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Free Medical Equipment in Connecticut

By Maurice

If you’re looking for free medical equipment for seniors in Connecticut, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free medical equipment for the elderly in the state of Connecticut.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Medical Equipment in Connecticut

List of Free Medical Equipment in Connecticut

Chelsea Foundation – Free Medical Equipment

Program Description:

The Chelsea Foundation is a non-profit that has been offering free medical equipment to those in need since 1987

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

  • Service Area:Groton (New London County)
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical Equipment and Supplies, including:
  1. 1Crutches;
  2. 2Wheelchairs;
  3. 3Walkers;
  4. 4Stair Glides;
  5. 5I.V. Poles, and
  6. 6Commodes.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Accepts donations of medical equipment and supplies, including crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, stair glides, I.V. poles and commodes. Small to moderate size donations can be left in front of the small garage doors. For larger donations call to make arrangements for drop-off; Last Facebook post 2019, verified on 3/5/2020. No website found, visit Agency: CHELSEA Foundation
  • Sources:

Oak Hill – “NEAT” Center Donations

Program Description:

Oak Hill is a private nonprofit organization. Our legal name is the Connecticut Institute for the Blind, Inc., d/b/a Oak Hill, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

“NEAT” is The New England Assistive Technology (NEAT) Center, a program of Oak Hill, the largest disability services provider in Connecticut. We have, proudly, been serving individuals, agencies, universities and school districts throughout Connecticut for many years!

Our focus is on how we can empower individuals of all ages and abilities to utilize Assistive Technology for an increase in independence. Our team has over 125 years of collective experience in the assistive technology field.

We are proud of our commitment to recycling durable medical equipment and ensuring that it gets into the hands of those who need it most. We do this by accepting donations of gently-used durable medical equipment, sanitizing and repairing, and then selling that equipment at extremely affordable rates.

  • Service Area:Connecticut
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Durable Medical Equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • serving individuals, agencies, universities and school districts
  • Other Details:
  1. 1They can only accept donations that are gently used. The acceptance of each donation is heavily dependent on the condition of the equipment and equipment needs of NEAT. For more information please call 860.243.2869 or email:
  2. 2All donations are fully tax-deductible; please request a donation receipt.
  3. 3At this time they are unable to offer pick-up services.
  4. 4They have 120 program sites located in 59 towns in Connecticut.
  • Sources:

Haitian Health Foundation (HHF) – Medical Supplies

Program Description:

The Haitian Health Foundation (HHF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. HHF relies on donations from individuals, charitable foundations, religious organizations, civic groups, schools, etc., to continue to provide the means for survival to our most destitute neighbors in Haiti.

HHF relies on the support of individuals like you to provide health, education and community development services to more than 100 impoverished mountain villages in and around Jérémie—improving the health and well-being of over 250,000 residents ~ one person at a time.

  • Service Area:Norwich, CT (their office)
  • Type of Medical Equipment: First aid medical supplies:
  1. 1Unopened Neosporin;
  2. 2Alcohol Wipes;
  3. 3Band-Aids;
  4. 4Gauze;
  5. 5Medical Tape, Etc
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (to Haiti)
  • Audience served:
  • people in impoverished mountain villages in and around Jérémie (Haiti)
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Norwich, CT
  • Sources:

Hospital for Special Care – Equipment Exchange Program (temporarily suspended)

Program Description:

Hospital for Special Care (HFSC) is the fourth largest, free-standing long-term acute care hospital in the U.S. and one of only two in the nation serving both adults and children. 

Located in New Britain and Hartford, we operate on a not-for-profit basis. We are recognized for advanced care and rehabilitation in pulmonary care, acquired brain injury, medically-complex pediatrics, neuromuscular disorders, spinal cord injury, comprehensive heart failure and comprehensive inpatient and outpatient treatment for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.

Special Care Equipment Exchange accepts donations of used canes, walkers, shower chairs, manual wheelchairs, commodes, and other assistive medical items. This expensive equipment, not always covered by insurance, is made available, free-of-charge, to community members in need.

