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Free Medical Equipment in California

By Maurice

If you’re looking for free medical equipment for seniors in California, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free medical equipment for the elderly in the state of California.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Medical Equipment in California

List of Free Medical Equipment in California

Easterseals Superior California – Donate Durable Medical Equipment

Program Description:

Donations of durable medical equipment are always welcome. We restore, repair and loan equipment to members of the community.

  • Other Details: 
  1. 1No details found about the cost of medical equipment. Check with them. Please contact us for information about donation pick up and tax deductibility.
  • Sources:

ALS Association Golden WestChapter – Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program

Program Description:

The Golden West Chapter provides individuals access to safe, functional, appropriate durable medical equipment (DME) and complex rehab technologies (CRT) that promote safety and mobility. 

Please inquire directly with your care manager if you have a need for this type of equipment, or if you have any equipment to donate, including Hoyer lifts, power and standard wheelchairs, or communication devices.

  • Service Area:Northern California regions
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • families facing ALS living in Northern California regions
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1No details found about the cost of medical equipment. Check with them. Please contact us for information about donation pick up and tax deductibility.

Helping Hands Senior Foundation – DME Loan Closet

Program Description:

The role that Helping Hands Senior Foundation plays in this is to be a sponge to resources and store information about how to qualify, apply for and receive the benefits we know about so that we can share that information with disabled seniors who need those services. 

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Helping Hands is here to talk to seniors, or their families, about the resources their community has to offer. Their service is absolutely free to our clients and our aim is to connect them to services that are free, paid for through insurance, or heavily subsidized.

The Loan Closet is a free community resource where you may borrow basic medical equipment such as wheelchairs, power mobility equipment, walkers, crutches, canes, beds and bathroom safety items.

  • Service Area:LA, Orange, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Durable Medical Equipment:
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Power mobility equipment;
  3. 3Walkers;
  4. 4Crutches;
  5. 5Canes;
  6. 6Beds;
  7. 7Bathroom safety items.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • seniors
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1They connect people with organziations that have DME Loan Closets.
  2. 2Typically a loan closet receives donated new or gently used equipment from people who no longer need it. The loan closet will then clean and check the equipment and make it available to another person. Depending on the particular loan closet, the equipment may be loaned out for a set period of time, for as long as the person needs it or, in some cases it may be given away.
  • Sources:

Direct Relief International

Program Description:

Direct Relief is a humanitarian organization, active in more than 80 countries and all 50 U.S. states, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies.

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

Since 1948, Direct Relief has provided assistance to locally run healthcare facilities and projects by supplying them with specifically requested and appropriate pharmaceuticals, supplies, nutritional supplements, and medical equipment.

Direct Relief currently has active partnerships with healthcare facilities/clinics throughout the world that receive donations from Direct Relief and provide care to underserved, uninsured patients in that area.

  • Service Area:Nationwide and around the world
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes (from organizations)
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (to other organizations)
  • Audience served:
  • people affected by poverty or emergencies in the United States and around the world
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Due to industry regulations, Direct Relief cannot accept donations of medical items from individuals. Direct Relief is prohibited by California law from accepting donations of prescription medications from individuals or unlicensed facilities.
  2. 2In-kind contributions are received and housed at Direct Relief’s secure warehouse in Santa Barbara, California.
  • Sources:

ReCARES: Collection and Redistribution of Equipment & Supplies

Program Description:

ReCARES is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Every week in Oakland, San Francisco, and Marin volunteers gather at their sites to accept donations of durable medical equipment and supplies. 

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They provide the items they collect to people who need them.

  • Service Area:Oakland, San Francisco, and Marin
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • All people are welcome. At times we need to help those in the greatest need first, such as the homeless and uninsured.
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1What items do you accept?Almost everything medical that a person could use in their home such as: briefs, apnea machines, bedrails, blood pressure monitors, canes, commodes, crutches, cushions, diabetes monitors and strips, eyeglasses, gait belts, gauze, hearing aids, batteries for hearing aids, Hoyer lifts, incontinence washes and creams, ice machines, lambswool, medical tape, nebulizers, orthopedic boots, oxygen concentrators, quad canes, reachers, scales, slings, shower chairs, sock aids, tub transfer benches, wigs, walkers, rollators, wheelchairs. We can take short ramps at our sites but not long ramps. All items must be clean and sanitized.
  2. 2What does it cost?There is no charge for the items we give away. Financial donations are always welcome. We do not rent, sell, or loan equipment.
  3. 3What do you have?We almost always have: canes, commodes, shower chairs, crutches, standard two-wheeled walkers, toilet risers, cushions, blood pressure monitors, diabetic test equipment, nebulizers, CPAP, BiPAP, occupational therapy supplies like as sock aids and dressing sticks, ice machines, briefs, chux, gauze, cleansers.What items are in short supply?Tub transfer benches, wheelchairs, and four-wheeled walkers with seats and brakes. Requests for these items far exceed available donations. We try our best to prioritize for those in the greatest need. Because there are so many people looking for these items we no longer are able to keep waiting lists.
  4. 4The best way to reach us is to visit one of our three collection & distribution sites during open hours (Oakland, San Francisco, and Marin).
  • Sources:

The Durable Medical Equipment Aid Society – DME

Program Description:

As a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, donations to The DME are tax-deductible.

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

The DME collects, through donations, gently used, re-usable in-home durable medical equipment from individual donors, medical clinics, hospitals, etc., to meet the needs of individuals residing in Los Angeles County and Ventura County who have limited financial resources and/or who are un-insured or under-insured.

