If you’re looking for free transportation for seniors in Indiana, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of Indiana.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!
Map of Free Transportation for Seniors in Indiana
List of Free Transportation for Seniors in Indiana
Cicoa Aging and in-home services – Door2Door Senior Transportation
Program Description:
Started in 1974, CICOA is a not-for-profit agency that helps seniors and people of any age with a disability remain comfortably and safely at home and out of institutional care.
CICOA empowers older adults, those of any age with a disability, and their caregivers by providing the innovative answers, services, and support they need to achieve the greatest possible independence, dignity, and quality of life.
CICOA is not an acronym. Our organization’s name is CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions, pronounced sik-COE-ah. When the agency began in 1974, its legal name was the Central Indiana Council on Aging, or CICOA for short. Today, CICOA is no longer an acronym, but people still try to make it one.
Over the years we’ve tinkered with the name, to accurately represent the work we do and preserve the familiarity “CICOA” has built with the public. Our clients’ needs are constantly changing. As we evolve and expand to serve those needs, CICOA remains a steadfast name in our community, here for you and the ones you love.
- Service Area:Within Marion County.
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, pharmacy needs and grocery shopping
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- At least 60 years of age.
- Live and travel in Marion County.
- Review CICOA’s HIPAA Privacy Practices
- Application Details: Complete an Application form prior to first-time use for any travel option and return it to CICOA
- Transportation Services Application | CICOA
- Senior Transportation Application English
- Senior Transportation Application Spanish
- transportation@cicoa.org
- Fax to: (317) 803-6151
- CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions, ATTN: Way2Go Transportation, 8440 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Ste. 175, Indianapolis, IN 46240.
- Visit our offices: 8440 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Ste. 175, Indianapolis, IN 46240.
- Other Details:
- 1Transportation is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- 2A cost of $5.00 per consumer for each roundtrip helps support the program.
Cicoa Aging and in-home services -Shuttle Service
Program Description:
Started in 1974, CICOA is a not-for-profit agency that helps seniors and people of any age with a disability remain comfortably and safely at home and out of institutional care.
CICOA empowers older adults, those of any age with a disability, and their caregivers by providing the innovative answers, services, and support they need to achieve the greatest possible independence, dignity, and quality of life.
- Service Area:Within Marion County.
- Transportation Services Provided: Grocery stores, banking institutions, shopping centers and special group outing locations.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- At least 60 years of age.
- Live and travel in Marion County.
- Review CICOA’s HIPAA Privacy Practices
- Application Details: To use the grocery shopping/shuttle service, an apartment complex must have a signed Shuttle Site Agreement on file with our office. This process can be started by contacting CICOA at:
- (317) 803-6153
- transportation@cicoa.org
If the Shuttle Site Agreement is in place, individuals wanting to access the service also must complete and submit a Senior Transportation Application:
- Senior Transportation Application English
- Senior Transportation Application Spanish
- transportation@cicoa.org
- Fax to: (317) 803-6151
- CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions, ATTN: Way2Go Transportation, 8440 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Ste. 175, Indianapolis, IN 46240.
- Visit our offices: 8440 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Ste. 175, Indianapolis, IN 46240.
- Service Coordinators can schedule grocery shopping/shuttle services by calling (317) 803-6153 or emailing transportation@cicoa.org.
- Other Details:
- 1A cost of $2.00 per consumer for each round trip helps support the program.
- 2Trips must be requested at least one week prior to trip date.
- 3Reservation hours 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday.
Cicoa Aging and in-home services – Wheelchair Transportationn
Program Description:
Started in 1974, CICOA is a not-for-profit agency that helps seniors and people of any age with a disability remain comfortably and safely at home and out of institutional care.
CICOA empowers older adults, those of any age with a disability, and their caregivers by providing the innovative answers, services, and support they need to achieve the greatest possible independence, dignity, and quality of life.
- Service Area:Within Marion County.
- Transportation Services Provided: Any purpose
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- At least 60 years of age.
- Live and travel in Marion County.
- Review CICOA’s HIPAA Privacy Practices
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:To use the wheelchair voucher fare, you must first complete and submit a Senior Transportation Application.
- Senior Transportation Application English
- Senior Transportation Application Spanish
- transportation@cicoa.org
- Fax to: (317) 803-6151
- CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions, ATTN: Way2Go Transportation, 8440 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Ste. 175, Indianapolis, IN 46240.
- Visit our offices: 8440 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Ste. 175, Indianapolis, IN 46240.
