If you’re looking for free transportation for seniors in New Hampshire, you’re in the right place!This page is a complete resource for free transportation for the elderly in the state of New Hampshire.Check out the resources below, and if you have a resource to add, please contact us!
Map of Free Transportation for Seniors in New Hampshire
List of Free Transportation for Seniors in New Hampshire
Easter Seals of New Hampshire – Transportation Services
Program Description:
Easterseals NH opened its doors in 1936 as the NH Society for Crippled Children under the leadership of NH’s first orthopedic surgeon Ezra Jones and Crotched Mountain founder Harry Gregg.
At that time, the organization provided services to children out of a small office in Nashua, NH.
For more than 83 years, Easterseals NH has provided exceptional services to ensure we change the way the world defines and views disability by making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day.
As a leader in social services for individuals with disabilities and special needs, Easterseals NH employs more than 1,800 individuals who serve more than 28,000 children, adults and seniors with our 12 core programs throughout the state.Easterseals NH Transportation Services has been a provider of quality transportation since 1980 and is committed to creating transportation solutions that open doors to independence for NH residents.
Transportation Services has developed partnerships with human service and municipal agencies that benefit our community and constantly strives to coordinate and consolidate specialized transportation in the Greater Manchester area.
Transportation Services provides transportation with an operational fleet of more than 60 specially-equipped vehicles and serves over 1,200 individuals annually covering over 1.2 million miles. Transportation Services is certified and licensed by the NH Department of Safety, Health and Human Services, EMS, American Red Cross, National Safety Council, and the New Hampshire Department of Transportation.
- Service Area:New Hampshire
- Transportation Services Provided: Any purpose.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Transportation Services provides door-to-door transportation with passenger assistance available for the frail and isolated elderly, as well as individuals with special needs and disabilities, allowing them to gain greater independence and stay involved in their communities.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Contact: 603.668.8603
- Other Details:
- 1Cost-efficient pricing.
- 2Lift-equipped vans and buses.
- 3Vehicle operators are professionally trained in defensive driving and passenger assistance techniques.
- 4Licensed to provide Medicaid approved wheelchair rehabilitation transportation.
Monadnok RSVP Volunteer Center – Neighbor In Deed Program – Regular On-Going Relationships
Program Description:
Monadnock RSVP volunteers are a part of a national movement of like-minded people who give back to their communities—and have been since 1971!
Today, nearly 400,000 volunteers serve more than 60,000 public and private community agencies across the United States.
The RSVP program is part of the Senior Service Corps and is operated under the direction of the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency.
In 2009, congress passed the Edward M. Kennedy Service America Act (SAA) which detailed many changes to national service programs, including Senior Corps and RSVP. The law not only expanded service opportunities, but also focused national service on key outcomes; built the capacity of individuals, non-profits, and communities; and encouraged innovative approaches to problem solving.
Since 1994 Neighbors-In-Deed has been providing individualized, one-to-one volunteer companionship and assistance with non-medical activities of daily living to seniors age 65 and over and adults with disabilities living at home in Cheshire and Western Hillsborough Counties.
- Service Area:Cheshire and Western Hillsborough Counties.
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, Grocery shopping.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Seniors age 65 and over and adults with disabilities living at home in Cheshire and Western Hillsborough Counties.
- There is no age qualification for veterans and immediate military family members, including widows/widowers.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Contact the Neighbors-In-Deed Coordinator: (603)357-6893
- Other Details:
- 1Services are free of charge.
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services – Medicaid Medical Transportation Program
Program Description:
The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is the largest agency in New Hampshire state government, responsible for the health, safety and well-being of the citizens of New Hampshire.
DHHS provides services for individuals, children, families and seniors, and administers programs and services such as mental health, developmental disability, substance abuse, and public health. This is accomplished through partnerships with families, community groups, private providers, other state and local government entities, and many citizens throughout the State who help make New Hampshire a special place in which to live.