  • Service Area:New Britain and Hartford area
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Canes;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Shower Chairs;
  4. 4Manual Wheelchairs;
  5. 5Commodes, and
  6. 6Other Assistive Medical Items.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (to Haiti)
  • Audience served:
  • community members in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Their Equipment Exchange program has temporarily suspended activities and will not be processing equipment requests or accepting donations at this time.
  2. 2They accept clean, working equipment and cannot accept hospital beds, electric wheelchairs and scooters, or electronic devices.
  • Sources:

The Central Connecticut Coast YMCA – Wish List Donations

Program Description:

The Central Connecticut Coast YMCA is a charitable, not-for-profit, community service organization dedicated to putting Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. 

The Y strengthens the foundations of communities and families through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility in twenty-four towns and cities in the Greater Bridgeport and New Haven areas. Additionally, programs and services are offered through YMCA Camp Hi-Rock located in Mount Washington, MA.

  • Service Area:Greater Bridgeport and New Haven areas (CT), Mount Washington (MA)
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment and supplies 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes/No (check with the center in the area)
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1If you would like to make a contribution to any of our branches by donating items from our wish lists in new or gently used condition, please contact the branch directly and we will be delighted to speak to you about making a tax-deductible in-kind donation.
  2. 2Medical Equipment/Assistive Technology Donation Programs and Medical Supplies Donation Programs according to Program: Valley YMCA –
  • Sources:

Wheel it Forward – DME Community Library

Program Description:

Wheel it Forward is a not-for-profit library for durable medical equipment (DME), assistive technology and related products.Wheel it Forward offers a convenient destination to enable anyone to easily borrow or donate DME at no cost.

  • Service Area:Fairfield County and adjacent Westchester County
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment and supplies 
  1. 1Hospital Beds;
  2. 2Wheelchairs;
  3. 3Commodes;
  4. 4Walkers;
  5. 5Knee Scooters;
  6. 6Canes;
  7. 7Crutches;
  8. 8Shower Tub Seats;
  9. 9Toilet Risers;
  10. 10Rollators;
  11. 11Hoyer Lifts;
  12. 12Transport and Standard;
  13. 13Portable Wheelchair Ramps.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1They accept new or lightly used DME. They may take other DME items that are not on the list as well as disposable items that are unopened so please ask.
  2. 2Their equipment loans are meant to be short term – ideally 4 months or less. If you need equipment now but are waiting to get new equipment approved by insurance or Medicare, Wheel it Forward is a perfect bridge for that. If you sprain your ankle and need a knee scooter for 2 months we can help. If you anticipate needing equipment for longer than 4 months we will review the situation on a case by case basis.
  • Sources:

Guilford Interfaith Volunteers – Charlie’s Closet

Program Description:

Guilford Interfaith Volunteers’ mission is to promote the well-being of Guilford residents who are home-bound, elderly or sick.

Charlie’s Closet is a used medical equipment clearinghouse. We accept donations of clean, gently used equipment and then make the equiment available to anyone requesting it for the purchase price of $1.

  • Service Area:Guilford (New Haven County)
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No (cost $1)
  • Audience served:
  • Guilford residents who are home-bound, elderly or sick
  • Other Details:
  • Sources:

Town of Windsor – Free Medical Equipment Loaning Closet

Program Description:

The Free Medical Equipment Loaning Closet loans out over 200 wheelchairs, walkers, canes, bath chairs etc. to Windsor Seniors every year. 

This free service saves seniors in our community hundreds of dollars every year. Seniors borrow the equipment for any length of time and return it when they no longer need it.

  • Service Area:Windsor (Hartford County)
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment:
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Canes;
  4. 4Bath chairs, etc.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Windsor Seniors
  • Other Details:
  1. 1They accept donated equipment in GOOD condition Monday through Friday. Please call 860-285-1992 to check on availabity of equipment or if you’d like to drop off equipment.

World-Wide Lighthouse Missions, Inc. (WWLM) – In-Kind Donation

Program Description:

WWLM is a registered non-profit charitable organization. Since its foundation WWLM has provided partner support in over 20 countries. Through their In-Kind Donation Program they seek to provide some of life’s basic necessities to those who are struggling and have no other means of assistance.