- Your application will be processed with three to five business days of receiving it in our office. If you would like to place an order for wheelchair voucher fare at the time you submit your application, you must include details of your order. Your order will be processed and the wheelchair voucher fare will be sent to you by mail within five business days.After receiving the vouchers, call ZTrip (formerly Indianapolis Yellow Cab) directly to schedule a ride. ZTrip provides curb-to-curb services. If you are utilizing a wheelchair, a Personal Care Attendant or escort may ride along free of charge to assist you. Please make sure to notify dispatch of the additional passenger when scheduling. For more information, call (317) 803-6153.
- Other Details:
- 1Older adults who use a wheelchair for their mobility needs may receive up to 15 wheelchair transportation vouchers monthly for a cost of $6.00 per voucher.
- 2Vouchers are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
- 3Each voucher is good for a one-way trip for any purpose within Marion County.
City of Beech Grove Senior Center – Senior Transportation
Program Description:
The Senior Citizens Center Program was established in 1974 and is funded by the City of Beech Grove. The center is also supported by donations and fundraising events. The building is named for former Mayor Elton H. Geshwiler, who served in that position from 1960 – 1991.
All persons in the community aged sixty years or older are invited to participate in any or all of the activities provided. Services include: Transportation, Information and Referral, Health and Recreation, and Outreach Education.
- Service Area:Beech Grove city limits.
- Transportation Services Provided: To and from Doctors, Dentists, Beauty Shops, Barbers, Senior Center, etc.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Beech Grove Seniors, 60 years and older.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:Please contact:
- (317) 788-4987
- Stephanie.Bramlett@beechgrove.com
- Other Details:
- 1Transportation to the St. Francis South Campus and their surrounding offices is also provided.
Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis Elder Source – ElderSource Program/Wheels for Wellness Senior Transportation
Program Description:
Jewish Family Services at The Reuben Center (JFS) offers a range of services and resources to support and assist individuals aged 60 and above and their families as they adapt to the aging process.
These available services are designed to enable seniors to continue living independently at home, addressing the current trend and desire for older adults to age in place.
Each situation is addressed in a professional and confidential manner and with respect for the individuality and independence of each person. Whenever possible, both the client and family are involved in deciding upon the best care options.
Although services are provided by Jewish agencies dedicated to the needs of the Jewish elderly, all services are available to persons of any religion, race, nationality, ethnic group and income level.
- Service Area:Greater Indianapolis
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical care, the grocery store doctor, dentist, clinic, pharmacy or other health services.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Adults aged 60 and above may.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- 317-259-6822.
- Other Details:
- 1Rides are set up on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to call early to reserve your ride.
- 2Our vehicles are not equipped with a wheelchair lift.
- 3Monday-Friday, 7:30 am-2:30 pm.
- 4We recommend a $9 donation for your roundtrip ride.
- 5Lorraine Fay Linder Grocery Shopping Transportation Service: transportation to Kroger, Aldi, Meijer and/or Marsh. Mondays, 9 am-3 pm. Reservations must be made by 2 pm on the Friday prior.
John H. Boner Community Center – Senior Center Transportation
Program Description:
Our Senior Programs provide those who are 60 years and older a renewed sense of independence by providing services and activities to help them stay connected, active, and social as they age into their golden years.
We know that oftentimes individuals may become lonely after the passing of a spouse, less frequent visits from family, or have physical limitations that prevent them from leaving their home.
We have a full schedule of activities and provide opportunities for socialization with peers, as well as provide a home away from home for older Hoosiers.
From bingo to various outings, we provide activities to help individuals remain active which increases their mental and physical well-being. We also provide regular health screenings, monthly blood pressure screenings, and podiatry services quarterly. These preventative services not only encourage early detection of health issues, but also promote a healthy lifestyle.
- Service Area:Indianapolis, IN
- Transportation Services Provided: To and from the Center.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- 60 years and older.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please contact Lovie King at 317-633-8210.
- Other Details:
- 1Weekdays 8am-5pm $35/hr; Evenings and Weekends $35/hr with 3hr minimum. Rides to the Community Center are free.
Little Red Door Cancer Agency – Rides of Hope
Program Description:
Welcome to the Little Red Door Cancer Agency, where our mission is to make the most of life and the least of cancer. We offer services for cancer patients, resources for those in need and information on cancer prevention.
Mission: Fighting cancer is tough enough, but it’s even harder when you don’t have medical insurance or the resources to afford proper care. Little Red Door Cancer Agency strives to make the most of life and the least of cancer by reducing the physical, emotional, and financial burdens of cancer for the medically underserved residents of central Indiana.