Many programs and services are under the auspices of DHHS because the New Hampshire Legislative and Executive branches have recognized over the years that the majority of people who access Department services have multiple needs that require coordinated assistance from more than one program area. The Department is also charged with administering at the State level many federally enacted health and social service programs.It was more than a century ago when the State first recognized its obligation to support and protect the health and welfare of its citizens.
Since then, the New Hampshire Legislature and Governors have been working with the Department in its efforts to improve the effectiveness, coordination and delivery of the many programs and services that help people across the State meet their needs each and every day.
- Service Area:New Hampshire.
- Transportation Services Provided: Non-Emergency Transportation.
- Eligibility Criteria: How do I get reimbursed for mileage to NH Medicaid Services?
- Enroll in the Family and Friends Mileage Reimbursement Program: You will be paid for your mileage from your home to your Medicaid-covered service and back to your home. If you are unable to drive yourself, family and friends can enroll in the program and you will be paid for mileage to Medicaid-covered services. You must call the transportation vendor in advance of the trip if you want to be reimbursed for mileage. If you are enrolled in Family and Friends Mileage Reimbursement Program, you need to complete a Medicaid Transportation Reimbursement Form for each approved trip.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Forms are available from One Call at 1-833-303-0653 (TDD: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2964). Forms for standing orders and multiple trips to the same Medicaid-covered service are pre-populated and mailed to you when you contact One Call for approval. For one trip to one Medicaid-covered service, you can use the Single Trip Reimbursement Form Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol or have a form mailed to you when you contact One Call for approval. Using the instructions printed on the vendor’s Medicaid Transportation Reimbursement Form, complete the form, and bring it to your medical appointment for the provider to complete. You then need to mail, scan and email, or fax the completed form to the vendor as specified on the form.
- Other Details:
- 1Medicaid Fee-for-Service program recipients are reimbursed by One Call for covered trips made by friends and family members at a per mile rate of $ .41 when you complete the Medicaid Transportation Reimbursement Form and are approved for reimbursement.
- 2Please call at least 48 hours in advance to request a ride. Have your Medicaid ID number, which is on your blue Medicaid card, and appointment information available when you call One Call.
Pelham Senior Center – Senior Bus
Program Description:
We offer a great variety of programs and activities for adults age 50+. In addition to noon lunches Tuesday – Friday for Adults aged 60+; we offer health clinics, exercise classes, trips (day and Multi-day) and educational opportunities.
The Hobbs Community Center has a wonderful thrift store which is run by the Pelham NH Council on Aging, Corp. volunteers. The proceeds of this store go to improving our town’s senior programs at the Hobbs Community Center. Come and visit us today!!
In addition to receiving funding from the Town of Pelham, the Pelham Senior Programs at the Hobbs Community Center also receive funding from the Pelham NH Council on Aging, Corp., area businesses and private donors.
- Service Area:PELHAM, NH
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, grocery shopping, restaurants, local stores, banks and pharmacies etc.
- Eligibility Criteria: How do I get reimbursed for mileage to NH Medicaid Services?
- Pelham senior residents aged 50 years or older.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- For transportation or information, please call the Driver and Transportation Coordinator, Gary at 603-635-3800 ext.2
- Other Details:
- 1The bus is available free of charge for Pelham residents 50 years of age or older.
- 2The bus is available Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 3:00pm. Space is limited.
- 3The Hobbs Community Center Bus is handicapped and wheelchair accessible.
- 4Door to door service is provided for each rider. Personal care attendants can ride the bus.
- 5The bus provides transportation to the Hobbs Community Center–Tuesday thru Friday.
- 6The driver is not allowed to enter the homes of the riders.
- 7There is no assigned seating on the bus. The front seats can be reserved at the descretion of the driver for folks he/she believes needs a seat closer to the door.
- 8On Mondays our bus transports to restaurants, local stores, banks and pharmacies.
- 9This BUS OPERATES ONLY IN THE CITY LIMITS OF PELHAM, NH., except for special outings and shopping trips. Shopping trips are scheduled for Monday.
- 10Reservations will be taken between the hours of 8:30am and 12:00 noon Monday through Friday.