  • Service Area:Manchester area
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment:
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Commodes;
  4. 4Hospital beds;
  5. 5Incontinence briefs (with tabs);
  6. 6Bed pads, etc.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (through partnerships)
  • Audience served:
  • local and world-wide people in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Donations deliveres by appointment only. Plase contact WWLC in advance to make an appointment (call at 860-645-4198 or email
  2. 2The donation facility is in Manchester, CT.
  3. 3Donated items must be clean and of good quality (Medical helps must have less than 10 years old, in working condition,with no repairs needed).
  4. 4Items not accepted: braces – medical (any kind), crutches, customized wheelchairs, unfolding walkers, incontinence briefs without tabs.
  5. 5Their office and donation center are in Manchester.
  6. 6Through partnerships with localhuman services agencies, churches and schools, they are a resource of providing some of life’s basic necessities, including medical equipment.
  7. 7Partners list:a) ABC Women’s Center | Middletown;b) Agape House | Bristol;c) Big Brothers Big Sisters | CT;d) Bristol Caring Closet | CT;e) CAREACH Foundations | Jamaica;f) CHR | Manchester;g) Cornerstone Clothing Bank | Rockville;h) CRT | Hartford;i) Faith Temple Food Pantry | Hartford;j) The Family Resource Center | Manchester;k) Foodshare – Bloomfield;l) Gifts of Love Food Pantry | Avon;m) Hartford Public Schools;n) Hebron Interfaith Human Services;o) Heritage Hope Food Pantry | Bristol;p) Hope Food Pantry | Bloomfield;q) Housing Authority of New Britain;r) Hoving Home | Garrison, NY;s) Latter Rain Food Pantry | Hartford;t) Local Daycare Centers | Manchester;u) Local VNA Agencies;v) MACC Shelter & Food Pantry | Manchester;w) Manchester Public Schools;x) Masonicare | CT;y) New England Assistance Technology Center (NEAT) | New Britain;z) North Central Area Agency on Aging | Hartford;aa) Restore (Habitat for Humanity) | Bloomfield;bb) Springfield Rescue Mission | Springfield, MA;cc) Strong Foundations | Vernon;dd) The Town of Manchester Senior Adult & Family Services;ee) The Salvation Army | Manchester/Bristol/Hartford/Willimantic;ff) Savers (Hartsprings Foundation) | CT;gg) Wheels for the World | Cromwell.
  • Sources:

Dora’s Hope Lending Closet

Program Description:

Dora’s Hope Lending Closet is a medical equipment loan program.

  • Service Area:Litchfield and New Haven counties
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Loans Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Scooters;
  3. 3Walkers;
  4. 4Canes;
  5. 5Commodes;
  6. 6Tub Transfers, And
  7. 7Other Medical Equipment.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Found on United Way of Connecticut and on the Connecticut Department on Aging and Disability Services (ADS) – updated in October 2020. Unnable to access site.
  2. 2Area(s) Served:CT – Litchfield County – Bethlehem, CT – Litchfield County – Thomaston, CT – Litchfield County – Watertown, CT – Litchfield County – Woodbury, CT – New Haven County – Beacon Falls, CT – New Haven County – Cheshire, CT – New Haven County – Middlebury, CT – New Haven County – Naugatuck, CT – New Haven County – Prospect, CT – New Haven County – Southbury, CT – New Haven County – Waterbury, CT – New Haven County – Wolcott
  • Sources:

First United Church of Christ – Emma Davis Medical Equipment Ministry

Program Description:

This is who the United Church of Christ is: the oldest and largest Protestant denomination in Connecticut, with at least one church in nearly every town. 

They founded (1970) and continue to support the largest nonprofit affordable housing corporation in Connecticut, New Samaritan Corporation.

The Emma Davis Medical Equipment Ministry is a medical equipment clearinghouse that has offered compassionate service in the region for several decades. In 2018, the ministry gave out over 500 pieces of medical equipment including walkers and wheelchairs.

Members of First Church gather used medical equipment – wheelchairs, walkers, etc., repair it and make it available free of charge all over the state.

  • Service Area:Connecticut
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Medical equipment inquiries can be made by calling the Church at (203) 877-4277 ext. 340.
  2. 2You must call to make an appointment to meet with a volunteer before coming to borrow or drop-off medical equipment as the sheds are not staffed and there is no one at the church who is able to help you.
  3. 3The Emma Davis Medical Ministry will begin taking returns of medical equipment, by appointment, on Saturday, June 5th. Equipment must be in good working order and thoroughly cleaned to be accepted. To make an appointment, please call the church office at 203-877-4277.
  • Sources:

F.I.S.H. (Friends in Service) of Sherman

Program Description:

FISH is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization, incorporated in the state of Connecticut, dedicated to helping Sherman residents in need of local area transportation. 