  • Service Area:Los Angeles County, Ventura County
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Standard or Bariatric Manual Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Standard or Bariatric Lightweight Transport Chairs;
  3. 3Front Wheel Walkers and Rollator (seated) Walkers;
  4. 4Standard or Bariatric Commodes and Toilet Risers;
  5. 5Wheelchair Ramps;
  6. 6Patient Lifts such as Hoyer lifts (Manual);
  7. 7Bath Transfer Benches or Shower Chairs/Benches;
  8. 8Shower or Bath Grab Bars;
  9. 9Single Point Canes and Quad Canes;
  10. 10Bed Rails and Toilet Rails;
  11. 11Crutches.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • limited financial resources and/or un-insured and under-insured residents of Los Angeles County or Ventura County
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1If you or anyone you know has any of the durable medical equipment listed above, as well as medical and incontinent supplies available to donate, please call or text 818-298-9893 to schedule a drop-off or pick-up for the donation. Since The DME does not maintain a physical office location we ask that you call or text us to schedule a drop-off or pick up of your donation.
  2. 2If you are able to deliver the equipment to our location in Tarzana (by appointment) or our alternate location in Culver City (by appointment), that would be greatly appreciated.
  3. 3All donated equipment should be in working order with no broken or missing parts or pieces. There should be no rust on any metal parts, chipped or pealing paint, or stains that will not wash out.
  4. 4We ask that you inform us if the applicant has no, or limited, insurance coverage or has no or limited financial resources.
  5. 5All equipment is for in-home use only.
  6. 6The DME does not charge a fee for the use our equipment. However, we would appreciate a donation to cover our operating costs. The DME depends on the generosity of its donors to assist in funding operating costs such as equipment storage costs and transportation costs.
  • Sources:

Alliance for Smiles – Donate Medical Supplies

Program Description:

Alliance for Smiles is a 501(c)3 non profit organization. Alliance for Smiles organizes and sends surgical teams to sites for two week missions. A surgical team is comprised of approximately 15 medical volunteers, supported by approximately 5 non-medical volunteers. 

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

During a mission 70 to 100 under-served children receive surgery for cleft lip & palate anomalies. The AfS team works side-by-side with local medical practitioners to exchange ideas on proper medical techniques and procedures, as well as to provide follow-up care.

They currently have six treatment center locations: five in China in Jiujiang, Wenzhou, Harbin, Zunyi, and Guiyang; and one in Lagos, Nigeria.

  • Service Area:San Francisco
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical Supplies:
  1. 1Ambu Bags (adult, infant & pediatric);.
  2. 2Bovie Pencils;
  3. 3Bovie Needle Tips w/ Insulated Needle;
  4. 4Bovie Grounding Pads;
  5. 5EKG Pads;
  6. 6Hats (surgical & bouffant);
  7. 7IV Catheters (20, 22 & 24 gauge);
  8. 8IV Tubing (15 drop & 60 drop, with at least 60″ tubing and 2 injection ports);
  9. 9Knife Blades (sizes 11, 12 & 15);
  10. 10Oral RAE Tubes (sizes 3.5 to 7);
  11. 11Steri-strips (1/2″ & 1/4″);
  12. 12Suction Catheters – 8fr, 10fr, 12fr, 14fr;
  13. 13Surgical Gloves (sterile);
  14. 14Sutures ( contact us for specifics);
  15. 15Syringes w/ Luer Lock Tips;
  16. 16Tape, Medical;
  17. 17Tegaderm Dressing;
  18. 18Tongue Blades;
  19. 19Medications (contact us for specifics). 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (worldwide)
  • Audience served:
  • children born with cleft lip and palate anomalies in under-served areas of the world
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1They accept non-expired, brand new medical supplies and medications. Please email if you have any of the below items.
  • Sources:

Dayle McIntosh Center (DMC) – AT Recycle/Reuse Program

Program Description:

The Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled, also referred to as DMC, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that 

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

provides services to people with disabilities and facilitates equal access and inclusion within the community.

AT Recycle/Reuse Program: The center accepts donations of used durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs, and other assistive devices for redistribution to individuals, who can’t afford to purchase such items or who do not have coverage under their health insurance for AT. Donated equipment is cleaned, sanitized, and repaired before reissue.

  • Service Area:Orange County
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Durable Medical Equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • any Individual with a disability who lives in the Orange County area
  • Other Details: n/a

Independent Living Center of Kern County – RepairReUse program for previously-owned Durable Medical Equipment

Program Description:

ILCKC is a nonprofit that empowers people with disabilities to live as independently as they can, and has been doing so since 1981.

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

  • Service Area:Kern County
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Durable Medical Equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • people with disabilities
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1Their site is suspended, so the information is from their FB account or other secondary sources.
  2. 2According to their Facebook page they are running this program.
  3. 3According to the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) they loan the equipment free of charge.

Disability Action Center (DAC) – AT & DME Reuse Program

Program Description:

Disability Action Center is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1980 to meet specific needs of people with disabilities living in Northern California. 

Their AT & DME Reuse Program accepts AT and DME that is in clean, functional condition and redistribute them to their clients.