- 11First pick up is 8:45 am and with return trip leaving the Hobbs Community Center appoximately at 1pm.
Ready Rides – Volunteer Senior Transportation
Program Description:
Ready Rides is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that is a community-based effort to help seniors and the disabled get to medical related appointments and other essential services.
Ready Rides serves residents of Barrington, Durham, Lee, Madbury, Newfields, Newmarket, Northwood, Nottingham, and Strafford, New Hampshire USA.Ready Rides is a member of the Alliance for Community Transportation, the Regional Coordination Council for Southeast New Hampshire.
- Service Area:Barrington, Durham, Lee, Madbury, Newfields, Newmarket, Northwood, Nottingham, and Strafford, New Hampshire USA
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments
- Eligibility Criteria: How do I get reimbursed for mileage to NH Medicaid Services?
- 55 or better or unable to drive and live in Barrington, Durham, Lee, Madbury, Newfields, Newmarket, Northwood, Nottingham, and Strafford, New Hampshire USA
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please register to become a Ready Rides client. Passenger Registration Doc
- Submit the form by email or by post.You will then be contacted by Ready Rides to confirm your registration.To request a ride, please call the Trip Link at (603) 834-6010
- Other Details:
- 1Calls can be taken between the hours of 8:00 a.m and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday except holidays.
- 2Please call at least one week in advance to request a ride if at all possible.
- 3A ride request is not a confirmation. Your request will not be confirmed until an available volunteer has signed up to provide you with a ride.
- 4There is no fee for your ride.
- 5Every effort is made to arrange your rides, but, as all drivers are volunteers, we never guarantee a ride.
- 6You should hear from Ready Rides no later than 24 hours before your appointment to confirm your ride or at let you know that we do not have a volunteer driver available.
The Care Givers Inc. – Rides for Healthy Living
Program Description:
The CareGivers was founded in 1984 as a national model program to serve the growing needs of the elderly and disabled populations. As such, we were one of 25 programs across the country that was piloted by a three-year grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Since then, hundreds of programs have spread across the country. Upon the start the Statement of Purpose read, “A volunteer coalition whose purpose is to work with and enable persons who are frail, elderly and/or disabled to maintain their independence and dignity.” The goal was to match community volunteers to assist our neighbors to remain in their homes for as long as possible with their dignity intact.
In April 1998, we merged with CareGivers of Greater Nashua, an organization that has been around since 1993. Over the years, our services have increased dramatically. We have expanded services beyond our core programs to include supplemental programs aimed at enhancing the lives of the frail, elderly and disabled.
Our innovative programs have allowed tens of thousands to remain independent and lead more fulfilled lives. The one thing that has not changed over the years is that caring volunteers have always been at the heart of our programs. In addition to transportation, friendly visits and reassurance calls, the agency currently sponsors many one day service projects and provides free food packages for low income seniors and disabled individuals.
In 2018, The CareGivers became a program of Catholic Charities New Hampshire.
- Service Area:Manchester, NH
- Transportation Services Provided: Physician, dentist, podiatry and therapy appointments among others.
- Eligibility Criteria: During the interview, our Program Coordinator determines if an individual meets certain eligibility criteria. Factors taken into consideration include the following:
- Is the individual elderly or disabled?
- Is she/he unable to utilize public transportation?
- Is he/she on a reasonable fixed income?
- Does he/she have medically intensive needs?
- Can he/she be transported safely by a volunteer with limited medical training?
- Is the client ambulatory (without a wheelchair)?
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Contact: 603-622-4948Becoming a client involves a few simple but necessary steps. The process begins with an intake interview over the phone. This not only allows us to determine the need for service, but also to collect other important information such as emergency contact numbers.Our goal is to determine if our volunteers can safely provide services within the scope of what our agency provides. Determination to provide services is made on a case-by-case basis.Upon completion of the phone interview, an information packet including a client agreement form is mailed. The client is asked to read over the content, sign and return the agreement form to our office. Once the completed paperwork is received, the client can begin scheduling for services with the Program Coordinator. Because services are provided by volunteers, it is necessary to contact the office at least two to three weeks prior to needing assistance.