It also provides prescription delivery and loan of home health care equipment, e.g., walkers, wheelchairs, etc.In 2018-2019 they loaned out 26 pieces of equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, bath seats, shower chairs, etc.) to 15 different clients.

  • Service Area:Sherman area
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Home health care equipment, including:
  1. 1Walkers;
  2. 2Wheelchairs;
  3. 3Commodes;
  4. 4Bath seats;
  5. 5Shower chairs, etc.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? n/a
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Sherman residents
  • Other Details:
  1. 1They accept no payment for services from their clients, but contributions are always welcome.
  2. 2No information found on their website.

The Estuary Council Of Seniors – Lending Closet

Program Description:

The Estuary Council of Seniors is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization. ECSI provides programs and activities to keep seniors healthy, vibrant, and independent.

They are the sole provider of Meals on Wheels for the nine-towns including Chester, Clinton, Deep River, Essex, Killingworth, Lyme, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook and Westbrook. There is also the M. Monica Eggert Senior Center in the shoreline town of Old Saybrook.

The Lending Closet is a successful, donation-based program supplying limited forms of small Medical Equipment, such as walkers, canes, and transfer chairs.

  • Service Area:Chester, Clinton, Deep River, Essex, Killingworth, Lyme, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, and Westbrook
  • Type of Medical Equipment: small Medical Equipment, such as:
  1. 1Walkers;
  2. 2Canes, and
  3. 3Transfer chairs.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • seniors
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Items, in clean, good condition, are accepted as donations on a limited basis.
  2. 2Please call 860-388-1611 to arrange any donations.
  3. 3Free according to secondary sources (United Way of Connecticut – donation requested; Find Help organization – free), no mention of cost on their website.
  • Sources:

Avon Lions – Lending Locker

Program Description:

Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. 

Lions meet the needs of local communities and the world every day because they share a core belief – to serve their community.The Lending Locker of Avon Lions Club maintains a medical equipment loan service to facilitate temporary provision of durable medical equipment.

  • Service Area:Avon (Hartford County)
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Walkers;
  2. 2Crutches;
  3. 3Canes;
  4. 4Bed accessories( bar; table);
  5. 5Gait belts;
  6. 6Knee scooters;
  7. 7Rollators;
  8. 8Shower chairs and benches;
  9. 9Transfer benches;
  10. 10Transporter chairs.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? n/a
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Supplies are limited to what is on hand at the time of the request, but generally consist of: walkers, canes, bath/shower benches, and transport wheelchairs.
  2. 2Equipment on-hand in the Lending Locker can be checked out, free of charge. A client contact form must be completed and signed for all borrowed equipment. Once done with the equipment, it must be returned sanitized and in good working condition
  3. 3For information contact: or Heidi at 860-558-3773.
  4. 4The equipment is distributed at the Carmon Funeral Home parking lot, and equipment is also delivered to homes.
  5. 5A client contact form must be completed and signed for all borrowed equipment.
  • Sources:

AZ Pawn – Gift of Mobility Giveaway

Program Description:

Each year since 2009, I have been collecting unwanted motorized wheelchairs and scooters, refurbishing them, and giving them away at no cost to the disabled who cannot afford them. 

To date I have given away well over 800 motorized chairs and scooters. I call it The Gift of Mobility Giveaway.

As well, at the end of each year I have a grand giveaway at the Holiday Inn in Norwich Connecticut, where I give away over 100 motorized chairs that day.

  • Service Area:Norwich area
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Motorized chairs and scooters 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in dire need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1If you have a chair that is no longer needed, please email me at . You can drop it off any time, or I will arrange to have a volunteer pick it up within a 40-mile radius of Norwich, CT.
  2. 2If you or anyone you know is in dire need of one of these chairs, send a letter to AZ Pawn Gift of Mobility, 442 East Main Street, Norwich, CT. 06360 or Email me at
  3. 3Recipients are selected by the severity of their disability and the matching of a correct chair to fit their needs. . There is absolutely NO charge for any of these chairs.
  4. 4Needed information: a) Your name;b) Your address;c) Your phone number;d) If you are right-handed;e) If you are left-handed;f) Height;g) Your weight;h) Your disability;i) If the chair would be used inside or outside;j) If your chair should be portable or not;k) If it should be a motorized wheelchair or a motorized scooter.
  • Sources:

The Allingtown/West Haven Senior Center – Medical Equipment Loan Closet

Program Description:

The City of West Haven’s Elderly Services Department has a Medical Equipment Loan Closet program. The Medical Equipment Loan Closet program is sponsored by the West Haven Senior Center. The Medical Equipment Loan Closet program provides various medical equipment, free of charge, to any city of West Haven resident in need. Some of the equipment available includes, but not limited to: canes, commodes, walkers, wheelchairs, etc.