  • Service Area:Shasta, Modoc, Siskiyou, Lassen, Butte, Tehama, Glenn, and Plumas Counties
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive Technology Program and Durable Medical Equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • people with disabilities living in Northern California
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1Based on donation, we accept AT and DME that is in clean, functional condition. Through our Reuse Program, we execute preemptive cleaning on all AT and DME equipment during these times of high health concern. Sanitation happens on arrival of donated items, then our items are stored and redistributed to our clients as appropriate for their personal needs.
  2. 2Availability of such items varies based on what has been donated to us, and our available storage space.
  3. 3Both our Redding office and Chico offices have different available space so what we accept and do not accept may change over time. If you are curious as to what we accept or don’t accept please contact the office closest to your residence and ask us, and we would be glad to answer any of your questions.
  4. 4Assistive Technology (AT) is a variety of equipment or adaptive Items that help with everyday tasks for a variety of people’s circumstances. Examples would be, Parkensons forks, automated pill dispensers, low impact exercise equipment, stands for devices, IV stands, etc.
  5. 5Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is medical equipment that usually helps with such things as mobility, self-care, or general functionality for individuals with physical hindrances from their disabilities. Examples would be, walkers, wheelchairs, rollators, Hoyer lifts, Showerchairs, commodes, etc.

Southern California Resource Services For Independent Living – Device Lending Library

Program Description:

Southern California Resource Services for Independent Living (SCRS-IL) is a cross-disability, non-residential, disability rights 

organization empowering people with any disability to live full and independent lives by committing to building an inclusive community that recognizes the dignity, humanity, and worth of all people.SCRS-IL’s Device Lending Library offers loan equipment at no cost.

  • Service Area:Southern California
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive Technology Devices and/or Equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • people with any disability
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1Items borrowed will be provided, as available, as a 30-day loan. Borrowing time may be extended, based on a case-by-case situation.
  2. 2Equipment available for borrowing may include portable ramps of different sizes and other firefly wheelchair adapters and knee scooters. Loan Agreement must be signed at the time of visit.
  3. 3SCRS-IL will also accept donations of assistive technology devices and/or equipment that are in good working order. Please contact AT Facilitator for further assistance with donations.
  • Sources:

Southern California Resource Services For Independent Living – ReUse Donation Program

Program Description:

Southern California Resource Services for Independent Living (SCRS-IL) is a cross-disability, non-residential, disability rights 

organization empowering people with any disability to live full and independent lives by committing to building an inclusive community that recognizes the dignity, humanity, and worth of all people.

The ReUse Donation Program provides assistive technology equipment and devices; e.g. wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, portable commodes, transfer benches, sliding boards, rollators.

  • Service Area:Southern California
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive Technology Devices and/or Equipment
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Crutches;
  4. 4Canes;
  5. 5Portable commodes;
  6. 6Transfer benches;
  7. 7Sliding boards;
  8. 8Rollators.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • people with any disability
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1Most equipment and devices are gently used; some new items may be available.
  2. 2All items are assessed and deemed in good working condition before provided to the public.
  3. 3Items donated do not have to be returned. This is a free service to the disability community. Please contact AT Facilitator and inquire for item availability.
  • Sources:

FREED Center for Independent Living – Device Lending & Demonstration Center

Program Description:

FREED is a disability and aging resource center providing services to residents of a five county area comprised of Nevada, Sierra, Yuba, Sutter and Colusa Counties. 

People can borrow assistive devices from FREED (eg. oice amplifier or a video magnifier).

  • Service Area:Nevada, Sierra, Yuba, Sutter and Colusa Counties
  • Type of Medical Equipment: AT devices:
  1. 1Portable Wheelchair and Threshhold Ramps;
  2. 2Video magnifiers;
  3. 3Long distance viewing glasses;
  4. 4Portable listening devices; and
  5. 5More.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • seniors and people with disabilities
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1Borrowing a device is free of charge, and anyone is eligible to participate—individuals, families, schools, and businesses.
  2. 2When we don’t have a device available at FREED, we can try to order it through another library in our state-wide system.
  3. 3People borrow devices through our library for many reasons: to accommodate a guest, offer support for an employee, or to try a device before it’s purchased. Whatever your interest is, you are welcome to stop by FREED to check out our inventory.
  4. 4Here are a few of the items we carry: Portable Wheelchair and Threshhold Ramps; video magnifiers; long distance viewing glasses; portable listening devices; screen readers for the visually impaired; amplified phones; TV headphones; wireless keyboard communicator; large print keyboards; electronic book readers; iPads; full spectrum lamps; and much, much more.

FREED Center for Independent Living – Equipment Reuse

Program Description:

FREED is a disability and aging resource center providing services to residents of a five county area comprised of Nevada, Sierra, Yuba, Sutter and Colusa Counties. 

FREED’s reuse program facilitates independence by connecting people with the medical items they need.

  • Service Area:Nevada, Sierra, Yuba, Sutter and Colusa Counties
  • Type of Medical Equipment: AT devices:
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Mobility devices;
  4. 4Transfer boards;
  5. 5Shower chairs;
  6. 6Toilet seats;
  7. 7Hospital beds;
  8. 8Canes, and
  9. 9Much more.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • seniors and people with disabilities
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1They offer refurbished medical equipment to seniors and individuals with disabilities free of charge. Items are donated from the community and refurbished by volunteers. While their inventory changes constantly, here are some of the things that may be found in their reuse program: Wheelchairs, walkers, mobility devices, transfer boards, shower chairs, toilet seats, hospital beds, canes, and much more.
  2. 2If you are interested in donating items for reuse, FREED accepts clean ready to use equipment. Be a part of the recycling movement! Give us a call with any questions.