- Other Details:
- 1Service is provided free of charge.
Town of Antrim and Bennington – Rural Rides
Program Description:
We assist thousands of homebound individuals each year by providing transportation from their homes to their physician’s offices and back home again.
- Service Area:Antrim, Bennington.
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical Appointment.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Antrim and Bennington senior citizens, or for people with no means of transportation.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Contact: Call 1-800-244-2214, extension 120
- Other Details:
- 1Local Rides: Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:00 am – 3:30 pm.(Call no later than noon the day before the ride is needed.)
- 2Long Distance Rides: Available as far away as Keene, Lebanon, Concord, Manchester or Boston. (Call at least 24 hours in advance.)
- 3The service is free of charge.
Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties – Rural Transportation System
Program Description:
The Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc. (CAPBMCI, CAPBM, CAP-BM, BMCAP) is a New Hampshire based 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization.
The agency was established in 1965 under the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act of 1964. Under this Act over twelve hundred Community Action Agencies (CAA) were established nationwide.
The primary mission of the organization is to work with low-income families, the elderly and individuals with disabilities to assist them in their efforts to become or remain financially and socially independent. The Agency accomplished this task by providing a broad array of services that are locally defined, planned and managed.The RTS bus system provides door-to-door transport services through our Senior Centers. The program is for older adults and adults with disabilities who may not be able to access other means of transportation. The vehicles are primarily 18-passenger buses equipped with wheelchair lifts, and they are routed through many different local communities. The RTS bus system is an affordable way for older adults to travel and take part in community life.
- Service Area:Belmont, Bradford, Laconia, Meredith, Tilton, Franklin, Pittsfield, Alton and some towns surrounding these locations.
- Transportation Services Provided: Banks, shops, doctor appointments & more.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Ages Served: 60+ and adults with disabilities.
- Income Guidelines: None.
- Geographic Area: Belknap and Merrimack Counties.
- Program Cost: Donation-based.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- For more information, please call (603) 225-3295.
- Other Details:
- 1RTS Bus System is a demand-response system.
- 2Bus will pick you up and bring you back to your home.
- 324-hour advanced notice is required.
- 4Donation based: $3 per round trip is suggested.
- 5Buses are wheelchair lift-equipped.
- 6Drivers will make every effort to accommodate each participant’s needs, but must consider the needs of all passengers.
Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties – CONCORD SENIOR TRANSIT PROGRAM (CSTP)
Program Description:
The Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc. (CAPBMCI, CAPBM, CAP-BM, BMCAP) is a New Hampshire based 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization.
The agency was established in 1965 under the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act of 1964. Under this Act over twelve hundred Community Action Agencies (CAA) were established nationwide.
The primary mission of the organization is to work with low-income families, the elderly and individuals with disabilities to assist them in their efforts to become or remain financially and socially independent. The Agency accomplished this task by providing a broad array of services that are locally defined, planned and managed.
The Greater Concord Senior Transit Program offers origin to destination transportation for seniors age sixty or older in greater Concord area. All vehicles are wheelchair accessible, and drivers are trained and available to assist seniors with entering and exiting the vehicle.
- Service Area:Greater Concord area.
- Transportation Services Provided: Origin to destination
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Ages Served: 60 years or older.
- Geographic Area: Concord and surrounding towns – Tuesday – Salisbury, Boscawen and Penacook. Thursday – Suncook and Bow
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Contact: 603 225-1989
- Other Details:
- 1Program Cost: $1 each way suggested donation, 10 ride tickets are available.
- 2You may bring a limited amount of grocery bags, luggage or other packages.
- 3You must call 3-5 days in advance to schedule your ride, Monday-Friday.
- 4Drivers can assist with exiting and entering vehicle, but cannot enter a residence or leave the sight of the vehicle.
- 5Please cancel your ride at least 24 hours in advance of pick up time.
Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties – ADA COMPLEMENTARY PARATRANSIT SERVICE
Program Description:
The Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc. (CAPBMCI, CAPBM, CAP-BM, BMCAP) is a New Hampshire based 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization.
