If you’re looking for free wheelchairs, free mobility scooters, and other free mobility aids in Alabama, we’ve got you covered!
This page is a complete resource for free assistive devices (wheelchairs, scooters, and more) and independent living resources in the state of Alabama.
Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!
Free Wheelchairs & Assistive Devices in Alabama
1. Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities
The Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities is comprised of 36 governor-appointed volunteer members. They promote independence, advocacy, productivity, and inclusion for Alabamians with developmental disabilities. To date, they have given $144k in grants.
2. Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
ADRS is a state agency that is unique in the nation for providing services to children and adults with disabilities through a seamless system of service delivery. STAR, Alabama’s Assistive Technology Act program, is administered through the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services.
Since its inception in 1994, STAR has been and continues to be a resource to provide Alabamians free access to information, referral services, educational programs, and publications in an accessible format on extensive topics related to disability rights, laws/policies, and funding opportunities for assistive technology.
3. Alabama Department of Senior Services
Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) are local aging programs that provide information and services on a range of assistance for older adults and those who care for them. By contacting your local agency, you get access to critical information including:
- Available services in your area
- Mobility assistance programs, meal plans & housing
- Assistance in gaining access to services
- Individual counseling, support groups, and caregiver training
- Respite care
- Supplemental services, on a limited basis
We have 13 Area Agencies on Aging across Alabama to serve the needs of our Seniors, each with an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).
- Alabama Department of Senior Services
- 1.800.243.5463
4. Alabama Department of Transportation
The mission of ALTRANS is to provide mobility, promote well-being, and enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Alabama. ALTRANS – gov funded program for people including elderly and disabled. The providers are funded and supported by Federal, State and Local governments. Services include everything from fixed-route bus routes in large urban centers to demand-response vans in the most rural areas of our State. If you have a doctor’s appointment and no way to get there, ALTRANS can get you there. When you need to pick up a gallon of milk but your car is in the shop, ALTRANS has you covered. Find your county from this directory.
- Alabama Department of Transportation
- 334-740-9358
5. Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs
If you are a veteran with limited mobility, the Alabama Department of VA should be the first source on your list in search of a mobility aid. The primary goal of the VA is to ensure US military veterans and their loved ones receive all the benefits and assistance to which they are entitled according to US and Alabama laws. Veterans with impaired mobility are entitled to assistive devices that would enable them in taking part in everyday life.
- Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs
- Contact form
- 334-242-5077
6. CASA of Madison County
CASA of Madison County is a volunteer program where people join hands to provide services like home modification, ramp building, transportation to necessary medical appointments, installing safety features of grab bars and handrails. They have some other programs like Delivering Nutrition and Weatherization.
- CASA of Madison County
- 256-533-7775
7. Children’s of Alabama
Ranked among the best pediatric medical centers in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, Children’s of Alabama is a participant in the STAR program run by Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services and lend assistive technology resources for 30 days.
- Children’s of Alabama
- 205-638-9645
8. Christmas Charities Year Round (CCYR)
CCYR’s mission is to improve the quality of life year-round for Madison County residents in need by providing services at no cost. They have a ton of programs for people in need such as Clothing Program, Mobile Closet, Furniture, Clothing Recycling, and Operation Believe. Their Waste Not is specifically for people who need assistive technology including mobility aids. This program provides used assistive medical technology that takes the burden off of families who need help regardless of their income or where they live.
- Christmas Charities Year Round
- Contact
- (256) 837-2373
9. Disability Rights & Resources
Disability Rights & Resources is a 501(c)(3) United Way Agency, and receive funding from the Administration on Community Living, City of Birmingham, the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation, the Alabama Department of Senior Services, the Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities. Their mission is to empower people with disabilities to fully participate in the community. They might not be able to award to grant or lend any device but they can certainly point you in the right direction. Both information and referrals are offered over the telephone to people with disabilities, family members, businesses, professionals and the general public.
- Disability Rights & Resources
- 1-205-251-2223
10. Easterseals Central Alabama
CARE project: The Care project helps people acquire no-cost medical equipment that has been refurbished, repaired and sanitized, in order to live, learn, work and play more independently. Things they collect and distribute: Computers and computer equipment, manual and power wheelchairs for adults and children, bedside commodes and shower chairs, hospital beds, personal mobility devices, wheelchair lifts for vehicles, portable wheelchair ramps, geriatric and seat lift chairs, patient lifts, breathing equipment, canes, crutches and walkers, sensory aids, other durable medical equipment.
- Easterseals Central Alabama
- 334-288-0240
11. First United Methodist Church of Brewton
Faith organizations in your area like churches are always a great resource to find assistance. FUNC is such an organization. They help with home modification like building ramps and have built 60 handicap ramps in Brewton and all over the country.
- First United Methodist Church of Brewton
- 251-867-8051
12. Goodwill Easterseals Gulf Coast
Serving 12 counties in the Alabama-Florida Gulf Coast region, Goodwill Easterseals provides programs and services to help individuals and families overcome challenges due to disabilities and other barriers. Their Medical Assistance and Equipment Loan Program provides financial assistance to individuals with disabilities for the purchase of medical supplies, adaptive equipment, devices, environmental modifications, or services which would lead to an improved quality of life and greater independence.