Able People Foundation

Program Description:

Able People Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Public Benefit Charitable Organization (IRS Fed Tax ID#:04-3651552) that provides mobility equipment at no 

charge to low-income seniors and individuals with physical limitations.

  • Service Area:  
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Ambulatory Devices: Walkers;
  2. 2Manual Wheelchairs in Good Condition;
  3. 3Rehab Wheelchairs in Good Condition;
  4. 4Power Wheelchairs with Battery Charger in Working Condition;
  5. 5Electric Mobility Scooters in Good Condition with Battery Charger;
  6. 6Transfer Benches.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • low-income seniors and individuals with physical limitations
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1Your donations will help someone in need! Please email us with a description of the item(s) you would like to donate and attach a photo of the item(s), if possible.
  2. 2They accept the donations listed but currently do not have the resources to deliver or pickup donations.
  3. 3They do not take canes, medical supplies, medical beds and inflatable mattresses, and standing frames.

Convalescent Aid Society – Loan of Free Durable Medical Equipment

Program Description:

The Convalescent Aid Society, located in Pasadena, California, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is dedicated to improving the quality of life of our clients by 

providing the free loan of durable medical equipment (DME) for in-home use in order to:

a. Improve the quality of life.b. Restore and prolong mobilityc. Promote continued independence and autonomyd. Champion sustainable and cost-effective re-use, repair and recycling of DME.

  • Service Area: Passadena, the greater San Gabriel Valley, Glendale, and Burbank
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Durable Medical Equipment 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • clients of all ages
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1The equipment they accept must be durable equipment, not disposable. Also, please note that the equipment must be in working condition (or easily repaired).
  2. 2In order to apply for equipment, one may call at 626-793-1696 or schedule an appointment through the website.3. Those interested to loan equipment will sign a facility loan agreement. On the application the applicant will need the contact information, including addresses and phone numbers for separate individuals as part of this application: The Client, The Cosigner and one additional Contact Person. The client must live within the Greater San Gabriel Valley, while the Co-Signer must live within Los Angeles County.
  3. 3Proof of residency from the Client and Cosinger (drivers license and utility bill) is required (NO PHOTO COPIES WILL BE ACCEPTED).
  • Sources:

Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC) – Assistive Technology (AT) Lending Library

Program Description:

SVILC is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, non-residential organization that provides free services to all persons with disabilities of all ages who seek services to help further their independence in Santa Clara County.

SVILC maintains a lending library of Assistive Technology (AT) so consumers may borrow a device free of charge and try it before buying it, use it to compare similar devices, or to use while a personal device is being repaired.

  • Service Area: Santa Clara County
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive Technology Devices
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • persons with disabilities of all ages
  • Other Details: n/a

Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC) – Equipment and Device Donation

Program Description:

SVILC is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, non-residential organization that provides free services to all persons with disabilities of all ages who seek services to help further their independence in Santa Clara County.

They accept gently used to new equipment as donations, which are re-donated to those in our community in need.

  • Service Area: Santa Clara County
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive Technology and Medical Equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • persons with disabilities of all ages
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Due to storage limitations, we are unable to accept large items such as hospital beds. Contact our AT specialist for more information on donating or arrange for pick-up.

Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities (CID) – Equipment Donation Program

Program Description:

The Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities (CID) is a private, nonprofit corporation located in San Mateo, California.

  • Service Area: San Mateo County and beyond
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive Technology and Medical Equipment
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Scooters;
  3. 3Power chairs;
  4. 4Walkers;
  5. 5Shower chairs/benches;
  6. 6Incontinence supplies;
  7. 7Transfer benches;
  8. 8Tablets;
  9. 9Assistive Programs, and
  10. 10Assistive accessories.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • people with disabilities
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1They accept as donation home lifts and DME.
  2. 2The DME CID currently accepts: Wheelchairs, Scooters, Power chairs, Walkers, Shower chairs/benches, Incontinence supplies, Transfer benches, Tablets, Assistive Programs, and Assistive accessories less than 5 years old and in in “Like New” Condition. Make an appointment with the Assistive Technology Coordinator to schedule a drop off or pickup.
  3. 3CID can not accept: CPAP and breathing type machines, rusted, soiled, and worn items, clothing and bedding, and open packages of medical and incontinence supplies.
  4. 4Please inquire with the AT Manager Vincent Lopez to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions.

Goodwill of Orange County – Assistive Technology Exchange Center (ATEC)

Program Description:

Goodwill of Orange County’s Assistive Technology Exchange Center (ATEC) enables individuals to increase their independence at school, home, or in the workplace by providing the best 

technological solution for their individual needs. This comprehensive assistive technology program provides services, including assessment and training; technological devices through our device loan and reuse program; consultation; technical support; and equipment installation, delivery, and repair.

  • Service Area: Orange County
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive Technology
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (see comments)
  • Audience served:
  • anyone
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Typically, services are funded through third party agencies, such as school districts/ SELPAs, Regional Centers, Department of Rehabilitation, employers or private pay.
  2. 2We invite you to take a tour of our facilities and talk with our staff. If you are interested in ATEC and our many services, please contact Lauren Mennig, Program Manager using the form below.

Soldier’s Dove – Mobility Aid Equipment

Program Description:

A Soldier’s Dove is a volunteer-led-non-profit that provides mobility aid equipment to those in need to help people regain their mobility and independence. 

They collect, sanitize, repair and gift donated mobility aid equipment to those in need (uninsured, underinsured, experiencing delays, to assist individuals to whom equipment is not otherwise available).