The agency was established in 1965 under the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act of 1964. Under this Act over twelve hundred Community Action Agencies (CAA) were established nationwide.
The primary mission of the organization is to work with low-income families, the elderly and individuals with disabilities to assist them in their efforts to become or remain financially and socially independent. The Agency accomplished this task by providing a broad array of services that are locally defined, planned and managed.
The ADA Complementary Paratransit is a transportation service for people with disabilities that prevent them from using the accessible fixed-route buses. This program operates weekdays and offers a shared ride up to ¾ of a mile outside the Concord Area Transit’s fixed route. The buses are equipped with lifts and can secure walkers, wheelchairs, and other mobility devices.
- Service Area:¾ of a mile outside the Concord Area
- Transportation Services Provided: Public Transport.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Ages Served: All ages.
- Other Requirements: Customers must complete an application and be determined eligible to receive assistance.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Contact: 603 225-1989
- Other Details:
- 1There is a one way fare on the ADA Paratransit service of $2.50.
- 2All drivers are trained in passenger assistance.
- 3Participants must call 1-5 business days in advance of ride date.
Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties – VOLUNTEER DRIVER PROGRAM (VDP)
Program Description:
The Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc. (CAPBMCI, CAPBM, CAP-BM, BMCAP) is a New Hampshire based 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization.
The agency was established in 1965 under the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act of 1964. Under this Act over twelve hundred Community Action Agencies (CAA) were established nationwide.
The primary mission of the organization is to work with low-income families, the elderly and individuals with disabilities to assist them in their efforts to become or remain financially and socially independent. The Agency accomplished this task by providing a broad array of services that are locally defined, planned and managed.
The Volunteer Driver Program (VDP) offers door-to-door services, feeder services, and transportation services to elderly or disabled individuals. Drivers can assist in bringing people to medical appointments, shopping, and other errands. The program operates in Belknap and Merrimack Counties excluding Hooksett and including towns of Hillsborough, Windsor, and Deering. The program is always accepting volunteers.
- Service Area:Belknap and Merrimack Counties excluding Hooksett and including towns of Hillsborough, Windsor, and Deering.
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointments, shopping, and other errands.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Ages Served: 60+ years old, or people with disabilities.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Call dispatch for scheduling at 603 225-1989
- Other Details:
- 1Schedule your ride 3-5 business days in advance.
- 2Service hours are; Monday – Friday, 5AM-6PM.
Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties – CONCORD AREA TRANSIT (CAT)
Program Description:
The Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc. (CAPBMCI, CAPBM, CAP-BM, BMCAP) is a New Hampshire based 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization.
The agency was established in 1965 under the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act of 1964. Under this Act over twelve hundred Community Action Agencies (CAA) were established nationwide.
The primary mission of the organization is to work with low-income families, the elderly and individuals with disabilities to assist them in their efforts to become or remain financially and socially independent. The Agency accomplished this task by providing a broad array of services that are locally defined, planned and managed.
Concord Area Transit provides public transportation for the cities of Concord and Penacook. This bus system provides handicap accessible and affordable fixed-route transportation services to the general public.
- Service Area:Concord and Penacook.
- Transportation Services Provided: Public Transport.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Ages Served: All ages.
- Income Guidelines: None.
- Geographic Area: Concord, Penacook.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please contact dispatch by phone at (603)225-1989
- Other Details:
- 1Program Cost: Fare – $1.25, Seniors (60+) $.50, children under 5 (2 per adult) free.
- 2Schedules are available throughout the city, or by calling the number listed.
- 3Busses do not run on weekends and major holidays.
- 4Hours of operation for busses: 6:00am-7:00pm.
- 5Office hours: 8:30am-4:30pm.
Concord Area Transit – Senior Transit Service
Program Description:
Concord Area Transit’s (CAT) mission is to provide safe, accessible, affordable, customer-centered public transportation that responds to and
serves the transit and economic development needs of the City of Concord, its residents, visitors, nonprofit organizations and businesses. Concord Senior Transit (CST) is an origin-to-destination transportation for seniors 60 years and older in the Greater Concord Area (Boscawen, Bow, Concord, Pembroke, Penacook & Salisbury).
