-curb service that will enable residents with disabilities to be picked up by Citylink and comfortably driven to appointments in a wheelchair accessible vehicle.

CAPS is intended to provide services in accordance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). The CAPS service operates Monday through Saturday. Service is available only within the Edmond City limits and within ¾ of a mile from a Citylink fixed route, excluding the 100X Expresslink.
- 1The CAPS service operates Monday through Saturday.
- 2Service is available only within the Edmond City limits and within ¾ of a mile from a Citylink fixed route, excluding the 100X Expresslink.
- 3Transportation is provided free of charge.
- 4Customers should call during business hours at least one day in advance to schedule a trip.
Program Description:
The Salvation Army currently works with ReMerge to provide transportation to their program participants. Additionally, the transportation team works with Oklahoma County Senior Nutrition to deliver meals to homebound seniors.

- 1Donations encouraged.
Program Description:

unable to find any transportation service on the website.
- 1$15/year membership, plus suggested donation of $1 per week for transportation
Program Description:
Since 1971, RSVP of Central Oklahoma has been enriching the lives of older adults by connecting them with meaningful and rewarding community volunteer opportunities.

Through our Volunteer Recruitment and Placement Program, we match the skills, talent, and experience of older adults with volunteer opportunities at area nonprofit agencies throughout central Oklahoma.
Since 1994 RSVP Provide-A-Ride has cared for low income older adults throughout central Oklahoma by providing free transportation to medical appointments.
Our compassionate volunteer drivers remain with our clients during the appointment, ensure they return home safely, and extend a special time of friendship for so many who live alone.
Your continued good health is dependent upon having access to your medical provider. This can become more difficult as you begin to restrict your driving time and locations. RSVP Provide-A-Ride can be your free resource to help you keep your medical appointments. We welcome new clients!
- 1Transportation is provided free of charge.
- 2Our drivers accompany our clients to their medical appointments, wait for them, drive them by the pharmacy when needed, and safely deliver our clients back home. More than just drivers, our volunteers are also caring older adults who give the gift of companionship and friendship.