Little Red Door Cancer Agency was originally established in 1945 as the Marion County Cancer Society. Functioning as an educational outlet at its inception, Little Red Door provided information on the symptoms of cancer. It was located at 1101 West 10th Street in a World War II barrack that had been refurbished, complete with a red door.
Since the word cancer carried a social stigma at the time, Little Red Door became more commonly used than the agency’s official name. After 50 years of being the Marion County Cancer Society Inc., the organization formally changed its name to Little Red Door Cancer Agency Inc. in 1995 and unveiled its current logo.
Cancer treatment often requires several weeks or months of frequent trips to the hospital for chemotherapy or radiation. An intense treatment schedule may make it very difficult for loved ones to provide all these rides and you may not feel up to driving yourself due to the side effects of treatment.
Little Red Door Cancer Agency can provide reliable transportation to and from chemotherapy and radiation treatments through the use of cab vouchers, gas cards, or bus passes for trips. Navigators will work to help provide the best possible solution for transportation, based on individual clients needs.
- Service Area:Indianapolis, Muncie, Anderson, New Castle
- Transportation Services Provided: to and from chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation: If you are in need of transportation assistance, please contact us to see if you are eligible and to enroll.
- Indianapolis1801 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202-1411Tel: (317) 925-5595Fax: (317) 925-5597Office Hours: Monday- Thursday | 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Eskenazi Health720 Eskenazi Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46202On the 4th floor in the Health Special Medicine floor, Hallway CTel: Please call our main line at (317) 925-5595 and ask for Heidy at EskenaziOffice Hours: Wednesdays | 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Muncie/Delaware County2311 West Jackson Street, Muncie, IN 47303Tel: (765) 284-9063Fax: (765) 284-9097Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays | 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- St. Vincent Anderson 2020 Meridian Street, Suite 230, Anderson, IN 46016Tel: Please call our main line at (765) 284-9063 and ask for Rebecca at St. VincentOffice Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays | 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- New Castle2200 Forest Ridge Parkway STE 120New Castle, IN 47362Tel: Please call our main line at (765) 284-9063 and ask for MichelleOffice Hours: Wednesdays | 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Application Details: N/A
- Other Details: N/A
Perry Senior Citizens Services – Senior Medical Transportation
Program Description:
We are a tax deductible 501(c)(3) non-profit whose volunteers use their own vehicle to provide essential medical transportation services to Perry Township seniors, helping keep them healthy, active and connected with their community.
Perry Senior Citizens Services, Inc. provides services to senior citizens of the greater Perry Township community that maintain or enhance their quality of life.
- Service Area:Perry Township area
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical/dental appointments.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Participants must be at least 60 years old and reside in Perry Township.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Ride requests can be made by calling 317-783-9231
- email to transport@perryseniors.org and providing the appointment date, time and location.
- Other Details:
- 1Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
- 2Please give at least 10 days advance notice whenever possible to allow time to schedule our drivers. If your appointment is cancelled, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can make our driver available to others waiting for a ride.
- 3The client is the only person we can transport to appointments due to liability concerns.
- 4If you have a physical condition or limitation, use a walker, cane or other mobility aid, please let us know so that we can share that information with your driver. Please be aware we are unable to transport wheelchair clients at this time. If you are in need of transportation services that can provide for wheelchair needs, please call CICOA at (317) 803-6153.
- 5Our drivers are volunteers, using their personal vehicle to drive you to your appointment. you will be given your driver’s name in advance of your appointment and your driver will call you the day before your appointment to confirm the pick-up time. for your safety and peace of mind, our drivers do carry photo ID identifying them as a Perry Senior Services transport driver.
- 6We do not charge a fee for this service, but as a non-profit organization, we appreciated any and all donations to help us keep providing services to our clients. If you’re able to donate, or have family, friends or neighbors who would like to support Perry Senior Services, donation can be given to your driver, mailed to our office, or made on our website.
Allen County Council on Aging – Senior Transportation
Program Description:
No transportation service available on the website.
- Service Area:Fort Wayne, Allen county
- Transportation Services Provided: N/A
- Eligibility Criteria: N/A
- Application Details: N/A
- Other Details:
- 1Suggested donation of $3/one way
The I.W.I.N. (Indiana Women In Need) Foundation – Transportation Assistance
Program Description:
IWIN Foundation supports individuals statewide currently receiving treatment for breast cancer by securing and paying for individual services that relieve emotional, physical and financial burdens.