- Goodwill Easterseals Gulf Coast
- (251) 300-6093
13. Independent Living Center of Mobile
The Independent Living Center of Mobile is a not-for-profit organization that seeks to expand opportunities for individuals with disabilities through information and referral, advocacy, peer support, and training. Independent Living Center offers a variety of services to anyone with a disability within a seven-county area of southwest Alabama. It is always a good idea to check with your local agency because they are familiar with all the local organizations. These organizations might have a limited presence but they can help you with mobility aid you need.
- Independent Living Center of Mobile
- 251-460-0301
14. Alabama Lion Sight
Alabama Lion Sight receives all of its funding from the Lions Clubs of Alabama, corporations, foundations, and other generous donors in the community. Thanks to Alabama Lion Sight patients are able to drive and live their lives independently. If you are a senior or taking care of a senior who has limited mobility because of problems with their eyesight, you should contact Alabama Lion Sight. Find out if you are eligible for their services here.
- Alabama Lion Sight
- Barry Elliott
- 800-967-4448
15. Aging and Disability Resource Center
Northwest Alabama Council of Local Governments’ Aging and Disability Resource Center’s purpose is to provide a single point of entry to all publicly funded long-term supports, including those funded by Medicaid, the Older Americans Act, and other state and federal programs and services. If you need a mobility aid, you should contact them to see if you are eligible for a certain program or some existing program can help you with your needs.
- Aging and Disability Resource Center
- Amy Vanderpool Woodis
- 256-389-0528
16. Southern Disability Foundation
Southern Disability Foundation is also a participant in Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services’ STAR program – They program is for individuals with disabilities and their families to borrow money at a low-interest or extended-terms for the purchase of assistive technology, products, or services to maximize the individual’s independence at home, on the job, getting to the job, at play, or in school.
- Southern Disability Foundation
- Kate Wallace
- 1.800.782.7656
17. Spina Bifida Association of Alabama
Spina Bifida Association of Alabama provides financial assistance to assist Alabama families and individuals affected by Spina Bifida purchase medically necessary equipment, supplies and services. They can help you with:
- Medical expenses
- Equipment
- Therapy
- Urological supplies
- Continence products for individuals over the age of 3
- Spina Bifida Association of Alabama
- Jennifer Gray
- 205-417-5330
18. The R.E.A.L Project
The R.E.A.L project aims to put medical and assistive equipment like wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, canes, crutches, and other equipment in use by collecting and distributing them. They will pick up the equipment, repair it, clean it, and provide it to the next person who can’t afford it.
- The R.E.A.L Project
- Jon Lee
- 339-699-7727
19. The Remedy Project
The Remedy Center is a non-profit partnership between the Birmingham Baptist Association and the Alabama Dept. of Rehabilitative Services’ STAR Program. They collect durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, bedside commodes, shower chairs, lifts, powerchairs and distribute them.
- The Remedy Project
- (205) 783-9170
20. The Wave Transit system
Mobility Assistance Program: The Wave Transit System offers ADA Complementary Paratransit Services through its Mobility Assistance Program (MAP) Department. Feel free to contact them if you feel you qualify for the program.
- The Wave Transit system
- Jacklyn Davis
- 251-344-5656
21. West Alabama Regional Commission
The West Alabama Regional Commission (WARC) is one of the 12 regional councils in the State of Alabama. The scope of the commission’s work includes economic and community development, transportation planning, nutrition and assistance programs for the elderly.
- West Alabama Regional Commission
- 205-333-2990
22. Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program
The Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) is part of a nationwide federally mandated protection and advocacy (P&A) system. ADAP answers all calls for technical assistance and information and referrals concerning disability rights issues.
23. ReMedy
The Remedy Center is a unique partnership between the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association and the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services.
Remedy exists to improve the lives of individuals and families who are dealing with temporary or chronic disabilities. This is accomplished through a durable medical equipment loan system that receives donated equipment from those who no longer need it and loans this equipment to those who have a need for it.
In the last 5 years, Remedy has loaned over 2,200 pieces of equipment with a value of more than 1.7 million dollars.
- ReMedy
- (205) 783-9170
24. Southern Disability Foundation
The Southern Disability Foundation offers a low-interest rate loan program to purchase all types of assistive devices, AT like vehicles, powerchairs, lifts, home modifications, hearing aids.
Southern Disability Foundation helps Alabama citizens with physical, mental, intellectual, or emotional obstacles by offering financial loans to purchase needed Assistive Technology devices, products, or services to maximize the individual’s independence.
Through SDM, people with low credit score and pre-existing conditions can also get loans and spend an independent life.
- Southern Disability Foundation
- 334.293.7008
25. UCP Elsie S. Bellows Fund
United Cerebral Palsy is an international nonprofit charitable organization consisting of a network of affiliates. UCP is a leading service provider and advocates for adults and children with disabilities.
The Elsie S. Bellows Fund, operated by the United Cerebral Palsy national office, provides grants for purchasing assistive technology.
The Elsie S. Bellows Fund provides funds to UCP Huntsville to purchase AT equipment on behalf of eligible applicants who are residents of the following Alabama counties: Madison, Morgan, Marshall, Jackson, Limestone and Cullman. Apply here.
- UCP Elsie
- 256-852-5600
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Thank you Maurice for all what you are doing. This is a fantastic website. please i have an organization helping venerable kids and internal displace population in Cameroon Africa. We are up to a project in need of medical equipment’s and other helpful stuffs for to equip the healthcare facility. Do you know of any where we can solicit healthcare equipments for donations? we will be glad to heal back from you. Bless you heart. Thanks.
Sorry for the typos.