  • Service Area:City of West Haven
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Canes;
  2. 2Commodes;
  3. 3Walkers;
  4. 4Wheelchairs.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • any city resident in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1The Allingtown/West Haven Senior Center, 201 Noble St., operates a small store to help defray some of the costs of the loan closet. Donations of medical equipment or items for the store are always welcome.
  2. 2For more information call (203)-937-3507
  3. 3Website

Town of Darien – Medial Equipment Loan Closet

Program Description:

The Town of Darien has a medical loan closet for residents in need of equipment such as wheelchairs, crutches and canes. Equipment is provided for short term use only.

  • Service Area:Town of Darien
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Wheelchairs
  2. 2Crutches;
  3. 3Canes.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • residents in need of equipment
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Information from the United Way of Connecticut, updated in May 2021.
  • Sources:

Granby Senior Center – Durable Medical Equipment Loaner Closet

Program Description:

The Durable Medical Equipment Loaner Closet is run by the Granby Senior Center.

  • Service Area:Town of Granby
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Canes;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Wheelchairs;
  4. 4Shower chairs;
  5. 5Raised toilet seats, and
  6. 6the like.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? n/a
  • Audience served:
  • Granby seniors
  • Other Details:
  1. 1One can donate or borrow medical equipment. No cost information found on their website.
  2. 2They cannot take medical equipment at the Senior Center. To donate, call the Senior Center at (860) 844-5350 and speak with a member of staff. Your message is passed to the medical loaner closet coordinator. You will get a return phone call usually within 24-48 hours from one of the volunteers. Arrangements for picking up the equipment are made directly with that volunteer. The closet is located at Holcomb Farm.
  3. 3Items not available would include crutches, braces, anything with fabric / cushion material and the like.
  • Sources:

Town of Simsbury/The Simsbury Aging and Disability Commission – The Simsbury Loan Locker

Program Description:

The Simsbury Loan Locker is a local source for used serviceable Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and occasionally donated new equipment. 

The Loan Locker, which was initiated by local residents, will make items such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, knee scooters, and bed rails available free of charge to those in need.

  • Service Area:Town of Simsbury
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Bath Bench;
  2. 2Shower Chair ;
  3. 3Commode;
  4. 4Toilet riser;
  5. 5Cane (quad or regular);
  6. 6Walker;
  7. 7Rollator;
  8. 8Wheelchair – available for limited time – 3 weeks maximum;
  9. 9Transport chair – available for limited time – 3 weeks maximum;
  10. 10 Knee scooter, and
  11. 11Other.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Simsbury residents who are experiencing a temporary or permanent disability
  • Other Details:
  1. 1The Simsbury Aging and Disability Commission accepts clean, used medical equipment to loan out to residents in need, either on a short or long-term basis.
  2. 2Medical equipment will be collected through donations, and will be inspected by a licensed physical therapist.
  • Sources:

Town of Woodbridge – Medical Loan Closet

Program Description:

The Medical Loan Closet, located at the Human Services Department, 4 Meetinghouse Lane, Woodbridge, CT, lends portable medical equipment for short term use to Woodbridge residents who are elderly, temporarily in need or disabled.

  • Service Area:Woodbridge
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Walkers;
  2. 2Commodes;
  3. 3Shower chairs,
  4. 4Tub grab bars;
  5. 5Crutches;
  6. 6Canes;
  7. 7Rolling walkers;
  8. 8Wheelchairs.
  9. 9Knee scooters/walkers
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Woodbridge residents who are elderly, temporarily in need or disabled
  • Other Details:
  1. 1If you are in need of these items or willing to donate your gently used medical equipment, please call Human Services: 203-389-3429 to arrange pick up or drop off.
  2. 2No price information found on the website. No fee according to the United Way of Connecticut .
  • Sources:

Interfaith Volunteer Care Givers – Mae’s Closet

Program Description:

Operating under the auspices of Interfaith Volunteer Care Givers (a non-profit organization), Mae’s Closet is a durable medical equipment lending bank serving the Greater New Haven area. 