  • Service Area: SF Bay area
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Mobility Aid Equipment:
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Rollators;
  4. 4Commode;
  5. 5Canes.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need (uninsured, underinsured, experiencing delays, to assist individuals to whom equipment is not otherwise available)
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1They gladly accept donations of new or gently used walkers, manual wheelchairs and various types of bath equipment.

NATADS: Assistive Technology Portal (Device Loan and Assistive Technology Reutilization)

Program Description:

The purpose of the NATADS Public Access database includes the Device Loan and the Assistive Technology Reutilization programs.

The purpose of the Device Loan program is to let potential AT users try-out devices prior to purchase, have access to a backup system when their device is in for repairs and/or have access to a device while waiting for their device to be delivered.

The purpose of AT reutilization is to allow individuals the ability to view and/or post gently used Assistive Technology for sale, free or needed. This area also lets individuals view Refurbished, Repaired AT Equipment or Equipment that is available for Open Ended Loans by the AT Program.

  • Service Area: California
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details:  
  • Sources:

California Assistive Technology System – Ability Tools: Device Lending and Demo Centers

Program Description:

Ability Tools operates a Device Lending and Demonstration Center (formerly Device Lending Library) program throughout California. 

The following agencies contract with Ability Tools to provide short-term loans of assistive devices and gadgets that can help you live independently. Whether your need is temporary or you would just like to try out some devices before you buy, our Device Lending Libraries can provide free, short-term loans for up to 30 days of equipment such as portable ramps, AAC devices, magnifiers, computer software and more.

  • Service Area: California
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes/No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Californians
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1There are 12 Device Lending Libraries across the state which have AT devices for people to borrow for 30 days or more.
  2. 2Those interested should check with the specific Lending Library if they also accept equipment donations.
  • Sources:

Independent Living Resource Center of the Tri-Counties – AT Donations Program

Program Description:

Independent Living Resource Center (ILRC) is a Center for Independent Living that serves people with disabilities in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties.

  • Service Area: San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties
  • Type of Medical Equipment: AT equipment:
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Scooters;
  4. 4Canes;
  5. 5Hearing aids, and
  6. 6More.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • people with disabilities
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1AT equipment that is still in great condition.
  2. 2Advocates can help assess need, locate technology to try, and search for funding to purchase.
  • Sources:

Able Advocates – Equipment Closet

Program Description:

Providing a no cost equipment closet to central valley families in need. We have a large assortment of items for children ages 6 month and up!

  • Service Area: Central Valley
  • Type of Medical Equipment: n/a
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • children with special needs
  • Other Details: n/a 

Able Closet – Equipment Loans

Program Description:

AbleCloset provides equipment loans to help families while they wait for orders, get funding approved, or in case they want to test specific equipment before making a purchase.

  • Service Area: California
  • Type of Medical Equipment: n/a
  1. 1wheelchairs,
  2. 2KidWalks,
  3. 3Rifton pacers,
  4. 4Freedom adapted bikes, and
  5. 5Convaid strollers.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • children with disabilities in California
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Due to our limited warehouse space, we no longer accept all donations. Equipment must be in good condition with no missing parts. We accept the following items if they are in good condition: wheelchairs, KidWalks, Rifton pacers, Freedom adapted bikes and Convaid strollers. If you are unsure whether we will accept your donated equipment, please send us a picture at for confirmation.
  2. 2We never accept the following items: hospital beds, custom-fit braces, power wheelchairs, damaged equipment.
  3. 3Free equipment loans for children with disabilities in California.
  • Sources:

Global Mobility – Equipment and In-Kind Donations

Program Description:

Global Mobility USA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit humanitarian organization committed to serving the needs of persons with disabilities around the world who are in need of a free wheelchair or other mobility assistance.

Global Mobility accepts donations of ambulatory aid including wheelchairs*, wheelchair parts, walkers, canes, crutches, ramps, as well as PT/OT equipment! They also accept in-kind donations of goods and specific services.

  • Service Area: Nationwide and worldwide
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Wheelchairs (standard wheelchairs, complex rehab wheelchairs, active wheelchairs, sports wheelchairs, and recliner wheelchairs for children, teens and adults).
  2. 2Wheelchair parts,
  3. 3Walkers,
  4. 4Canes,
  5. 5Crutches,
  6. 6Ramps, as well as
  7. 7PT/OT equipment.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (through partnerships)
  • Audience served:
  • persons with disabilities in United States and around the world
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Those who want to donate should describe their equipment or in-kind donation on the website form. Global Mobility will review the donation and set up a time for pick up or to talk about the donation in greater detail.
  2. 2Motorized wheelchairs MUST be in working order.
  3. 3They provide a complete variety of free wheelchairs, including but not limited to standard wheelchairs, complex rehab wheelchairs, active wheelchairs, sports wheelchairs, and recliner wheelchairs for children, teens and adults.
  4. 4They work through local strategic partners to address the domestic need. Those partnerships include the Shriners Hospital for Children, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, convalescent homes, churches and local missions.Their global partners include Refugio de Esperanza/ Hope Haven International (Guatemala), the Da Nang Rehabilitation Hospital (Vietnam), Eldoret National Hospital (Kenya), PNG Assembly of Disabled Persons (PNG ADP) (Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands), and Ruedas para Humanidad (Mexico), as well as Operation USA, and Project Handclasp, a humanitarian program of the U. S. Navy.
  5. 5Physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT).
  • Sources:

Wilshire Health and Community Services, Inc. – Riso Family Loan Closet

Program Description:

Wilshire Health and Community Services, Inc. is a not-for-profit tax-exempt organization. The Loan Closet is a free community resource that loans medical equipment to those in need.

