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Free Medical Equipment in Maine

By Maurice


If you’re looking for free medical equipment for seniors in Maine, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free medical equipment for the elderly in the state of Maine.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!

Map of Free Medical Equipment in Maine

List of Free Medical Equipment in Maine

Maine CITE Coordinating Center – AT4Maine

Program Description:

The Maine Department of Education’s Maine CITE Program is designed to help make assistive technology more available to Maine children, adults and seniors who need them.

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

  • Service Area:Maine
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes (database)
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (database)
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details: n/a
  • Sources:

C.A.R.E.S., Inc. – AT Demonstration and Loan Program (ATDLP)

Program Description:

C.A.R.E.S., Inc. administers the AT Demonstration and Loan Program (ATDLP). The Assistive Technology Demonstration and Loan Program is funded by the Maine Department of Education, Maine CITE Program.

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

The goal of the Assistive Technology Demonstration and Loan Program (ATDLP) is to give Maine people the opportunity see how assistive technology (AT) works and test out before buying it.

  • Service Area:Maine
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Other Details: Clients who prefer may speak with our CARES Assistive Technology Equipment Coordinator by calling 1-800-773-7055 or e-mailing and telling us your needs.
  • Sources:

First Congregational Church (Old South), UCC – Annie’s BeanPole

Program Description:

Old South has recently taken over Annie’s Beanpole, a medical equipment lending library. 

There are no fees and no due dates – just sign the waiver and the equipment is yours for as long as you need it. Donations of good quality equipment are gratefully accepted.

  • Service Area:Farmington
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Crutches,
  2. 2Walkers,
  3. 3Hospital bed rails,
  4. 4Wheelchairs,
  5. 5Wheelchair ramps,
  6. 6Shower seats,
  7. 7Grab bars,
  8. 8Tub rails,
  9. 9Glucometers,
  10. 10And more.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details: Please contact the church at 778-0424 for more information.

Wayside – New England Enteral Exchange Distribution Solution (NEEEDS)

Program Description:

Wayside has been increasing access to nutritious food for their neighbors in Southern Maine since 1986. NEEEDS is an innovative program to distribute unused medical nutrition formula to patients in need. 

Easterseals Central Alabama logo

Formula is used by patients who require feeding tubes, which may be needed by patients undergoing cancer treatment. After completing treatment, patients may have extra formula, which cannot be returned to distributors.

To provide this unused formula to patients in need, Wayside has become a formula pick-up center for patients and drop-off center for donors in a partnership with Maine Medical Center Cancer Institute and New England Life Care.

  • Service Area:Southern Maine
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Unused medical nutrition formula 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details: n/a
  • Sources:

Penobscot Community Health Center (PCHC)/Warren Center – Regional Hearing Aid Bank (ReHAB)

Program Description:

PCHC/Warren Center provides evaluations, therapies and technologies in the areas of speech, language development and hearing to children and adults of Central and Eastern Maine.

The Regional Hearing Aid Bank, ReHAB for short, is designed to provide one hearing aid to those members of our community who are unable to afford them. It utilizes donated behind-the-ear hearing aids which can be refurbished and reprogrammed for use by another person. 

  • Service Area:Central and Eastern Maine
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Hearing aids
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • members of the community who are unable to afford hearing aids
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1The ReHAB program is designed particularly for members of the community who are unable to be served by the Veterans’ Administration, Vocational Rehabilitation program, insurances or other third-party providers and whose annual income is less than 200% of the federal poverty level.
  2. 2There is an application process and a waiting list for these services. This program currently has a 2-3 year waiting list to receive one hearing aid.
  3. 3Hearing aids may be dropped off or mailed to the PCHC/Warren Center office at 992 Union Street, Bangor, Maine 04401.
  • Sources:

Partners for World Health (PWH) – Medical Recycling Programs

Program Description:

Partners for World Health (PWH) collects medical supplies and equipment from healthcare facilities, manufacturers, other organizations, and individuals. 

They sort, evaluate, repackage, and prepare these supplies and equipment for distribution to individuals, communities, and healthcare facilities in need both locally and internationally.

Partners for World Health has partnered with over 100 facilities in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts to establish medical recycling programs. We provide recycle bins for each floor of a facility and educate the nurses and housekeepers on their use. In addition, facility managers gather large durable medical equipment such as beds, exam tables, and wheelchairs.

  • Service Area:Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1PWH is here to help individuals and organizations looking to purchase medical supplies. Through our Medical Supply Program (MSP) we offer a wide variety of medical supplies, and durable medical equipment (DME) for purchase at reduced rates.
  • Sources:

Spurwink ALLTECH – Demo & Loaner Program

Program Description:

Spurwink ALLTECH strives to provide assessment, consultation, and training to assist individuals with disabilities through technology to access learning and employment.

The ALLTECH Demonstration & Loaner Program is funded in part by Maine CITE. The Maine CITE Coordinating Center is the statewide program designed to help make assistive and universally-designed technology more available to Maine children and adults with disabilities.

ALLTECH Demo & Loaner devices are typically loaned for a period of three weeks. Consumers of the loaner program only pay shipping and handling costs to and from our office. To avoid shipping costs, equipment can be picked up in our Portland office.

