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Free Transportation for Seniors in South Carolina

By Maurice

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If you’re looking for free transportation for seniors in South Carolina, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of South Carolina.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Transportation for Seniors in South Carolina

List of Free Transportation for Seniors in South Carolina

Harbison Wheels

Program Description:

Wheels provides much needed transportation for Senior adults, and the physically and mentally disabled. We currently serve the Hud housing communities of Lakeside, Woods Edge and others in the Harbision area from Lake Murray Boulevard to St. Andrews Road, Broad River Road and Piney Grove Road.

The vehicles used are handicapped accessible. There is no charge to ride, however, riders do contribute to the on going costs as they are able. We take pride in the effectiveness of the operation and the record of not missing a call in all of these years. We have been blessed to always find a driver when needed. We depend on community support to help keep us on the road. We depend on your support. This organization has been run entirely by volunteers, from the drivers to the board members. The board is made up of representatives from the local churches and concerned citizens of the community.

  • Service Area:Columbia,South Carolina Harbison Area.
  • Transportation Services Provided: Doctor appointments and places of business.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Senior and physically and mentally disabled area residents who dont have no other method of transportation.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • MONDAY 9:00 am – 12:30 pmTUESDAY Travel Special Events – Bus MaintenanceWEDNESDAY 9:00 am – 12:30 pm 12:30-3:30pm THURSDAY Medical Appointments Outside the Rider AreaFRIDAY 9:00 am – 12:30 pmSUNDAY Available to Churches With Trained DriversThe Bus is aso available by appointment for Community Events for Lakeside & Woods Edge ResidentsPick Up Points:Lakeside On The CircleWoods Edge at rear parking lot entranceFor Reservations or Information call: 749-1911
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Your driver is in charge. Please follow his instructions.(i.e. Move on back, front seat priorities, etc.)
  2. 2Take your time – do not feel rushed. Your safety is more important than speed.
  3. 3Rubber soled tie-on shoes are best for climbing on/off the Bus.
  4. 4Buckle your seat belt – it’s the law. DO NOT remove it until the Bus has come to a complete stop.
  5. 5Boarding is first come, first serve or at the drivers discretion.
  6. 6Don’t crowd in the front of others who have been waiting before you.
  7. 7Please be courteous to one another. Treat others with respect. If you have nothing nice to say, please say nothing at all.
  8. 8NO child may take a seat on the Bus. It’s the law.
  9. 9Please report any injury you may have recieved on the van to your driver before getting off. Please report any problems/concerns with fellow passengers to your driver before getting off.
  10. 10This service is a privilege, not a right. Your donations provide a great deal of this ministries annual operating budget. Suggested donation is $1.00 per trip to/from your home.
  11. 11You are responsile to be at the location for pickup, where the driver dropped you off. DO NOT catch a ride with someone else. The driver will be there to get you, be patient. There will be a 30 day suspension for this offense.
  12. 12Please do not leave trash on theBus.
  13. 13When bringing your purchases on the Bus, please be sure you can store all of the items between your feet or on your lap. Please keep this in mind while you are shopping.
  14. 14If a rider cannot get out of the Bus and into the office to which he’s going alone or with the aid of an adult helper, provided by the rider, the driver must put the rider back into the Bus and bring them back home.
  15. 15The Bus is wheel chair equipped and is operated by trained volunteers.

Senior Resources – Transportation Service

Program Description:

Senior Resources is a non-profit organization that coordinates services, provides resources and encourages the personal choices that allow Midlands’ area senior citizens to remain independent. Our services touch the lives of more than 4,000 Midlands residents.

  • Service Area:Columbia, SC
  • Transportation Services Provided: Doctor appointments and other medical-related trips, including the pharmacy.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Anne Shissias, Director of In-Home & Community Based Services, at 803-252-7734 x234
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Our Senior Wheels van is fully handicapped accessible, and includes a wheelchair lift.
  2. 2Our driver will assist clients getting into and out of the van, and into the medical building if needed.
  3. 3Transportation appointments should be made three days in advance.

Trident Area Agency on Aging – Eligibility Screening and Assessment Coordination Program

Program Description:

Eligibility Screening and Assessment Coordination Program provides a holistic approach for area seniors in determining the level of need for Older Americans Act services.

Every individual must receive an assessment prior to receiving services, and be reassessed yearly. These services may include: home delivered meals, senior center transportation and group dining or home care services. Referrals are made to other programs or resources to assist the needs of the senior.

Many area Senior Centers offer group dining and transportation to provide socialization, nutrition, activities and programming for more active older adults. When a senior is unable to provide their own transportation, they often lose contact with the outside world.

Berkeley Seniors Incorporated, Charleston Area Senior Citizens Services, Dorchester Seniors Incorporated, and South Santee Senior and Community Center may be able to provide transportation to a senior center to reduce isolation and loneliness and to increase overall quality of life. Everyone requesting services will receive a holistic assessment by the Eligibility and Assessment Coordination Program.

  • Service Area:Charleston, SC
  • Transportation Services Provided: Senior Center.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Everyone requesting services will receive a holistic assessment by the Eligibility and Assessment Coordination Program.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Please contact Trident Area Agency on Aging at 843-554-2275 for an assessment.
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Donations encouraged.

Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) – Senior Fares

Program Description:

CARTA takes you to most hospitals, libraries, grocery stores, shopping centers and service agencies throughout the Charleston area.Senior FREE Ride Day-Annual promotion to encourage seniors (55+) to learn about the system and as a thank you to our regular senior riders.

Every year CARTA has one day per quarter that seniors riders 55+ can ride all routes for free. This is the perfect opportunity to get some shopping done, visit friends or family or simply explore the city and our different routes. If you have any questions, please call (843) 724-7420 for more info.

Dates for 2021 are below: March 20th (Saturday) May 26th (Wednesday) – National Senior Health and Fitness Day August 21st (Saturday) – National Senior Citizen Day December 11th (Saturday)

  • Service Area:Charleston area.
  • Transportation Services Provided: Hospitals, libraries, grocery stores, shopping centers and service agencies.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • You must be 55 years of age or older.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Want to ride, but not sure how? Simply call (843) 724-7420 and let our operations staff pair you with a CARTA Ambassador!
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1As of Monday, July 15, 2019, Seniors ride for a discounted fare (over 50% off regular prices) of $1 during all hours of service.
  2. 2Drivers may request proof of age. Medicare cards or I.D. card with date of birth will serve as identification for the fare.
  3. 3Senior FREE Ride Day-Annual promotion to encourage seniors (55+) to learn about the system and as a thank you to our regular senior riders.

Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) – Downtown Area Shuttle (DASH)

Program Description:

Three CARTA Downtown Area Shuttle routes allow riders to explore the peninsula, from the Aquarium to the Citadel to Broad Street and Waterfront Park. And there’s NO COST to ride!

  • Service Area:Charleston area.
  • Transportation Services Provided: Public Transport.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
  • Open to public.
  • Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Orange Line (Route 210)College of Charleston/AquariumIncludes: SC Aquarium, College of Charleston, Visitors Center
  2. 2Green Line (Route 211)Meeting Street/King StreetIncludes: Visitors Center, College of Charleston, Medical Complex, Ashley River Hotels, The Citadel/Stadiums
  3. 3Purple Line (Route 213)Lockwood Drive/Calhoun StreetIncludes: Visitors Center, Historic King Street, Four Corners of Law, Broad Street Shopping District, Waterfront Park, City Market, Charleston Museum, Upper King

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