  • Service Area: the Central Coast
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Crutches,
  2. 2Canes,
  3. 3Walkers,
  4. 4Wheelchairs,
  5. 5Bathroom safety equipment, etc.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Would you like to borrow equipment, donate or become a volunteer? Reach out to us today. We are available by appointment only. Please call us to schedule an appointment.277 South Street, Suite U, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401805.541.4990

Giving Children Hope – Medical Equipment

Program Description:

Giving Children Hope is a community driven nonprofit that equips front line partners with resources to serve vulnerable children and families. As a faith-based partner we provide sustainable hope through wellness 

programs and disaster response in collaboration with local and global communities; we do this through the gathering and giving of Medical Resources, Nutritional Foods, and Basic Needs. Giving Children Hope is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

  • Service Area: Nationwide
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Basic medical equipment 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes (not at this time)
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No (worldwide, through partnerships)
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details: They are not accepting public donations at this time due to COVID-19. 
  1. 1Basic Medical Equipment: Universal Exam Table (manual or hydraulic),Gurney,Cardiograph,Defibrillator,Pulse oximeter (with disp. Probes),Otoscope – ophthalmoscope,Laryngoscope,Autoclave (table mount),Nebulizer,Surgery instrument table (stainless steel),Blood Pressure monitor (wall mount or on a cart),Portable (hand carry) blood pressure monitor (cuffs: adult, pediatric, baby),Stethoscope,Portable suction pump,Hospital scale,Pediatric scale,Basic surgery instrument set,Oxygen tank with regulator and flow meter,Exam light,Portable surgery light,Thermometer,Manual resuscitator,IV pole (stand),Portable blood glucose monitor,Test strips and lancets,Crutches,Wheelchair,Walker,Cane,Stretcher,Reflex hammer,Lab microscope,Lab centrifuge,Sharp instrument container,Hospital metal ware,Speculum (gynecology),Medical glassware,Cabinet for (pharmaceuticals),Basic set of gynecology instruments,Basic set of non proscription pharmaceuticals,Specimen containers.
  2. 2Add-On Medical Supplies:Universal set of disposal medical supplies,Early pregnancy test system,Cast bandage,Splints, supports,Cold pack, hot pack.
  3. 3Linens:Hospital blanket,Hospital linen,Medical uniforms,Patient robe,Baby belongings,Hospital towels.
  4. 4Add-On Hospital Furniture:Refrigerator (for pharmaceuticals),Refrigerator (food only),Cabinet (for medical supplies),Stool,Step bench,Hospital bed (electric),Bed side table,Over bed table.
  5. 5Add-On Furniture:Desk,Office chair,File cabinet,Office light,Trashcan,Patient chair,Fan,Computer with printer,Printer paper,Fax machine,Copy machine,Cabinet (metal, for documents),Flash light,Candles.
  6. 6Giving Children Hope does not have the capacity to pick up items at this time. If you are willing to pay for shipping we will gladly except the following items.
  • Sources:

VNA HEALTH – Loan Closet

Program Description:

VNA Health is California’s third oldest VNA and continues to be a leading nonprofit provider of comprehensive in-home healthcare, helping patients and their families … live well at home … wherever they reside and call home.

The Loan Closet is the only community resource in Santa Barbara County offering free short-term loans of basic medical equipment. Owned and operated by VNA Health, the Loan Closet has been in serving the County since the founding of VNA Health in 1908.

Today the Loan Closet serves more than 4,000 residents each year, and is completely supported through private donations and contributions, often from people who have benefited from the Loan Closet.

  • Service Area: Santa Barbara County
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Wheelchair,
  2. 2Walker,
  3. 3Crutches,
  4. 4Shower bench, or
  5. 5Other assistive device.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Santa Barbara County residents
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1There is no fee for borrowing equipment. To inquire about availability of equipment please call 805.690.6235 or email before completing the Loan Closet Equipment Loan Form.
  2. 2When you no longer need medical equipment, please consider donating or returning it to the Loan Closet. Most small medical equipment is accepted, as long as it is in good condition. Due to limited storage space, large items such as hospital beds cannot be donated. For tax purposes, we will be glad to provide you with written acknowledgment of your donation.
  • Sources:

Marin Medical Equipment Recyclers

Program Description:

Marin Medical Equipment Recyclers is a locally run volunteer non-profit based in San Rafael. 

They accept donations of clean, useable medical equipment and supplies and give them to individuals in their community who need them. They are committed to reducing needless environmental waste while increasing access to medical equipment and supplies that provide safety, mobility, and independence.