They lend and accept donations of gently used medical equipment. All of their inventory is sanitized and inspected for safety.

  • Service Area:Greater New Haven area: Bethany, Branford, East Haven, Hamden, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Haven, Northford, Orange, Wallingford, West Haven and Woodbridge
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Wheelchairs;
  2. 2Travel Chairs;
  3. 3Walkers;
  4. 4Knee walkers;
  5. 5Bathroom assistance devices (bath chairs and commodes);
  6. 6Miscellaneous assistance devices (grabbers and bed rails).
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • seniors in the following communities in the Greater New Haven area: Bethany, Branford, East Haven, Hamden, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Haven, Northford, Orange, Wallingford, West Haven and Woodbridge
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Mae’s Closet is located at the Lock-up Self-storage Facility located at 1950 Dixwell Avenue in Hamden. Please do not leave any unattended equipment at the facility or at 30 Gillies Road.
  2. 2Please call or email us to make arrangements for your donation. Unfortunately, we are not able to pick up equipment.
  3. 3Mae’s Closet gratefully accepts new and gently used medical equipment such as wheelchairs, travel chairs, walkers, knee walkers, bathroom assistance devices such as bath chairs and commodes, and miscellaneous assistance devices such as grabbers and bed rails. At this time we cannot accept donations of “soft” equipment such as braces, linens, or boots.
  4. 4To borrow equipment from Mae’s Closet, please call (475) 414-8333 between the hours of 9 a.m. and noon, Monday through Friday or email us at A volunteer will return your call the same day, make sure we have what you need, and arrange an appropriate pickup time. Alternatively, you may request equipment by filling out the form below.
  5. 5All of IVCG’s services are completely free except for our senior lunch, for which we ask $5 to cover the catering cost. If you would like to express your appreciation for our services, we welcome donations of any size or type. 
  • Sources:

Goshen Community Care & Hospice – Medical Loan Closet

Program Description:

Goshen Community Care and Hospice Inc. is a volunteer organization assisting the residents of Goshen by providing services in time of need. 

Goshen Community Care and Hospice has many items for loan thanks to grant funds and donated items.

  • Service Area:Goshen or a surrounding town
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Walkers (standard walkers; rolling walkers with seats; knee walkers);
  2. 2Commodes;
  3. 3Shower chairs and benches;
  4. 4Portable aluminum ramp;
  5. 5Crutches;
  6. 6Canes;
  7. 7Wheelchairs and transport wheelchairs;
  8. 8Blood pressure monitors;
  9. 9Inflatable cushions;
  10. 10Grabbers;
  11. 11Bed tables;
  12. 12Monitors (bed monitor/alarm; one-way room monitors);
  13. 13Ambulatory spinal air decompression belt;
  14. 14LED lighted page magnifier;
  15. 15Disposable items such as; incontinent briefs, disposable bed pads, gauze wraps, disposable mouth swabs, gait belts, various braces, and more.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need of medical equipment or supplies
  • Other Details:
  1. 1Please call to check availability and to arrange for pick-up (delivery may be available).
  2. 2If you have items to donate, please call the office 860-491-4673(HOPE).
  3. 3No price information on their website, not mentioned among their free services. No fee according to the Medical Equipment Loan Closet – Goshen – Connecticut’s .
  • Sources:

Medical Equipment Program

Program Description:

Services for the Elderly of Farmington is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization supported by over 150 dedicated volunteers.

The Medical Equipment Program allows individuals to borrow medical equipment for a small service charge helping to ensure safety while at home.

  • Service Area:Farmington
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Walkers;
  2. 2Canes;
  3. 3Wheelchairs;
  4. 4Commodes;
  5. 5Shower chairs;
  6. 6Tub transfer benches;
  7. 7Bedrails, And
  8. 8Much More.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • individuals of any age and from any town
  • Other Details:
  1. 1They do accept gently used, clean medical equipment on an appointment basis.
  2. 2Please contact their office to borrow or donate items.
  • Sources:

Suffield Community Aid – Medical Equipment Loans

Program Description:

Suffield Community Aid (SCA), formerly the Emergency Aid Association, is a unique private, non-profit 501 (c) 3 social service agency that has served the residents of Suffield in times of need for more than 115 years.