The vehicles are wheelchair accessible. Seniors riding the CST can easily access downtown Concord, go shopping, and get to medical appointments and recreational activities.
- Service Area:Greater Concord Area (Boscawen, Bow, Concord, Pembroke, Penacook & Salisbury).
- Transportation Services Provided: Origin-to-destination.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Seniors 60 years and older in the Greater Concord Area.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- To make a reservation for a ride please call the CAT office at (603) 225-1989, (TTY Relay 7-1-1) or for TTY 1-800-735-2964
- Other Details:
- 1Same-day rides are based on availability only.
- 2Call at least 24 hours prior to your ride, Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Calls must be received by 2:30 PM in order to receive service the next day.
- 3The CAT Senior Bus operates Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
- 4The vehicles are wheelchair accessible.
Future In Sight – Volunteer Transportation for Visually Impaired
Program Description:
Future In Sight is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to transforming the lives of those who are blind, visually impaired, and their families.
We provide a range of services in education, rehabilitation, and social services to infants and toddlers, children (3-21,) adults, and seniors. We also partner with medical and eye professionals, healthcare facilities, social service organizations, and state agencies, including the Department of Education and Department of Rehabilitation Services.
We offer our clients a holistic continuum of care that includes counseling, group therapy, occupational therapy, low vision therapy, vision rehabilitation therapy, orientation and mobility training, education services, and technology training.
We also work to educate the public about the advancements in medical care, therapies, treatments, and technology, which can improve life for the growing number of people with vision loss. Services are personalized to meet our clients’ needs — in the home, at work, at school and in the community — and we don’t deny anyone based on their financial ability to pay.
- Service Area:Concord, NH
- Transportation Services Provided: Grocery store, medical and other appointments.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- People with sight loss.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Contact: 603-224-4039.
- Register or Request a Ride Using online forum
- Other Details:
- 1All clients are asked to contribute toward their service at a level they can afford. No one is denied service due to inability to pay.
- 2In most cases, with 7 days advance notice, we can match client’s ride requests with available volunteers to provide that much needed transportation.
Kearsarge Area Council on Aging – Senior Transportation
Program Description:
Our mission is to promote, develop, and reinforce programs that support and enhance the health, well-being, dignity, and independence of older people in the nine towns of the greater Kearsarge area.
Our purpose is to serve the needs and interests of people aged 55 years and older who reside in the towns of Andover, Danbury, Grantham, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, and Wilmot.
The COA transportation program is an all-volunteer run service to our senior neighbors in our nine area communities. We normally drive as far north as Dartmouth-Hitchcock and as far south as Concord Hospital. Volunteer drivers and volunteer schedulers are the backbone of this program.
- Service Area:Towns of Andover, Danbury, Grantham, Newbury, New London, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton and Wilmot.
- Transportation Services Provided: Medical appointment, beauty salon, grocery store etc.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Any resident of our nine-town service area who is 55 years old and older who is undable to drive due to an illness, injury, or disability and who has successfully completed the in-take proces, is eligible to receive drives.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Call 526-6368 to begin the application process.
- Other Details:
- 1No fees are charged for this program, but all are encouraged to contribute to COA at year end.
Community Action Partnership of Strafford County – Senior Transportation
Program Description:
Community Action Partnership of Strafford County is a 501(c)(3) private nonprofit organization established under the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act of 1964 and established in Strafford County in May of 1965.
Without the services provided by our agency for the past 55 years, many local residents would be without a means to provide for their basic needs, including food, education, child care, utilities assistance, transportation, housing, emergency shelter and access to other services. At CAPSC, our mission is to educate, advocate and assist people in Strafford County to help meet their basic needs and promote self-sufficiency.
Senior TransportationFor more than 35 years, the CAPSC Senior Transportation Program has been providing quality transportation services to Strafford County residents, allowing them to maintain independence in their daily lives.
