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Free Medical Equipment in Kentucky

By Maurice

If you’re looking for free medical equipment for seniors in Kentucky, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free medical equipment for the elderly in the state of Kentucky.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Medical Equipment in Kentucky

List of Free Medical Equipment in Kentucky

Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Medical Equipment Loan Closet

Program Description:

The purpose of the Medical Loan Closet is to provide temporary assistance to individuals in need of medical equipment when other sources are unavailable. 

A variety of donated items are offered at no cost for use during your home recovery. Items for loan are shower chairs/benches, transfer benches, walkers, bedside commodes, canes, toilet seat risers, and wheelchairs.

  • Service Area:Northern Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Please call the Assistance Office to check if an item is available. 859-341-3219

University of Kentucky, College of Health Sciences – Project CARAT (Coordinating and Assisting the Re-use of Assistive Technology)

Program Description:

Project CARAT, funded in part by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), is a partnership 

between UK and agencies across the state to provide durable medical equipment to individuals in need. Project CARAT (Coordinating and Assisting the Re-use of Assistive Technology), a program that collects and refurbishes durable medical equipment and distributes it to people who are unable to obtain medical equipment due to inability to pay or lack of insurance. Project CARAT has a full-service collection and distribution site at the UK Center of Excellence in Rural Health in Hazard.

The goal of Project CARAT is to make Assistive Technology and Durable Medical Equipment more accessible to those who need it in rural Kentucky.Donate equipment

  • Service Area:Lexington, Louisville, Paducah, Paintsville, Hazard, Morehead, Harlan, Ft. Mitchell, Owensboro, rural Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Manual wheelchairs,
  2. 2Shower chairs,
  3. 3Shower/bath seats,
  4. 4Bedside commodes,
  5. 5Grab bars,
  6. 6Walkers,
  1. 7Canes,
  2. 8Crutches,
  3. 9Rollators,
  4. 10Portable ramps,
  5. 11Transfer units,
  6. 12Depends.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those who need it in under-served areas of Kentucky
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Those interested in donating equipment should contact Keisha Hudson at 606.439.3557.
  2. 2Individuals may request items from the inventory for temporary or long-term use, at no cost to them.
  3. 3The UK Doctor of Physical Therapy program in Hazard utilizes students as a resource in ensuring Project CARAT services are available in the rural area. Recently a partnership with the College of Social Work has resulted in some of their students and staff being trained to assist in the program efforts. The site:a) collects durable medical equipment,b) repairs, cleans, and refurbishes it, andc) lists it on a website anyone can access.
  • Sources:

Project CARAT Paducah

Program Description:

Project CARAT Paducah’s purpose is to increase access to assistive technology devices and services to people of all ages and abilities in Western Kentucky.

  • Service Area:Western Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • people of all ages and abilities in Western Kentucky
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1There is a small service fee for items provided by Project CARAT Paducah to help with our operating expenses.
  2. 2Donated items must be brought to our site during operating hours only. Please call (270) 538-6844 to make arrangements to deliver your donation.
  3. 3This entry is linked to the entry above.

KATS Network – Lending Library

Program Description:

The KATS Network is one of 56 statewide assistive technology programs federally funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended in 2004. 

Administratively, the KATS Network is housed within the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Program Policy & Support Branch, Support/ Systems Section.

The KATS Network’s mission is to make assistive technology (AT) information, devices, and services easily obtainable for people of any age and/or disability. The KATS Network provides access to AT through a network of five (5) Regional AT Resource Centers (ATRCs) across the state.

The Regional ATRCs operate AT demonstration programs, lending libraries, and AT Reutilization programs.Their network of lending library programs offer individuals the opportunity to borrow assistive technology equipment on a short-term try-before-you-buy basis.

  • Service Area:Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive technology (AT) and Durable medical equipment (DME) in the following categories:
  1. 1Vision,
  2. 2Hearing,
  3. 3Speech communication-,
  4. 4Learning, cognition and developmental,
  5. 5Mobility, seating and positioning,
  1. 6Daily living,
  2. 7Environmental adaptations,
  3. 8Vehicle modifications and transportation,
  4. 9Computers and related,
  5. 10Recreation, sports and leisure. 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Kentuckians of all ages and disabilities, their families, supports, and professionals
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Requests for devices can be made by you, a family member, friend or advocate, or someone who is helping you with your assistive technology needs (e.g., a therapist, teacher, rehabilitation counselor).
  2. 2Visit the KY Assistive Technology Locator website to see equipment currently available for loan. By registering for an account on the site, you can also initiate a request for a loan, manage your loans, and even list your own items for sale/give-away.
  3. 3The length of time a piece of equipment can be loaned will vary from center to center, but will typically be 30 days. Loans will be extended on a case-by-case basis, depending on the borrower’s situation and the demand for the same equipment. Renewals can be requested in person, by phone or by e-mail. If there is a waiting list for the item, it must be returned by the due date or additional late charges may be assessed. Certain equipment, subject to availability, may be signed out for longer term loans.
  4. 4For more information on the KATS Network Short Term Loan Program, please contact:James A. BrownAssistive Technology CoordinatorKATS Network(800) 327-5284or contact the nearest ATRC:Enabling Technologies (enTECH) – Louisville – Toll Free: (800) 896-8941Western Kentucky Assistive Technology Center (WKATC) – Owensboro – Toll Free: (800) 209-6202Redwood Rehabilitation Center (REDWOOD) – Ft. Mitchell – Toll Free: (800) 728-9807Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training Center – Thelma – Local (606) 788-7080
  • Sources:

KATS Network – KY Assistive Technology Locator

Program Description:

The Kentucky Assistive Technology Locator is a great resource for finding much-needed Assistive Technology (AT) and Durable Medical Equipment (DME). 

