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Free Medical Equipment in Alabama

By Maurice

If you’re looking for free medical equipment for seniors in Alabama, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free medical equipment for the elderly in the state of Alabama.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Medical Equipment in Alabama

List of Free Medical Equipment in Alabama

Goodwill Gulf Coast – Medical Assistance & Equipment Program

Program Description:

Serving 10 counties in the Alabama-Florida Gulf Coast region (7 in Southwest Alabama and 3 in the Florida Panhandle), Goodwill 

Gulf Coast provides programs and services to help individuals and families overcome challenges due to disabilities and other barriers that impact economic well-being, self-sufficiency, and quality of life.

Serving our local community since 1956, Goodwill Gulf Coast now operates eleven (11) retail store/donation centers, two (2) bargain stores, eleven (11) individual attended donation centers, and eight (8) community centers in addition to our Gordon Smith Campus, which houses several programs and administration.

  • Service Area:Alabama, and Florida
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Some examples of equipment collected and distributed are:
  1. 1walkers;
  2. 2wheelchairs,;
  3. 3bath benches;
  4. 4canes;
  5. 5bedside commodes; and
  6. 6more.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • anyone
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1No clear mentions about medical equipment. Goodwill Gulf Coast accepts donations of clean, useable items in sellable condition and medical equipment is not on the list with accepted/unaccepted items. Having in mind that they are alson on the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS)’s list of Reutilization Centers there are high chances that the accept medical equipment.
  2. 2If you need medical equipment such as a walker, wheelchair, bath bench, and more, it is available at no cost to anyone at the following locations (ask a cashier):- in Alabama:1. Azalea Road Store;2. Schillinger Road Store;3. Moffett Road Store;4. Saraland Store;5. Fairhope Store;6. Spanish Fort Store.- in Florida:1. Olive Road Store;2. Pace Store;3. Ensley Store;4. Fort Walton Beach Store.
  • Sources:

Easterseals Central Alabama – CARE Project

Program Description:

Easterseals is a non-profit provider of health and human services, incorporated under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

It provides services to help children and adults with disabilities and/or special needs as well as support to their families.

The Care project helps people acquire no-cost medical equipment that has been refurbished, repaired, and sanitized, in order to live, learn, work, and play more independently. Examples include equipment, devices, products, and services used to maintain, increase, or improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.

  • Service Area:Alabama
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Some examples of equipment collected and distributed are:
  1. 1Computers and computer equipment;
  2. 2Manual and power wheelchairs (adult and children);
  3. 3Bedside commodes and shower chairs;
  4. 4Hospital beds (electric and manual);
  5. 5Personal mobility devices;
  6. 6Wheelchair lifts for any vehicle;
  7. 7Portable wheelchair ramps;
  8. 8Geriatric and seat lift chairs;
  9. 9Patient lifts;
  10. 10Breathing equipment;
  11. 11Canes, crutches, and walkers;
  12. 12Sensory aids;
  13. 13 Other durable medical equipment.Manual and power wheelchairs (adult and children);
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • children and adults with disabilities and/or special needs
  • Other Details: n/a
  • Sources:

Statewide Technology Access and Response for Alabamians with Disabilities (STAR) – Reutilization Program 

Program Description:

STAR is one of 56 federally funded Assistive Technology Act Programs operated under the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living. 

STAR is administered through the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS) whose mission is to enable all of Alabama’s children and adults with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential.

Through a variety of statewide comprehensive services and programs, STAR strives to enhance independence, productivity and quality of life of Alabamians with disabilities by improving access to and the acquisition of assistive technology.

  • Service Area:Anniston, Huntsville, and Mobile
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Assistive Technology
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Alabama’s children and adults with disabilities
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1Three Reutilization Centers can help you acquire no-cost assistive technology and durable medical equipment. The centers – located in Anniston, Huntsville, and Mobile – accept donations from family members, advocates and individuals with disabilities. These donations are repaired, cleaned and inventoried. Inventory lists are updated monthly and can be found on the STAR website. Anyone interested or in need of the items on the inventory list need only contact the center where the item is located.
  2. 2For more information on rehabilitation technology services, contact the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services at the office nearest you: Birmingham, Decatur, Dothan, Mobile, Montgomery.
  • Sources:

Birmingham Metro Baptist Association and the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services – ReMedy

Program Description:

Birmingham Metro Baptist Association is a voluntary cooperative effort of 180 local churches, who lead mission and service opportunities in response to recognized needs in the community. 