The Senior Transportation Program provides door-to-door, on demand transportation for Strafford County residents aged 60 and over. You can go to grocery stores, shopping plazas and pharmacies in the area.
- Service Area:Strafford County.
- Transportation Services Provided: Grocery stores, shopping plazas and pharmacies in the area.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- Residents of Strafford County aged 60 and older.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Please Contact: (603) 817-8207
- Other Details:
- 1Affordable pricing (a round-trip donation of $2.00 per person is requested).
- 2A lift-equipped bus.
- 3Door-to-door, on demand service.
- 4Professionally trained in defensive driving and passenger assistance, techniques.
- 5Sensitive to the needs of the elderly and individuals with disabilities.
- 6Compliant with Department of Transportation regulations, including drug screening.
- 7There is no bus service on Mondays.
- Tuesday Morning: Dover area residents to Dover stores(Hannaford, Shaw’s, Market Basket, Walmart and Target)
- Tuesday Afternoon: Dover area residents to Dover stores(Hannaford, Shaw’s, Market Basket, Walmart and Target)
- Wednesday Morning: Gonic/Rochester/East Rochester area residents to Rochester stores(Lilac Mall, Market Basket and Walmart)
- Wednesday Afternoon: Dover area residents to Dover stores (Hannaford, Shaw’s, Market Basket, Walmart and Target)
- Thursday Morning: Barrington/Durham area residents to Lee Market Basket shopping center
- Thursday Afternoon: Rochester/East Rochester area to Rochester stores(Lilac Mall, Walmart and Market Basket)
- Friday Morning: Farmington area residents (and portions of Rochester) to Rochester stores(Lilac Mall and Market Basket)
- Friday Afternoon: Rochester and Dover area residents alternate bi-weekly for trips to Newington area stores(Walmart, Fox Run Mall, Kohl’s, Christmas Tree Shops, Shaw’s and Market Basket)
- 8No pricing information available on the website. (Donations encouraged)
Wentworth-Douglas Hospital – Care-Van
Program Description:
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital is a nationally recognized, not-for-profit charitable health care organization located in the Seacoast community of Dover, New Hampshire with a 115-year history of compassionate care and innovation.
Serving its communities since 1906, it is a family of 400 providers and 3,500 employees, including more than 500 nurses, and 200 volunteers dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of residents and visitors to the Seacoast area of New Hampshire and Southern Maine.
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital includes 178-bed Magnet® Recognized hospital, several urgent care and walk-in care facilities, multiple testing centers, 36 Wentworth Health Partners primary care and specialty care provider practices, The Works Health and Fitness Center and the Wentworth-Douglass Foundation.
In 2017, Wentworth-Douglass Hospital joined the Massachusetts General Hospital family and Mass General Brigham system. Wentworth-Douglass is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Care-Van Wentworth-Douglass Hospital Care-Van is a service offered to eligible patients coming to Wentworth-Douglass Hospital for an extended course of treatment, most commonly Cancer treatments, Physical Therapy and Wound Healing treatments.
- Service Area:Dover, Madbury, Somersworth, Rollinsford, Durham, Lee, Barrington, South Berwick, Berwick, Rochester, Newmarket and Eliot.
- Transportation Services Provided: Cancer treatments, Physical Therapy and Wound Healing treatments.
- Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to receive transportation:
- A patient must be unable to provide his or her own transportation and have no other regular, reliable and appropriate means of transportation, either public or private such as by bus, family members or friends.
- Patients must also live in our primary or secondary service areas, which include: Dover, Madbury, Somersworth, Rollinsford, Durham, Lee, Barrington, South Berwick, Berwick, Rochester, Newmarket and Eliot.
- Application Details: TO SIGN UP/SCHEDULE FOR RIDES:
- Hospital staff will make arrangements with the Care-Van for the patient.To contact the Care-Van service, call (603) 740-2520.
- Other Details:
- 1All Care-Van drivers are CPR certified and trained through the National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course.
- 2No pricing information available on the website.