The SCA maintains a small inventory of durable medical items for free loan to Suffield residents.

  • Service Area:Suffield
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Canes;
  2. 2Walkers;
  3. 3Bath seats;
  4. 4Commodes;
  5. 5Crutches;
  6. 6Wheelchairs;
  7. 7Transport chairs;Incontinence supplies.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Suffield residents
  • Other Details:
  1. 1The wheelchairs and transport chairs are loaned on a limited time basis. Other items are available for long-term use.
  2. 2Residents wishing to donate their unneeded durable medical equipment are encouraged to do so and should call first. No items should be left outside without permission. Items MUST be clean and in good condition.
  3. 3SCA generally has a good supply of incontinence supplies. Give us a call!
  • Sources:

Amity Teen Center – ATC Medical Loan Closet

Program Description:

This non-profit, student-run organization’s purpose is to help our local community by providing a free Medical Loan Closet to the greater Amity/New Haven community.

  • Service Area:greater Amity/New Haven community
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Crutches;
  2. 2Canes;
  3. 3Walkers (legged walkers; wheeled walkers; knee walkers);
  4. 4Bedside commodes;
  5. 5Bath chairs;
  6. 6Electric scooters
  7. 7Fixed and collapsible wheelchairs;
  8. 8Hospital Beds;
  9. 9Bed tables.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details:
  1. 1They are sponsored by The Amity Teen Center, The Senior Help Desk, Woodbridge Lions Club and we are operated by the students of the Amity Leo Club. We are located at the Amity Teen Center.
  2. 2No information about accepting donations. Some secondary sources mention that they do/did (2017): The Amity Teen Center Celebrating Its 30th Anniversary Today & Creativity Blooms at the Amity Teen Center
  • Sources:

Services for the Elderly of Farmington, Inc. – Medical Equipment Program

Program Description:

Services for the Elderly of Farmington is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization providing valuable programs and services to Farmington’s senior citizens.

Medical Equipment Program: Services for the Elderly loans out donated used medical equipment for a small storage & handling fee. The loan closet contains an assortment of items such as walkers, wheelchairs, canes, commodes, elevated toilet seats, shower chairs, tub transfer benches, bedrails & much more.

  • Service Area:Farmington and Unionville
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Walkers,
  2. 2Wheelchairs,
  3. 3Canes,
  4. 4Commodes,
  5. 5Elevated toilet seats,
  6. 6Shower chairs,
  7. 7Tub transfer benches,
  8. 8Bedrails & much more.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • older citizens
  • Other Details:

United Cerebral Palsy of Eastern Connecticut – AT Lending Library

Program Description:

UCP’s mission is to advance the independence and full citizenship of individuals across a spectrum of disabilities, including Cerebral Palsy.

UCP’s Lending Library loans new technology and assistive devices to people with disabilities throughout Connecticut. Their Lending Library offers individuals with disabilities the opportunity to try out a wide variety of AT devices, free of charge. The Lending Library is on site at our Waterford, CT location.

Their AT Specialists help you compare pricing and save time and money by making an informed decision the first time around. Once you find what you need, sign it out for up to 4 weeks! Demonstration’s are by appointment only.

  • Service Area:Connecticut
  • Type of Medical Equipment: AT devices:
  1. 1Low vision aids,
  2. 2Switches,
  3. 3Items for learning,
  4. 4Computer access devices/items,
  5. 5IPADS. 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • people with disabilities in Connecticut — of any age and with any type of condition —
  • Other Details:
  1. 1To borrow equipment, please fill out the short form at the Contact Our Team button on this page to request an application.
  2. 2Complete the Assistive Technology Lending Library application and email or fax back to UCP.
  3. 3At that point, arrangements will be made for pick up or delivery of the device.
  4. 4When the loan period is over, the device will be picked up and returned to the Lending Library.Please note that requests for devices can be made by you, a family member, friend or advocate, or a third party who is helping identify assistive technology needs for you. For instance — a therapist or physician, teacher or special educator, rehabilitation counselor, nurse or home transition coordinator.
  • Sources:

Free Medical Equipment in Alabama

Free Medical Equipment in Idaho

Free Medical Equipment in Florida

Free Medical Equipment in Rhode Island

Free Medical Equipment in Washington

Free Medical Equipment in Maryland

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