The IWIN Foundation was founded as a 501(c)(3) organization in 2000 with a vision “to be an innovative organization built on passion, dedication and integrity, where communities feel called to support our mission and to grow and be recognized as the ‘neighbor next door’ to all women and men enduring treatment for breast cancer.”
The basis of the IWIN Program is to give these courageous individuals the strength to endure treatment, empower them to continue their fight against breast cancer, and place them on the path to survivorship. Having assisted 3 women in our first year and 15 men since our inception, IWIN has served over 6,300 women and men. IWIN celebrates providing over 2.4 MILLION DOLLARS in services to our recipients throughout the state of Indiana!
- Service Area:Indianapolis, IN
- Transportation Services Provided: Transportation Assistance (gas cards, bus passes, etc.)
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- To be eligible for our services, an individual must be a resident of Indiana and be receiving or about to receive treatment for breast cancer as defined below:Radiation Therapy*ChemotherapyMastectomy (Post-Operative)Extensive Surgical Procedure related to Breast CancerBiologic Therapy for Metastatic Breast CancerExclusions for eligibility: Oral therapy (e.g. Tamoxifen) or lumpectomy as single treatment.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Download the Application here.
- Mail your application to: IWIN FoundationP.O. Box 30648Indianapolis, IN 46220
- (317) 475-0342 FAX
- debbiel@iwinfoundation.org
- Other Details: N/A
Southwest Indiana Regional Council on Aging – TRIPS Transportation tickets
Program Description:
Southwestern Indiana Regional Council on Aging (SWIRCA & More) is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3, public service organization that focuses it’s efforts on empowering
seniors and people with disabilities to remain living safely in their own homes by providing information and supportive services.
SWIRCA & More is Indiana’s 16th Area Agency on Aging covering a six county area including Gibson, Perry, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh and Warrick.
As one of 700 Area Agencies on Aging nationwide, SWIRCA & More is not a government agency but oversees state and federal funds, as well as donations from the community to provide services and information.Since our beginning in 1974, SWIRCA & More has dedicated itself to helping individuals maintain their independence in the face of disabilities and aging.
Over the decade, our services and the scope of those we reach has grown tremendously.
TRANSPORTATIONSWIRCA & More sponsors the Transportation Remuneration Incentive Program (TRIP) to assist economically and socially deprived residents with supplemental transportation services which they might not otherwise be able to afford.
- Service Area:Vanderburgh County.
- Transportation Services Provided: Non-Medicaid Transportation services.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- 60 years of age and a resident of Vanderburgh County.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- (812) 464-7800
- Other Details:
- 1TRIP tickets are to be used as cash to pay for non-Medicaid Transportation services.
- 2The following transportation providers accept TRIP tickets: Metropolitan Evansville Transit System (METS), bus and mobility van, River City Yellow Cab Company, and Unity Taxi of Evansville.
Prime Life – Senior Transportation
Program Description:
PrimeLife Enrichment Inc. is a private, not-for-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing services and programs that promote independence, optimal wellness and socialization.
PLE is recognized as a vital, innovative organization devoted to enhancing the quality of life and meeting the evolving needs of older adults and their families in Hamilton County.
PrimeLife Enrichment provides programs and services that promote independence, optimal wellness and socialization for those aged 50 and beyond.
PLE is recognized in Central Indiana as a pioneering force in the pursuit of empowered, independent living for older adults.
We offer door-to-door, non-emergency transportation to any Hamilton County resident fifty years of age or older.
- Service Area:Hamilton County.
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, grocery shopping, hair appointments etc.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Transportation services are limited to Hamilton County residents aged 50 and above.
- With the exception of the VA Hospital and medical facilities located close to the Hamilton County line, ALL trips must be within Hamilton County.
- Transportation services are for non-emergency trips only, such as pre-scheduled medical appointments, grocery shopping, hair appointments, and the like.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please call the PLE Transportation Coordinator at 317-815-7000 (ext. 205).
- Other Details:
- 1All of our vans are wheelchair accessible.
- 2New clients: A brief telephone assessment must be completed at least one day before your first ride. If you are in a wheelchair, a home assessment visit will be done by our lead driver to determine how best we can meet your transportation needs.
- 3Age 60 and up: No charge, although we encourage and appreciate donations of $10/round trip.Age 50-59:Trips less than eight (8) miles one-way – $5.00 one-way and $10 round trip.Trips more than eight (8) miles one-way – $8.00 one-way and $16 round trip.Trips to the VA Hospital Military Veterans: $10 round trip.