Items are available to borrow (try-before-you-buy) or receive refurbished AT/DME at no (or low) cost.

  1. 1Assistive technology (AT),
  2. 2Durable medical equipment (DME).
  • those in need
  • Other Details: Tips for those interested: 
  1. 1Register for an account to bookmark searches, request items you need, list items you no longer need for sale or give away, place want ads for items you need.
  2. 2When searching, check the results for peripheral items that may also benefit you.
  3. 3Use the advanced search features to narrow your results by location, transaction type, category, etc.
  4. 4Make sure you read the Item Details page to view images and key specs of the item(s) you are interested in.
  • Sources:

KATS Network – Kentucky’s Statewide Hearing Aid Reuse Program (SHARP)

Program Description:

The KATS Network is one of 56 statewide assistive technology programs federally funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended in 2004. 

Administratively, the KATS Network is housed within the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Program Policy & Support Branch, Support/ Systems Section.

The KATS Network’s mission is to make assistive technology (AT) information, devices, and services easily obtainable for people of any age and/or disability. The KATS Network provides access to AT through a network of five (5) Regional AT Resource Centers (ATRCs) across the state.

The Regional ATRCs operate AT demonstration programs, lending libraries, and AT Reutilization programs.The goal of the SHARP program is to make it easier for Kentuckians with hearing loss to acquire hearing aids. To achieve this goal, they are providing the following services to residents of Kentucky with hearing loss:

1. collecting used hearing aids (any age, any condition), as well as hearing aid remotes, and transmitters,2. assistance with the repair of hearing aids.

  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details: Tips for those interested: 
  1. 1Contact the KATS Network (SHARP) to request a self-addressed stamped container to place the hearing aids in. If requested, a receipt may be provided for the donation.
  2. 2The reconditioning and repair of hearing aids must be ordered by an HHP through the Starkey All Make Repair Program. The HHP must call SHARP prior to placing an order to receive funding through SHARP.

KATS Network – Reutilization

Program Description:

The KATS Network is one of 56 statewide assistive technology programs federally funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended in 2004. 

Administratively, the KATS Network is housed within the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Program Policy & Support Branch, Support/ Systems Section.

The KATS Network’s mission is to make assistive technology (AT) information, devices, and services easily obtainable for people of any age and/or disability. The KATS Network provides access to AT through a network of five (5) Regional AT Resource Centers (ATRCs) across the state. The Regional ATRCs operate AT demonstration programs, lending libraries, and AT Reutilization programs.

The Reutilization Program enables underserved individuals with disabilities throughout Kentucky by collecting, refurbishing and redistributing assistive technology (AT) and durable medical equipment (DME). 

Coordinating and Assisting with the Reuse of Assistive Technology (CARAT) helps people with disabilities and anyone with functional limitations acquire free assistive technology, devices and equipment. The CARAT inventory is always changing and is dependent on items donated to us . The inventory is maintained on their sister site, the KY Assistive Technology Locator.

  • Service Area:Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive technology (AT) & Durable medical equipment (DME).
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Kentuckians of all ages and disabilities, their families, supports, and professionals
  • Other Details: Tips for those interested: 
  1. 1Their 5 ATRCs are located in: a) Ft. Mitchell – Redwood, b) Lexington, c) Louisville, d) Owensboro and e) Thelma.
  • Sources:

Redwood (part of KATS Network) – Assistive Technology Loan Library, Reuse/Reutilization Program & Telecommunications Access Program (TAP)

Program Description:

As the only member of the Kentucky Assistive Technology Services (KATS) Network in our region, the ATRC has acquired a broad range of assistive technology to accommodate a wide variety of individual client needs.

  • Service Area:Northern Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details:  
  • Sources:

Wendell Foster (part of KATS Network) – Lending Library & Reutilization Program

Program Description:

Wendell Foster is a participating member of the Kentucky Assistive Technology Services (KATS) Network whose mission is to make AT information, devices, and services easily obtainable throughout the state. 

Wendell Foster, a private 501(c)(3) non-profit, is a multi-service agency located in the heart of Owensboro, Kentucky. Each year, Wendell Foster serves over 2,000 people across 34 counties in Western Kentucky and Southern Indiana. 