Churches working together can go far beyond what any individual church could do alone.

The Remedy Center is a unique partnership between the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association and the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services.

Remedy exists to improve the lives of individuals and families who are dealing with temporary or chronic disabilities. This is accomplished through a durable medical equipment loan system that receives donated equipment from those who no longer need it and loans this equipment to those who have a need for it.

  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • individuals and families who are dealing with temporary or chronic disabilities
  • Other Details: n/a
  • Sources:

Christmas Charities Year Round (CCYR) – Waste Not Program

Program Description:

CCYR provides basic living needs year-round, as well as Christmas gifts, all at no costs. CCYR is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and the Secretary of State and is in good standing. 

Donations are tax deductible as charitable contributions to the full extent permitted by law. Waste Not is a medical equipment loan program providing assistive technology to North Alabama citizens, regardless of income or health insurance status.

  • Service Area:Madison County
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment
  1. 1wheelchairs,
  2. 2rollators,
  3. 3walkers,
  4. 4electric scooters,
  5. 5knee scooters,
  6. 6shower chairs,
  7. 7bedside commodes.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Madison County residents at or below the area median income or in emergent need
  • Other Details: For Madison County residents at or below the area median income or in emergent need, we:
  1. 1provide basic necessities year round at no cost.
  2. 2provide year round distribution of clothes, school supplies, household items, furniture and Assistive Technology medical equipment at no cost.
  3. 3provide year round delivery of clothing to children at schools at no cost.
  4. 4distribute food and gifts to children and families during the Christmas season at no cost.
  • Sources:

Wiregrass Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (WRC) – The R.E.A.L. Project

Program Description:

Wiregrass Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (WRC) is a non-profit organization governed by a 18 member board of directors. 

the REAL project logo

WRC currently serves a 12 county area in Southeast Alabama, 19 counties in Southwest Georgia and 19 counties in the panhandle of Florida. The R.E.A.L. Project is a one-stop collection distribution point for donated used medical equipment to be used for any person who is in need of equipment, but who may not be able to afford the price of a new item.

  • Service Area:Dothan
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical equipment
  1. 1manual & power wheelchairs (adult & children);
  2. 2bedside commodes & shower chairs;
  3. 3hospital beds (electric & manual);
  4. 4personal mobility devices;
  5. 5portable wheelchair ramps;
  6. 6geriatric & seat lift chairs;
  7. 7patient lifts;
  8. 8breathing equipment;
  9. 9canes, crutches & walkers;
  10. 10hearing impaired telephones;
  11. 11other durable medical equipment.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • any person who is in need of equipment
  • Other Details: The R.E.A.L. Project contact point is in Dothan, AL.
  • Sources:

Alabama-Tombigbee Regional Commission, Area Agency on Aging in Camden, AL – Technology Assisted (TA) Waiver

Program Description:

The Alabama Tombigbee Regional Commission (ATRC), Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a part of a state-wide aging

network that provides a variety of Home and Community based services to the region’s senior and disabled populations and their caregivers. As one of thirteen AAA offices in the state, the Alabama Tombigbee Regional Commission has proudly served the region for more than 45 years. The counties served include Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Dallas, Marengo, Monroe, Perry, Sumter, Washington, and Wilcox.

The TA waiver provides services to adults with complex skilled medical conditions who would otherwise require the care of a skilled nursing facility. These clients must be ventilator dependent or have a tracheostomy. Clients on this program may receive Private duty nursing, personal care attendant services, medical supplies and assistive technology.

  • Service Area:Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Dallas, Marengo, Monroe, Perry, Sumter, Washington, and Wilcox counties
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Medical supplies and assistive technology
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • clients must be ventilator dependent or have a tracheostomy
  • Other Details: The R.E.A.L. Project contact point is in Dothan, AL.
  1. 1Eligible clients must meet medical and financial guidelines.
  2. 2For information and assistance, call (334) 682-5206 or 888-617-0500.
  • Sources:

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