  • Service Area: San Rafael
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical Equipment Or Supplies, such as:
  1. 1Wheelchairs,
  2. 2Companion chairs,
  3. 3Transfer benches,
  4. 4Shower chairs ,
  5. 5Orthopedic supports,
  6. 6Blood pressure machines,
  7. 7Nebulizers,
  8. 8Canes,
  9. 9Crutches,
  10. 10Commodes,
  11. 11Walkers,
  12. 12Grabbers,
  13. 13Wedge pillows,
  14. 14Therapeutic cushions,
  15. 15Packages of diapers,
  16. 16Panty pads,
  17. 17Bed pads,
  18. 18Latex and vinyl gloves,
  19. 19Moist wipes, etc.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1We will accept them if they are clean and functional — and give you a tax deductible receipt for those you purchased.
  2. 2Our volunteers are at the site every Wednesday to help you with your request or to accept your donation.
  3. 3All items are made available on a first serve basis unless arrangements have been made in advance by telephone or email. Volunteers are available to help you with your needs.
  4. 4Pick up or delivery is generally not available except with special arrangements made by contacting us.
  5. 5When you receive an item you will be asked to fill out and sign a Liability Release.
  6. 6We accept clean items in good condition that can fit into a small storage unit such as:a) Wheelchairs,b) Companion chairs,c) Transfer benches,d) Shower chairs ,e) Orthopedic supports,f) Blood pressure machines,g) Nebulizers,h) Canes,i) Crutches,j) Commodes,k) Walkers, l) Grabbers,m) Wedge pillows,n) Therapeutic cushions.
  7. 7Supplies: We accept packages of diapers, panty pads, bed pads, latex and vinyl gloves, moist wipes, etc.
  8. 8We cannot accept large items such as hospital beds, Hoyer lifts, lift chairs, motorized wheelchairs and scooters, at our site in San Rafael, but we run a clearing-house operation for those. We will take the phone number of a donor, and with permission, pass it on to a person seeking the item.
  9. 9We Do Not Accept:a) Liquid Nutrition of any kind,b) Broken Items,c) Incomplete or Unusable Items,d) Rusted or Dirty Items,e) Expired Sterile Items.

Cecily’s Closet in partnership with the United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of San Diego County

Program Description:

Cecily’s Closet is non-profit created with the simple premise of spreading stories of hope, love and encouragement to children with special needs and their families in San Diego County. 

Thanks to a small army of dedicated volunteers and supportive local businesses, Cecily’s Closet is able to recycle durable medical equipment, offer free belly bands for children with feeding tubes and provide sweet dream room makeovers for children with special needs.

  • Service Area: San Diego County
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical Equipment Or Supplies, such as:
  1. 1Wheelchair,
  2. 2Walker,
  3. 3Scooter,
  4. 4Specialized stroller,
  5. 5Cane,
  6. 6Stander,
  7. 7Bath chair,
  8. 8Gait trainer, etc.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • children with special needs and their families in San Diego County
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1They now post their equipment to FaceBook only! In most cases, the equipment is recycled very quickly.
  2. 2Need an item? Wish to donate something to Cecily’s Closet. Contact us at Thank you!
  3. 3Cecily’s Closet partners with the United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) organization of San Diego County to help make recycled medical equipment available to families that need it! The UCP accepts and recycles pediatric and adult durable medical equipment to families at no cost. The UCP also can help with the purchase of durable medical equipment if no other source of funding is available.
  • Sources:

F.I.S.H. (Friends in Service) of Sonoma Valley – Medical Equipment Donations

Program Description:

F.I.S.H. serves the community of Sonoma Valley, from Schellville to Kenwood.FISH accepts wheelchairs, shower chairs, commodes, and walkers that are in good condition.

  • Service Area: Sonoma Valley
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical Equipment Or Supplies, such as:
  1. 1Walkers;
  2. 2Wheelchairs;
  3. 3Commodes;
  4. 4Shower chairs.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • their neighbors in need
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1To donate (or to borrow) medical equipment, please email FISH at or call 996-0111. Please contact before dropping off equipment as they have limited storage.
  2. 2All their services are provided at no charge.

Breathe California – CPAP Machine Donations

Program Description:

As the local clean air and healthy lungs leader, Breathe California of the Bay Area, Golden Gate, and Central Coast fights lung disease in all its forms and works with its communities to promote lung health.

They are the only local non-profit that helps lung disease and sleep apnea patients with low cost breathing equipment and supplies.

If you have a gently used auto CPAP or auto Bi-PAP machine that comes from a pet-free, smoke-free household, please consider donating it. Many of our community members need a CPAP or Bi-PAP, and we are grateful to receive your donation to help a community member in need. Breathe California is also happy to accept supply donations as long as the supplies are new in their original, unopened packaging.

  • Service Area: Alameda, Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, San Francisco, Monterey, Merced, Madera, Contra Costa and Fresno Counties
  • Type of Medical Equipment: CPAP machines (auto CPAP or auto Bi-PAP machine) and supplies, nebulizers and supplies, medication holding chambers, peak flow meters, air filters (to specific populations enrolled in our other programs, not the general public), etc.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes for low-income, underserved populations; Request donations from others.
  • Audience served:
  • Community members in need/ lung disease and sleep apnea patients
  • Other Details:  
  2. 2Drop off your cleaned machine or mail it to us at 1469 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126. We are open on weekdays from 9-5 pm.
  3. 3You MUST contact us in advance at BEFORE you bring any CPAP/Bi-PAP machines or supplies into our office. Certain models of machines or machines beyond a certain manufacturing date are not eligible to be refurbished for this program. Due to a product recall, we will no longer accept donations of any Bi-PAP or CPAP machines produced by Philips.
  4. 4When you bring in your CPAP or auto Bi-PAP, please leave the SD card in it. Without it, the machine will not function. When we receive your machine, we will erase the SD card.
  5. 5Breathe California of the Bay Area serves clients with CPAPs in the following counties (many by mail only): Alameda, Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, San Francisco, Monterey, Merced, Madera, Contra Costa and Fresno Counties. The  Sleep Safe Program can make the machines available to those diagnosed with sleep apnea at very low cost.