- 4Rides are available between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
- 5Please schedule your appointments after 8:30 am or before 3:00 pm.
- 6No transportation is available on weekends or on major holidays when PrimeLife is closed.
- 7To facilitate availability at your preferred time, we recommend that you call at least one week in advance.
Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County – Senior Transportation
Program Description:
In 1972, Dr. Kenneth Cole, a pastor in Missouri, conceived the idea of a voluntary organization to assist older adults to continue living in their homes.
From this idea stemmed the first Shepherd’s Center in Kansas, Missouri. The Shepherd’s Centers of America grew to over 50 centers in North America.
Realizing the growing need for quality programs in Hamilton County, Indiana, a Shepherd’s Center was started in 1985 to provide enrichment opportunities for adults 55 years of age and older. Over the years, SCHC’s role in the community and scope of service has evolved and expanded.
We encourage all individuals to make a difference in the lives of older adults. Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County is an advocate for older adults by ministering to their spiritual, physical, and personal well-being. Although Shepherd’s Center is an inter-faith organization, participants are not required to belong to any church or religious organization.In 2015, Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County adopted a new strategic plan to grow the organization due to the increase in the older adult population in Hamilton County. The Board hired Executive Director, Lauren Guynn, JD/LCSW, to help the organization serve more older adults than ever before.Our founding social program is Together Today. In 2009, the Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County added the Community Caring Program. With the Community Caring Program, SCHC arranges for volunteers to provide key services to seniors who need extra support to age in place safely.
In 2017, under Lauren Guynn’s leadership, SCHC added the Reaching Resources Program. Reaching Resources connects older adults with all available aging resources in our community.
Community Caring connects volunteers with home-bound, isolated, and/or financially fragile seniors 55+ to help support their independence. Individual volunteers can help with house cleaning, light home maintenance, transportation, and friendly visitation. Group volunteers can assist with yard work, home repairs, care package delivery and much more.
- Service Area:Hamilton County.
- Transportation Services Provided: N/A
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Home-bound, isolated, and/or financially fragile seniors 55+.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Contact our office today at 317-674-8777 to set up an intake assessment and get connected with a volunteer.
- Other Details: N/A
Real Services – Senior Transportation
Program Description:
Created in May of 1966 as part of the planning division of United Way, REAL Services was established to develop a service network to meet the needs of older adults in St. Joseph County.
In 1967, REAL Services received the first federal grant in Indiana from the U.S. Administration on Aging (AOA) for Research and Development. This grant funded the Information, Counseling, and Referral (ICR) program, which originally sent interviewers door-to-door with questionnaires to determine the immediate needs of the elderly in the community.
With this information, REAL Services could then refer seniors in need to the appropriate health, welfare, employment, housing, legal aid, and other relevant community services. As a result of the ICR project, a directory of community services for older adults was prepared and distributed, and new programs were developed to meet any unmet needs. In 1968, REAL Services designed the first program in the entire United States to set up nutrition sites to provide meals and socialization for older adults—a program which has served as a model for nutrition assistance across the country. REAL Services has since established itself not only as a state-wide leader, but as a national example in effectively serving the senior community through innovative ideas, competent management, and sound financial guidance. Without REAL Services, more than 5,000 older adults each year would have to move to nursing homes to receive the care they need, and 2,000 people in the community would not have access to food each day. The staff and volunteers at REAL Services work tirelessly to help people of all ages, races, nationalities, and income levels to maintain their integrity and independence, and to achieve satisfaction in their lives.
To do this, REAL Services runs more than 20 distinct programs that promote nutrition, self-sufficiency, education, and protection for 30,000 people in northern Indiana each year.
- Service Area:Granger, Mishawaka, Osceola, or South Bend
- Transportation Services Provided: Doctor and banking appointments, Medicaid and Social Security offices, the grocery store, and other places they cannot reach on their own.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Any ambulatory person 60 years of age or older who is a resident of Granger, Mishawaka, Osceola, or South Bend with limited access to transportation is eligible for transportation services.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- To apply for REAL Services’ transportation program, please apply online by clicking the link below. Or you may download and complete the printable application and return it to tknarr@realservices.org.Apply online:
- Download and print the Transportation application
- More information:Phone: 574-284-7174Toll-free: 800-552-2916, ext. 7174
- Other Details:
- 1Our vans are not wheelchair accessible.
- 2Operating costs (for the vehicle and staff) average around $14.00 per one-way trip.
- 3Hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm weekdays.
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