  • Service Area:Portland area
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Maine children and adults with disabilities
  • Other Details: n/a
  1. 1Through the ALLTECH store in Bangor, consumers are able to purchase donated and refurbished adaptive equipment at a reduced price and/or to borrow adaptive equipment for short-term loans.
  • Sources:

Spurwink ALLTECH – Recycle And Reuse Program

Program Description:

The ALLTECH Recycle & Reuse program will accept donations of “gently used” equipment such as wheelchairs, tub seats and safety accessories, standers, portable wheelchair ramps, walkers, etc. 

They will then get the items back into good, working order, including cleaning and sanitizing. They are then able to make the items available to consumers at a much-reduced cost.

  • Service Area:Maine and New England
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  1. 1Canes,
  2. 2Commodes,
  3. 3C-PAP Machines/Supplies,
  4. 4Crutches,
  5. 5Hospital Beds,
  6. 6Switches for Switch Adaptable Toys/Devices,
  7. 7Tumble Forms,
  8. 8Walkers,
  9. 9Wheelchairs,
  10. 10Miscellaneous Medical Supplies,
  11. 11Adult Diapers.
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? No
  • Audience served:
  • those in need
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Please contact ALLTECH for specific information about the items at 207-535-2017 or stop by our store at 892 Riverside Street in Portland.
  • Sources:

Maine CITE program: AT4Maine

Program Description:

Visit the AT4Maine website to see the over 500 AT devices that are available for Demonstration and Loan and to arrange for an equipment loan.

  • Service Area:Maine
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? Yes (database)
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes (database)
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1University of Maine at Farmington: As a partner of the Maine CITE program, the Center for Assistive Technology and its collection serve as a resource offered free to UMF students, faculty, and staff, and to individuals with disabilities and their families. Many of the items may be signed out for use at home or in a school or therapeutic setting. For a complete listing of our items visit and search the University of Maine at Farmington
  • Sources:

Pine Tree Society – Assistive Technology Demo and Loan Library

Program Description:

Pine Tree Society’s Assistive Technology Demo and Loan Libraries in Scarborough, Bath and Auburn are free and open to anyone who wants to explore technology to increase independence.

Demos can be done in-person or remotely via Zoom and there are several options available for pickup and return, which expands access to rural areas of the state. The library also provides short-term loans while someone’s existing device is being repaired.

  • Service Area:Scarborough, Bath and Auburn
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Thanks to a grant from Maine CITE, Pine Tree Society has access to hundreds of Assistive Technology devices for Mainers to “try before you buy.” An inventory of hundreds of options can be searched on the Maine CITE website.
  2. 2Request a virtual or in-person demo in Scarborough, Bath or Auburn by calling Pine Tree Society at 207- 386-5930 or emailing Emily Capaldi.

Disability Rights Maine – Telecommunications Equipment Program (TEP)

Program Description:

The Telecommunications Equipment Program (TEP) was established by state law to provide ‘No’ or ‘Low’ cost adaptive telecommunications equipment to any Maine resident who cannot use their home’s conventional telephone due to a physical or cognitive disability. 

The program was established to assist low-income residents, and most clients pay nothing for the phone equipment they need.

  • Service Area:Maine
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Adaptive telecommunications equipment 
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • Maine resident who cannot use their home’s conventional telephone due to a physical or cognitive disability
  • Other Details: 

Miracle-Ear Foundation – The Gift of Sound

Program Description:

Miracle-Ear® has a commitment to our community and to the hearing health of those in need nationwide. For every hearing aid sold, we make a financial commitment to help someone in need. 

Our Miracle-Ear stores partner with the Miracle-Ear Foundation® to provide free hearing aids to underserved children and adults who qualify.The Miracle-Ear Foundation’s Gift of Sound hearing aid program helps children and adults with hearing loss gain access to hearing aids.

  • Service Area:Nationwide
  • Type of Medical Equipment: Hearing aids
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? No
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • underserved children and adults
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1The program is designed for people who demonstrate a personal inability to financially provide for their hearing health needs.
  2. 2In order to qualify for our program:a) Applicants must have a hearing loss that requires amplification (hearing aids).b) Applicants must verify there are no other resources available including but not limited to: insurance, state Medicaid program, VA or vocational rehab, state or local programs, and other charity sources.c) Applicant’s total household income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines and demonstrate personal inability to financially provide for hearing health.d) Please visit your local Miracle-Ear center or review the application link below for full eligibility guidelines.
  3. 3There is a supporting documents and application fee ($150 adults only/$0 Children).
  • Sources:

Town of Gorham – Loan Closet

Program Description:

The Town of Gorham, through its Medical Loan Closet and volunteers, loans FREE health aides such as wheelchairs, commodes, beds, walkers, crutches and more to any Gorham resident.

  • Service Area:Town of Gorham
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? n/a
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • any Gorham resident
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1No information found about accepting equipment donations. Check with them.

No Place Like Home – Medical Equipment Loan Closet

Program Description:

The Vision of No Place Like Home is to build an age-friendly community that helps older adults thrive in their homes and neighborhoods, while they remain engaged and valued. 

The Mission of No Place Like Home is to help older adults live in their own homes as long as they wish.We are happy to offer medical equipment loans at no cost for eligible seniors.

  • Service Area:Town of Kennebunk
  • Type of Medical Equipment:  
  • Accepts medical equipment donations? n/a
  • Provides free medical equipment to United States individuals? Yes
  • Audience served:
  • eligible seniors
  • Other Details: 
  1. 1Please call us at ‪(207) 558-2270 to inquire about medical equipment loans.
  • Sources:

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