Lions In Sight Of California And Nevada

Program Description:

Lions In Sight is a non-profit 501(c)(3). Your donations are tax deductible.LIS supplies eyeglasses to Veteran, homeless, and low-income clients 

within the San Francisco Bay Area, Nevada, and elsewhere in the United States and to developing countries.

  • Service Area: Nationwide
  • Type of Medical Equipment: CPAP machines (auto CPAP or auto Bi-PAP machine) and supplies
  1. 1Eyeglasses,
  2. 2Sunglasses,
  3. 3Broken eyeglass parts, 
  4. 4Clip on sunglasses with metal parts, 
  5. 5Hearing aids.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No (worldwide)
  • Audience served:
  • nationwide and worldwide
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1How to get your eyeglasses and other items to Lions In Sight:a) Deliver your eyeglasses to a drop off location listed here. Drop off locations are unable to accept printer and toner cartridges.b) Mail your items to Lions In Sight using this shipping label.c) Give to a Lions Club member.
  • Sources:

Resources for Independence Central Valley (RICV) – Voice Options Program

Program Description:

RESOURCES for INDEPENDENCE Central Valley, (RICV), was established in 1976 to empower the independence of people with disabilities in Fresno, Kings, Madera, Merced, and Tulare Counties. 

RICV offers the guidance and tools to assist persons with disabilities in achieving their own vision of what independence means for them.Through a partnership with the California Public Utilities Commission’s Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program, the California Department of Rehabilitation’s VOICE OPTIONS program offers eligible Californians who are unable to speak, or who have difficulty speaking, with a free speech-generating device.

The goals of this program is to ensure full and equal telephone communications access for all Californians with disabilities.

  • Service Area: California
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Speech-generating devices
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • eligible Californians who are unable to speak, or who have difficulty speaking
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Through this program, any eligible Californian referred to a Voice Options provider will have the opportunity to test five different speech-generating applications for up to 14 days.
  2. 2The five applications provided are:a) GoTalk NOW Plus,b) LAMP Words for Life,c) Predictable,d) Proloque4Text,e) TouchChat HD with Word Power.
  3. 3Getting started:STEP ONE: Contact RICV at 559-221-2330 to schedule an orientation and demonstration.STEP TWO: Participate in a Voice Options orientation and receive a speech-generating device demonstration.STEP THREE: Take a short-term loaner iPad for a 2-14 day trial period. Practice using the preloaded speech-generating applications to help you determine which application works best for you.STEP FOUR: Receive a new iPad with one speech-generating application of your choice downloaded on the iPad.To get more information, or to enroll in the program, contact: Gerald Jones
  • Sources:

Triumph Foundation – Equipment & Supply Exchange

Program Description:

Triumph Foundation’s Exchange section is designed to pair people who are in need of adapted equipment & supplies with people who have unneeded durable medical goods to donate.

  • Service Area: Southern California
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes (database)
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (database)
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details:  
  • Sources:

Avenidas – Medical Equipment Loan Closet

Program Description:

Folks who have an illness or injury can use the Avenidas Medical Equipment Loan Closet. Whether you require a walker, shower chair, cane, or other equipment, you can borrow it for free and return when you no longer need it.

  • Service Area: Palo Alto
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? n/a
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (database)
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details: To borrow equipment, call 650-289-5400 or email with your request.Equipment is free to borrow, although wheelchairs require a $25 deposit paid in advance of pick-up.No information found about accepting medical equipment donations. They mention in-kind donations of equipment mentioned in their financials, but it is not clear if it is medical equipment. 
  • Sources:

Bikur Cholim House – Medical Equipment Free Loan: G’MACH

Program Description:

The BIKUR CHOLIM HOUSE is a 10-unit apartment building in the heart of Hancock Park centrally located to all of the major medical centers throughout Los Angeles. 

For those patients and their accompanying guests desiring a Jewish community while receiving treatment in Los Angeles, the Bikur Cholim House provides each family with their own fully furnished apartment with Wifi and cable TV free of charge within walking distance of synagogues and kosher markets.

Bikur Cholim’s Medical Equipment G’Mach loans out free medical equipment to patients and families of all ages. Wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, and all types of medical supplies are available at no cost for those leaving the hospital, recovering at home, or any emergency.

  • Service Area: West Coast
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details:  
  • Sources:

Sonoma County Section on Aging, a coalition of agencies – Medical Equipment Recycling Program (MERP)

Program Description:

MERP is sponsored and run by volunteers of the Sonoma County Section on Aging group. We offer this program to serve our community and items are FREE or you may give us a donation to defray the cost of rented storage vaults.

  • Service Area: Sonoma county
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Adult disposable briefs and bed pads,
  2. 2Canes,
  3. 3Crutches,
  4. 4Sliding boards,
  5. 5Bed alarm,
  6. 6Walkers with seats,
  7. 7Wheelchairs,
  8. 8Lightweight transport wheelchairs,
  9. 9Shower benches and chairs.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes 
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1We DON’T take: aluminum walkers, CPAP machines, crutches, bandages, medications, catheter supplies, needles, tracheotomy or ostomy supplies, tubing of any kind, IV supplies, boots or braces, broken or dirty equipment.
  2. 2Currently, we are not taking commodes, we have plenty to give a way so if you need one, please stop by. Also, we aren’t accepting OR donating any hospital beds. If you need one or have one to donate call Danny 707-364-0305
  • Sources:

Free Medical Equipment in North Dakota

Free Medical Equipment in Maryland

Free Medical Equipment in Vermont

Free Medical Equipment in South Carolina

Free Medical Equipment in Arkansas

Free Medical Equipment in New York

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