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Free Wheelchairs, Scooters & Mobility Aids in New Hampshire (2023): Complete Directory

By Maurice

If you’re looking for free wheelchairsfree mobility scooters, and other free mobility aids in New Hampshire, we’ve got you covered!

This page is a complete resource for free assistive devices (wheelchairs, scooters, and more) and independent living resources in the state of New Hampshire. 

Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Free Wheelchairs & Assistive Devices in New Hampshire

1. Assistive technology in New Hampshire

The Institute on Disability is the lead agency for New Hampshire’s statewide Assistive Technology Act Program: Assistive Technology in New Hampshire, or ATinNH. The program has two major activity areas: Training, Education, and Outreach: AT Trainings, Classes, and Workshops and AT Policy  Assistive Technology Services: Equipment Demonstrations, Loans and Refurbishing/Reuse.

2. Community caregivers of Greater Derry 

Community caregivers of Greater Derry ‎currently has nearly 12,000 pieces of equipment available or out on loan. Each item donated has been evaluated, accepted, cleaned, logged into the inventory, and finally placed in our storage room. A potential borrower needs only to call or come in to inquire if their desired item is available. If the equipment is not available, they put the individual on a waitlist for that item and contact them when the item is back in stock.

3. Granite State Independent Living Foundation 

Granite State Independent Living Foundation logo

GSIL is a statewide nonprofit organization with 7 offices located throughout the state. Although they don’t provide home modification themselves, but if you are struggling to live safely in your own home due to accessibility concerns, GSIL’s trained staff can assist in establishing a plan and identifying funding sources for your accessibility project. No matter what your needs are, the goals are the same, to keep you safe and in your own home.

4. Harry Gregg Foundation 

Harry Gregg Foundation provides small grants to low- and moderate-income New Hampshire residents with disabilities for products and services not funded elsewhere. The Harry Gregg Foundation, established in honor of the founder of Crotched Mountain, has made over 8,000 grants totaling more than $3 million. The foundation is unusual in that it provides funds to people, not organizations, and is one of the few in the state that does so. Click here to apply now for a Harry Gregg Foundation grant.

6. Refurbished Equipment Marketplace 

Refurbished Equipment Marketplace logo

While this is not a free resource, Refurbished Equipment Marketplace is the largest seller of high-quality pre-owned assistive technology in the region. Financial Assistance may be available through a grant from the NH Council on Developmental Disabilities for anyone with an Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability.

7. St. Joseph Hospital

St. Joseph Hospital logo

Joseph’s Closet maintains an inventory of durable medical equipment (DME) which is provided free of charge to individuals in need, throughout the greater Nashua community. Our dedicated, trained volunteers offer a caring, gentle and confidential approach to distributing medical equipment.

8. Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services 

Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services logo

The Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services provides a variety of social and long-term supports to adults age 60 and older and to adults between the ages of 18 and 60 who have a chronic illness or disability. BEAS staff are located at DHHS District Offices and ServiceLink Resource Centers throughout NH and coordinate services to seniors and adults with disabilities and chronic illnesses who meet certain eligibility criteria.

Some of the services they provide include home care, meals on wheels, transportation assistance, long term care nursing home and community-based care, information and assistance regarding Medicare and Medicaid, and information about volunteer opportunities.

9. New Hampshire Statewide Independent Living Council 

New Hampshire Statewide Independent Living Council logo

The Statewide Independent Living Council identifies and sets priorities for independent living services and activities in New Hampshire, thus ensuring participation by persons with disabilities in the planning process of the State Plan for Independent Living. Members of the SILC are appointed by the Governor and the majority are individuals with disabilities. This is a great resource to find reliable information, services, and aid to state residents with disabilities.

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