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Free Medical Equipment in Mississippi

By Maurice


If you’re looking for free medical equipment for seniors in Mississippi, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free medical equipment for the elderly in the state of Mississippi.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Medical Equipment in Mississippi

List of Free Medical Equipment in Mississippi

Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services – Mississippi Project START: Device Reutilization Program

Program Description:

Mississippi Project START (Success Through Assistive Rehabilitative Technology) is the federally funded Assistive Technology Act Program for the State of Mississippi and operates under the Department of Health and Human 

Services’ Administration of Community Living. The Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services is the lead agency for our program. Project START provided access to and the acquisition of Assistive Technology to Mississippians of all ages and all disabilities.

START’S Device Reutilization Program accepts donations of lightly used durable medical equipment. The devices are refurbished to high-quality standards and provided free of charge to Mississippians with disabilities or chronic health care issues.

  • Service Area:Mississippi
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Durable medical equipment
  • Mississippians with disabilities or chronic health care issues
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1If you are an individual who needs a device and have no other means to obtain it, contact Project START for more information.
  • Sources:

Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services – Mississippi Project START: Device Loan

Program Description:

Mississippi Project START (Success Through Assistive Rehabilitative Technology) is the federally funded Assistive Technology Act Program for the State of Mississippi and operates under the Department of Health and Human 

Services’ Administration of Community Living. The Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services is the lead agency for our program. Project START provided access to and the acquisition of Assistive Technology to Mississippians of all ages and all disabilities.

START provides a short term equipment loan program allowing an individual to try a device before they purchase it. This program also allows an individual to borrow a device to use while theirs is being repaired or while funding is being secured for the purchase of their device.

  • Service Area:Mississippi
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Durable medical equipment
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Mississippians with disabilities
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1In order to receive equipment individuals must:a) Reside in Mississippi,b) Have a documented disability,c) Have no other readily-available funding source.
  2. 2The loan period varies for each device but usually runs for 90 days.
  3. 3For information on the items available for loan, contact Project START or search our database below: NATADS Public: Home.
  • Sources:

Methodist Rehabilitation Center – Recycle for Rehab

Program Description:

Mississippi Project START (Success Through Assistive Rehabilitative Technology) is the federally funded 

Assistive Technology Act Program for the State of Mississippi and operates under the Department of Health and Human Methodist Rehab isn’t like other hospitals, where rehab is one job among many. They have made it their sole mission to help people recover from disabling injuries and illnesses.

The Methodist Rehabilitation Center now accepts new and used durable medical equipment donations through its Recycle for Rehab program. This program provides equipment to patients who either have no funding or who have applied and are awaiting funding to purchase needed equipment. We will gladly accept donations that are in good to very good condition to help our patients return home safely.

  • Service Area:Jackson and Flowood
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Wheelchairs,
  2. 2Walkers,
  3. 3Canes,
  4. 4Shower Chairs,
  5. 5Etc.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • patients who either have no funding or who have applied and are awaiting funding to purchase needed equipment
  • Other Details: Anyone wishing to donate the above items should call Suzy Gonzales at 601-364-3350 or email Kathleen Dobbs.

North Mississippi Medical Center’s Rehabilitation Institute – Second Time Around Program  

Program Description:

North Mississippi Health Services is dedicated to being the provider of the best patient- and family-centered care. NMHS serves 24 counties in north Mississippi and northwest Alabama from headquarters in Tupelo, Miss.

NMHS is a 2012 recipient of the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and NMMC, its flagship hospital, is a 2006 Baldrige Award recipient.

North Mississippi Medical Center’s Rehabilitation Institute in Tupelo accepts new and used durable medical equipment to donate through its Second Time Around Program. The program makes new and used medical equipment available to patients who may not have the funds to purchase needed items.

  1. 1Electric wheelchairs,
  2. 2Shower chairs,
  3. 3Walkers,
  4. 4Canes, or
  5. 5Crutches. 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • North Mississippi Medical Center’s Rehabilitation Institute patients
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1To donate items such as electric wheelchairs, shower chairs, walkers, canes, or crutches, call (662) 377-4058 or 1-800-THE DESK (1-800-843-3375).
  2. 2This program is ideal for families who have to purchase medical equipment or do not have the means to replace broken or worn items.
  • Sources:

Disability Connection – Free Medical Equipment

Program Description:

Disability Connection occasionally has free medical equipment for those with disabilities in need. We have crutches, walking sticks, and walkers (none right now with a seat). 

Right now we have two electric wheelchairs to donate to a good home. They are not in the best condition, but they both work and would be a real blessing for someone who cannot afford the high cost of electric chairs. One of them also has a car attachment to transport the chair. Due to space, we will only keep these for a few days, so call the Gulfport office if you have this need. 228-604-4020

  • Accepts medical equipment donations? n/a
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details:  
  1. 1Check with them to see if they accept equipment donations or have items to donate.
  • Sources:

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