Lending Library – Allows consumers to loan items on a trial basis to assist in decision making, to serve as a loaner while a device is being replaced, or to provide a short term accommodation.Reutilization Program – Assist consumers in obtaining used equipment at no cost.

  • Service Area:Western Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details: Tips for those interested: 
  1. 1Gifts of medical equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers can be arranged by calling our receptionist at (270) 683-4517.To learn more, please contact:Doug HoytChief Executive Officer270-683-4517
  • Sources:

HDI Center for Assistive Technology Services (CAT, part of KATS Network) – Lending Library

Program Description:

HDI Center for Assistive Technology Services (CATS) is the regional Assistive Technology Regional Center (ATRC) serving Lexington and the surrounding region. 

Our mission is to ensure Kentuckians with disabilities have access to assistive technology (AT). We will accomplish our mission by offering demonstrations and providing loans of assistive devices to individuals and families in the Bluegrass.

  • Service Area:Lexington and the surrounding region / Bluegrass
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • individuals and families in the Bluegrass
  • Other Details:  
  • Sources:

Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training Center (Part of KATS Netwrok) – Medical Equipment Loan

Program Description:

  • Service Area:Thelma
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details:  
  • Sources:

Friends of Ostomates Worldwide-USA – Donate Supplies

Program Description:

The mission of Friends of Ostomates Worldwide-USA (FOW-USA), a volunteer-run, non-profit organization, is to provide ostomy supplies and educational resources at no cost to ostomates in need around the world.

  • Service Area:Nationwide
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  Ostomy supplies (all types and sizes of supplies, particularly open-ended, and including pediatric):
  1. 1One-piece pouching systems,
  2. 2Two-piece pouching systems,
  3. 3Skin barrier pastes, rings, strips,
  4. 4Belts, powder, tape, wipes, adhesive removers, barrier films, deoderants,
  5. 5Stoma measuring templates,
  6. 6Leg & night drainage bags,
  7. 7Pediatric supplies,
  8. 8All other accessories.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • ostomates in need around the world
  • Other Details: Tips for those interested: 
  1. 1Their warehouse in Louisville, Kentucky, is open and accepting supplies.
  2. 2Please ship or bring your supply donation to their warehouse facility:FOW-USA4018 Bishop LaneLouisville, KY 40218-4539.
  3. 3A few additional notes:a) They accept all items regardless of dates on packaging.b) They accept loose flanges and pouches; the number of each do not need to match.c) They accept aerosol and liquid containers.
  4. 4They do not accept used items.
  • Sources:

SOS – Donate Medical Equipment and Supplies

Program Description:

SOS is a Louisville, Kentucky-based nonprofit organization that meets critical health care needs in medically impoverished communities around the world by collecting and distributing surplus medical supplies and equipment. 

SOS offers several ways to move surplus medical supplies and medical equipment from areas of excess to areas of need, to meet critical health care needs while reducing waste.

  • Service Area:Nationwide
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  Medical supplies and medical equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • those most in need, either in the United States or overseas
  • Other Details: Tips for those interested: 
  1. 1Medical equipment donations are accepted just from organizations with surplus medical supplies (such as a hospital or medical supply company).
  2. 2Medical supplies are accepted from individuals.
  3. 3Individuals looking to donate their unused medical supplies can drop them off at our office in Louisville – 1500 Arlington Avenue – Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm. For larger items like hospital beds, call our office (502-736-6360) to schedule a pickup. Please note we are not allowed to enter your residence. All items you wish to donate must be outside or in a garage.
  • Sources:

Heuser Hearing & Language Academy – HHearing Aid Loaner Bank

Program Description:

Your donated hearing aids and devices are used in our hearing aid loaner bank, the largest of its kind in the state, to give those in need in our community the gift of sound. 

If you would like to donate hearing aids and devices, drop them off at any of our locations during regular business hours.

  • Service Area:Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Hearing Aids and Devices
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? n/a
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details: Tips for those interested: 
  1. 1Their locations are in: Dupont, Louisville, Lyndon, Masonic Home (KY) and, Jeffersonville (IN).
  2. 2No information found about the price of the loaner bank.
  • Sources:

Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky – Supply Closet

Program Description:

  • Service Area:Kentucky
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Children and adults and their families impacted by Spina Bifida.
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Free supplies. They also have a few pieces of equipment, but there might be a cost.
  • Sources:

Center for Accessible Living – Equipment Loan & Marketplace

Program Description:

Murray: The Calloway County Salvation Army has generously provided funds for adaptive equipment available for loan in the Murray area. Some items not covered by insurance are purchased to be donated to qualified individuals.

Louisville: Equipment Loans are provided based on availability through equipment donations only. Consumers may borrow equipment dependent on availability in Louisville.The Marketplace is a unique bulletin board to sell, buy or give away adaptive equipment and other disability related products.

  • Service Area:Louisville and Murray area
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details: Tips for those interested: 
  1. 1For a list of items or information about donations and equipment loan, please contact our Equipment Loan Coordinators:Louisville: Lee Ann Thomas, (502) 589-6620.Murray: Carrissa Johnson, (270) 753-7676.

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